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***a year before the kidnapping: Remus POV***

⚠️Trigger warning: Abuse/rape/Attempted suicide⚠️

Remus looked at his phone as tears flowed down his face. He watched that video over and over again. Each time it made him feel even worse. His stomach hurt and he threw up into the toilet. The bathroom door flung open and his eyes widened as he met the angry eyes of his step monster.

"You boys live with me, and Erica. You need to respect our fucking boundries! How could you tell your father about the shit that happens here!?" She stormed over and slammed remuss head into the side of the wall. Remus screamed and backed away from her.

"MOM PLEASE IT WASN'T REMUS!" Roman came running over to the bathroom door. Remus looked up at his brother standing in the doorway. "Please it was m-me! Leave him alone he had a rough night!" His step monster laughed.

"Rough night? Rough night?! This fucking idiot told your father who called the fucking police on Erica and I! You know how embarrassing that was!?" She glared at Remus. "He fucking deserves to be out on the streets."

"Stop!" Roman screamed. Remus shook his head and attempted to get off the bathroom floor.

"Roman...please don't..." his step monster laughed and looked at Roman.

"You shut up." She grabbed his arm tightly and dragged him out of the bathroom. Remus screamed as he watched his brother be dragged somewhere. Tears flowed down his face as he finally got to his feet. He ran.

"RO!?" He screamed as he watched her throw him down the stairs and into the basement. "OH MY GOD!" Remus went to run for him to see if he was okay but his step monster grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall. She locked the basement door and turned to him.

"You two will learn your god damn lesson one way or another." She dragged Remus into the bathroom again. Remus shook his head as she closed the bathroom door and locked it. She walked over and turned on the bath.

"What are you-what are you planning?"

"I'm planning on taking a bath." She hummed. Remus backed up.

"Then why am I....please Roman is hurt you can't leave him down there..." she walked over and he flinched back. She unlocked the door and took the key off her neck.

"I scared you enough. Now get out of my sight." Remus ran for his brother as soon as he could. Once he made it down to the basement he made sure Roman didn't have any issues with his bones (a trick he looked up online in case something were to happen to one of them) and once he saw nothing bad he brought Roman over to the cot in the corner. He sat in the chair besides his brother and started to cry. Were they going to make it out of this?"

***a few months later***

Remus coughed up blood and he laughed as he looked up at the ceiling of the bathroom. The empty pill bottles scattered on the ground. He thought about what led him to this point and tears filled his eyes.

"Your brothers a fucking freak." One of Roman's friends said. Remus looked up and then looked over to where Roman was flirting with a soccer player.

"Why because he's gay?" Remus slammed the book shut and stood up.

"Yeah." He laughed. Remus punched him. Roman stormed over and screamed at him for ten minutes after that. He just wanted to protect his brother! Remus glared and decided fine, he would stop standing up for Roman. Even against his mothers.

Remus groaned as he looked towards the bathroom door. Should he even bother calling for him? Would Roman even reply at this point? He didn't want to actually acknowledge that his attempt was working and he didn't even say goodbye.

"Oh look, it's the freak." Remus placed his stuff down on the bench and continued to get ready for gym ignoring what everyone was saying. He dated one of the most popular guys in school of course the breakup would have been known. Tears flowed down his face just thinking about why he had to break it off with Logan in the first place. Logan caught him doing some voodoo magic to mess with his step monster. People thought he was mental. He thought he was alone so he started to undress when he felt hands running down his chest. He flipped around terrified.

"What the hell!?" He screamed in horror.

"Oh come on, you like it." He was suddenly slammed against the lockers as someone's lips connected with his. Tears flowed down his face as his pants fell to the ground. He wanted to scream but held it back.

"Come on Dale, throw his ass on the ground I wanna see if he can take it." Tears filled remuss eyes as he was harshly thrown to the ground on his stomach. He winced as he felt fingers pumping in and out of him. "Damn he's tight, what you and Logan never fuck?"  He suddenly felt someone inside him and he slammed his eyes shut as they pumped back and forth. Once he finished Remus tried backing away when he was forced on his knees. Someone held his hair as they whipped him around to have a dick in his face.

"Bite it, and we fucking kill you." They forced his mouth open and Remus had tears in his eyes as he was forced to give him a blow job.

"OH MY GOD!" Remus felt humiliated when he heard his brothers panicked voice.

"It's nothing Roman, just having some fun." Remus was ready to vomit. He made eye contact with Logan who was with his brother and Logan immediately screamed covering his mouth in horror.

