Chapter 11 - Maverick

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Chapter 11: Maverick

Palace of the Equinox Throne: Kingdom of Delos

Maverick was feeling far more uneasy at court now that he had sent his most trusted ally away. He had others, of course. Aditya and Zephyr and Delphi, he would trust with his life just as well, but there was something about the calming presence of the silent Neva that he missed whenever she was absent.

She had been surprised by his orders, questioning why he would send her to their new allies, maintaining that, if war was coming, surely it would come from the south. It would. But war was not the only thing that Maverick was concerned about at present. Delos needed to know just who they were allying themselves with. The Idorian King had left his country in the stewardship of a common soldier rather than his own heir. The oddity of such a choice was enough to warrant Maverick deciding he needed to learn more of this man calling him the Chaos. And he knew no one better to get answers for him than Neva.

She left the very evening that he sent her. Idoria's king left the next when a messenger had arrived from his kingdom and alerted the entirety of the gathered court about a situation in which representatives of his country had burned a Karilish embassy to the ground, sentencing everyone inside to grave, fiery deaths. The Idorian king hid his reaction well but Maverick could see the surprise in his eyes all the same and wondered if he would be hearing the true story from Neva any day now.

Despite the fact that the king of Idoria had seemed to both arrive and depart amidst scandal, Helios had not budged in his declaration that Orion should marry the Princess Seraphina and Maverick's constant attempts to question him had been met only with angry dismissal. Desperate to avoid binding his country to one in as precarious a state as Idoria, Maverick only had one other option.

Straightening his lapel and clearing his throat, he knocked once on his half-brother's door. Orion answered a moment later. Shirtless, goblet in hand, lips stained wine red, he grimaced at Maverick as he stood in the threshold.

"What do you want?" He spat. Maverick silently reminded himself to stay patient. Things had always been tense between the two brothers but it was important that Orion listened to him now.

"Can't a man visit his brother without needing something in return?" Maverick asked innocently, spreading his hands in a warm, welcoming gesture and giving his half-brother a smile. Orion's brow furrowed and he frowned but he opened the door wider as he turned away and headed back for the decanter and more wine.

"Not usually," he grunted. Maverick took the unspoken invitation and entered. "Do you want some? Father ordered ten barrels of it for my betrothal."

"No, thank you."

For a moment, it was quiet. Both boys just stared at each other in uncomfortable silence. Then Orion sighed and leaned back against the table holding the decanter.

"Well, if you're not here because you want something, why are you here?" He asked.

"Seraphina," Maverick replied and Orion smiled.

"She's a pretty one, isn't she?"


"Not very bright but none of them are, you know. Princesses."

"I don't—"

"But what about her? You jealous?"

The very idea of Maverick's envy had Orion smiling like a kid on Christmas Day.

"No," Maverick answered. "I'm concerned. Orion, you don't even know her. You don't love her. Aren't you worried that perhaps your fathers are rushing you into an arrangement that isn't what's best for everyone involved?"

"I'm a prince," Orion told him, raising a brow as if it was obvious. "Heir to a kingdom, Maverick. I've never had a hope of deciding who I'm to marry. Seraphina's pretty enough. A bit dull, like I said, but that's why kings recruit other women for their entertainment. You should know that. Your mom being one of the whores and all."

Maverick bit his lip, hard, to keep from losing his patience. He tasted blood but ignored it as he continued.

"She isn't dull," Maverick said. "She's dangerous. She's a religious fanatic. A zealot."

Orion chuckled at that.

"Dangerous," Orion repeated as if it was the most humorous thing in the world. "The little princess. Can you imagine?"

"Orion, I've tried to talk some sense into father but he won't hear it from me. Only you can help him see reason. If you were to—"

"Do you know what I think, Mav? I think you are jealous."


"I think you want the princess for yourself. That's why you're here to talk me out of marrying her. Well, it isn't going to work. I'm not an idiot, brother."

Orion sneered at the last word and Maverick just sighed, shaking his head. This was hopeless. How had he ever thought this would work?

