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***Roman (now)***

Virgil slept off to the side and Logan was laying on his lap when the door opened and both immediately jumped to attention as if they hadn't been resting at all.

"Oh my god!" Virgil screamed. Roman looked up and Logan immediately covered his eyes.

" me keep them closed Roman." Logan pulled away and left his side. Roman heard Virgil screaming profanities and then heard Logan crying so he opened his eyes despite Logan's warning and almost immediately regretted doing so. In front of him, his brother was there arms were cut and sloppily bandaged, his hair was soaked and so was his entirely naked body. He looked over exhausted and he wasn't even fighting Virgil as he tended to his wounds properly. Roman walked over slowly and sat down besides his brother.

"They electrocuted him..." Roman pointed at remuss chest where a few circles were and his skin looked like someone used him as an ash tray.

"Oh my fucking god they tortured him!" Tears flowed down Virgils face. "Remus, can you speak to us? Can you hear us at all? Are you aware who you are with?" Remus looked up and at Virgil first, then Logan and then finally at Roman. He started crying.

"I-I can." Remus sat up and immediately pulled Roman into a tight hug. "I'm s-sorry."

"Remus what the hell are you sorry about?" Roman asked as he held his shaking brother.

"I didn't s-stop th-them only de-delayed them." Remus shivered and leaned into Roman even more. "Th-they hate m-me be-because I talk too m-much." Roman started crying as he held his brother.

"Shh it's alright. We've got you." Roman looked at Virgil. "Can you help him?" Virgil sighed.

"I can try my best.." Virgil started wrapping up Remuss wounds with whatever he could find, finally deciding to take his shirt off and use that to wrap the wounds. "I-I did all I could for now." Remus leaned into Roman.

"They hurt Jan..." Remus looked into Roman's eyes. "I wanted to see you but Jan told me not to, and we ran..."

"Janus was right you big idiot." Roman played with his brothers hair. "You should have escaped."

"I know I'm sorry..." Remus played with Roman's ring and Roman sighed.

"I'm going to stop them from hurting you Re." Roman kissed his brother forehead. "I won't stand for this, you are not going to be tortured just because they found you looking for me."

"Roman, you are not sacrificing yourself." Virgil stepped forward and smacked him on the head. "You all better listen up." Virgil gestured to the three of them. "I'm not letting them keep you here, mainly because I know what they are capable of and I'm not sitting by and watching as they fucking take you away from each other."

"Virgil you can't just stay here!" Logan shouted. Roman immediately agreed folding his arms across his chest.

"I agree, no way in hell are we letting you stay here." Virgil groaned.

"You kids are impossible..."

"Get used to it." They all laughed and calmed down enough to sit down and wrap Remus up in some blankets. Remus curled up leaning into Roman and Logan leaned into the couch. A little while later, Virgil looked at Roman.

"You should get some sleep..."

"Not a chance." Roman looked down at Remus. "If they come back for him I want to protect him."

"And you can do so, with proper sleep." Virgil sighed. "Look, I can wake you if they come for any of you. I won't just let them take any of you without some sort of fight. I became a paramedic to save lives I'm not about to lose three because I couldn't fight back against these assholes."

"And we aren't about to let you sacrifice yourself to get our own asses back home." Roman huffed annoyed. "So stop trying to play the hero here. Cause face it, we won't let you."

"Alright I get it, we go down together or we don't go down at all." Roman nodded.

"Exactly, so...what's the plan?"

An so I forgot to put their ages lmao so this will be in case y'all wanna know

Virgil: 26
Logan: 17
Roman: 17
Remus: 17
Janus: 17
Patton: 18

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