"You bastards! What the fuck!" Remus didn't even register that the guy was ripped away from him until he heard someone being slammed into the lockers and the weight was finally off his head.  He stood up and walked over to the showers turning it on and sliding down to the ground as tears flowed down his face.

"Remus?" Logan knelt down in front of him. "Can you hear me?" Remus looked at Logan and laughed.

"I see you moved onto my brother. How pathetic." Remus continued to laugh maniacally. "I wish you could see your fucking faces! Oh my god..." Remus stood to his feet shakily. He looked down at his hands and bit his lip as he walked past Logan to get clothes. He threw them on and grabbed all his things. "I'm leaving."

"Remus they hurt you I don't think you should be on your own right now!" Logan grabbed his arm and Remus turned to glare at him.

"Hands off. Or I will slice you to fucking bits right here and right now." Logan pulled away. "Fuck you both." He stormed away angrily. How could his brother do this to him knowing how much Logan means to him? Tears flowed down his face as he looked back at the locker room. His brother found him being raped, and stopped it. But why? After everything...why did Roman protect him? Remus ran home and into the bathroom slamming and locking the door.

Remus heard the bathroom door slam open and he flipped off who he was hoping was his step monster but instead it was Roman.

"RE!?" Roman frantically ran around looking at what he had taken and Remus watched him. He smiled and grabbed his brothers hand attempting to squeeze it.

"I-I'm sorry." He coughed up blood again as tears filled his eyes.

"No! No please Remus please! What the hell were you thinking!? Why did you do this!?" He watched as his brother collapsed and held him in his arms. "I don't want to lose you like this please!" Remus heard the sirens and shook his head.

"Goodbye Ro..." before his vision blurred he saw a paramedic rush into the bathroom. He laughed bitterly. He might actually be saved? But did he deserve to be?

"You are such a psycho bitch!" Remus shouted at his step monster as she threw Roman into the basement yet again.

"Want to say that again?" She slapped him and he collapsed to the ground. He looked up at her in anger.

"Moms dead because of you! Do you really think I'm going to just allow you to take my brother from me too!?" She slammed him into the wall.

"Do not blame her death on me!" She growled. The door opened and her boyfriend walked into the house. He took one look at what was happening and laughed.

"He piss you off again?" He walked over and kissed her.

"He blames me for his mothers death." She walked away and Remus looked towards the basement that was still locked. It would get cold down there and Roman could die if Remus didn't check on him. He looked at his step monsters boyfriend and then back at the door.

"Remus, go to your room now." Remus folded his arms across his chest.

"Why the hell should I even bother listening to you?" He glared. "You are just the step bitches boy toy."

"Get. To. Your. Room. Now." He grabbed Remus by the hair and dragged him to the room. Remus flinched as he was thrown into the room. He sat up.

"If you two want to hurt someone, hurt me. Leave Roman out of this." He laughed and left the room locking the door. Remus started crying. Fuck.

He opened his eyes and he was in a hospital room. Remus looked at the wires attached to his arms and he groaned as he looked towards the door.

"Glad you survived." Remus looked over and saw a paramedic he recognized as the kid from the news years ago.

"You don't even look older." Remus mumbled. "How the shit did you even make it this far without killing yourself?" The paramedic laughed.

"Jeez kid." He laughed. "Dark much?"

"I'm being serious." The paramedic sighed.

"My names Virgil." He held his hand out and Remus shook it. "And I'm still alive because I don't let what those sick fucks did to me get in my head most days."

"Most days?" Remus sat up and drank some water.

"Damn you are nosy." He laughed and started chatting with Remus about his life. Remus cutting in every now and then just to annoy him. Virgil smiled and walked to the door after a few hours. "I'm glad you woke up."

"I'm starting to be glad I did too, thank you virgil for that talk. I promise you I will never do this again. You are strong and you have been through hell so I will hold on for you." Virgil chuckled as he turned to the door.

"I'm holding you to that kid. If I hear from that brother of yours that you tried again, I'm going to be sad you broke our promise." He waved goodbye to Remus as he walked out. Remus raised his brow when he saw his phone on the nightstand with his charger and a note taped to it.

I'm giving this to you even though you aren't supposed to have it, the paramedic said he'd give it to you if he thinks you are stable enough to have it. I can't see you because mom won't let me...but I hope you are able to read this note and that you know I saved your life because I actually care about you Re, and I'm sorry I didn't do anything to help you

Remus placed the note down and looked towards the door. He pulled up Roman's contact and texted him.

Thank you Ro

AN sorry this chapter was pretty short and simple but I figured I'd try to at least update since I haven't been writing much lately and I'm off for an entire week due to an injury so here we go!

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