"Forget it, Orion," Maverick spat, heading for the door. "Enjoy your loveless marriage and your fallen kingdom."

Maverick wrenched open the door and stormed outside, fuming at the opacity of his half-brother. Zephyr, who had been waiting on the other side of the door, frowned at his approach.

"No luck?" Zephyr asked.

"You have news?" Maverick grunted, too furious to say anything more.

"A strange Duke has arrived and thrown the whole court into a frenzy."

"I have no interest in petty court gossip, Zephyr. I have a country to attempt to salvage from the grips of Idoria so if you don't mind—"

"Your mother showed a particular interest in his appearance."

Maverick stopped walking, turning to face Zephyr with furrowed brows.

"My mother," he repeated and Zephyr nodded. "Take me there."

Zephyr led him on to the throne room where King Helios was holding court. Maverick and Zephyr stayed in the back, watching as his father ruled on matters of livestock and trade until a tall man with dark skin stepped forward and the room burst into whispers. Maverick tried to hear what the women nearest him were saying but became immediately distracted by the far more interesting sight of his parents. His father, the king, remained on his throne but glared down at the newcomer with all the hatred in the world. Maverick had never seen such a look before. Not even directed at him. His mother's reaction was even more intriguing. She leaned forward, practically on the edge of her seat, clutching her necklace and staring with wide eyes as if pleading with the man to flee or beg or whatever else might save his life from the fury of Helios Aphelion.

"How dare you come here," the King growled ferociously.

To his credit, the Duke did not flinch.

"How dare you defile my father's halls with your presence," the King spat.

"I requested a private meeting, Helios. But I was denied."

A few gasps arose at the use of my father's first name rather than his title. My own lips parted in surprise at the informality.

"For good reason," the King answered, even more furious than before. "You are not welcome here, Kael."

"I am here on behalf of my people. I was their ambassador long ago."

"A title which was stripped from you. Along with all others."

"My dukedom remains intact."

"Thanks to the tyrannical efforts of your late father."

Both men glared at one another. Maverick could not remember a time in which he had seen so much hatred coexist between two people. It was almost tangible, as

if he could reach out and touch it.

"Vidurans are worried about war," the Duke named Kael spoke.

"It is none of the Vidurans' business," the King growled back.

"What happens on the continent affects the islands as well. We have as much right to know what is happening here as anyone."

"Is that where you've been hiding? Vidur?"

Kael frowned.

"We have received an order from the King of Idoria to hand over all enchanters, you call them Sahir, to be turned into Makana, to be enlisted in Idoria's own fighting force for the war to come," Kael spoke.

The King's hatred faded for the first time in surprise at the news.

"He has demanded your Sahir," the King repeated.

"Yes," Kael nodded. "Along with the refugees we have taken in from Karil."

Whispers arose within the crowd again, this time for a much different reason. Idoria was demanding Sahir from the outlying territories, turning them into soldiers, weapons. Such recruitment without notification to your closest ally was trouble. Could this effort to bolster their army, to take the strong and leave the weak, have consequences outside of their war with the Karilish? Could Idoria's religious ideals be no more than a jumping off point for a large scale invasion the likes of which our world had never seen?

"Find the Duke some rooms," the King ordered and Maverick watched as his mother visibly relaxed. What, had she thought her lover might take the man's head right then and there? Who was this man?

Maverick followed the crowd out of the throne room as they were dismissed. It seemed that the king's latest petitioner had given him and his council much to discuss. A conversation which would not be open for observation.

Maverick had just begun to ask Zephyr if he knew anything more about the Duke once they were far enough out of earshot from the others when Delphi came running up to them. Her eyes were ringed red and her hair was unbound, flowing behind her as she ran forward.

"She's coming!" She was shouting so loudly that some of the members of court were turning to look at her. "She's coming, Maverick."

She lowered her voice as she approached, wide eyes flitting from Maverick to Zephyr and back.

She was practically buzzing with excitement when she told him, "She's close."

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