Chapter 3

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   The castle is filled with commotion as servants get ready for the first few guests to arrive. Aura sighs as she walks through the halls, her hair with flaming red strips pulled into a dutch braid. She pushes open the door to her father's office and says "We have four hours before the first ship arrives at the port and you didn't bother to inform me they were coming until today?" She crosses her arms, her eyes narrowed at her father.

   "Well look at your dress! That looks lovely on you. And I didn't tell you to keep you from worrying." The King leans forward, propping his elbows on his desk.

   "I must get ready to greet them then. I will meet with you later tonight after supper." She leaves the room swiftly. 


   Aura walks to her room and sits down at her vanity with a sigh. 

   "You seem very gloomy for such a bright morning." Jarred sits on her bed. Aura sighs and buried her face in her hands.

   "I was just told this morning that one of our guests are arriving along with their whole entourage. Gloomy does not even describe how mad and stressed I am." She stands up and starts going through her closet for a light cover-up seeing as she will be on the docks in the freezing wind. The princess pulls out a black leather jacket and slips it on, glancing in the mirror to check if it matches her dark red dress and black boots.

   "Well your ride is outside and I'm coming with you just a warning." Jarred gets up and holds out an arm to escort her to the carriage outside. Aura loops her arm in his and gives him a small smile.

   "Thanks, cousin. Now let's go greet our first guests."


   Dylan steps off the boat with a small smile, enjoying the comfort of solid ground. He looks around the bustling port. "Not much unlike the homeland huh?" Fennik steps out and stands beside him, arms crossed with a smirk. Dylan chuckles at his friend.

   "Don't get any ideas Fennik. I won't be cleaning up your messes." They start walking through the port before they're stopped by a crowd blocking their way. 

   "Make way!" The call rings through the loud port and everyone goes silent. The crowd parts to reveal a guard in metal plated armor. He turns to the side to reveal Aura in a crimson dress and leather jacket.

   The princess smirks and says "of all the people to be greeting, I didn't imagine it would be you. Good to see you, prince Dylan."

   Dylan chuckles and nods. "Couldn't miss it, princess Aura. Well, let me introduce you to my best friend Fennik."

   "Lovely to meet you, princess." Fennik bows dramatically. Aura chuckles and rolls her eyes.

   "A jokester I see. Well, I understand our fathers have much business to discuss so there is a separate carriage that will be going straight to the castle for him. If you two don't mind following me, we will be taking a little tour where you can ask me any questions you would like. Jarred will be on his horse to escort us for safety purposes." 

   She leads them to the carriage and Jarred opens the door for them before closing it and hopping on his own horse. They start off and Kennedy smiles. "So Dylan, has any girl caught your eye yet? I know that you have already had your birthday as you're a few months older than I."

   "No, most of them just fall at my feet or just want to marry for money. I'm looking for a girl who isn't afraid to stand up for herself or others but is still kind and caring. A lot to ask but she's out there." He gives her a smile back.

   Fennik elbows Dylan and says "this man here insists you two are friends from your younger days."

   "Well it is true, he was there the day the incident happened. But we had many other days we would play and run through the castle without a care in the world." The girl grabs a piece of paper off her seat and fingers the edge of it nervously. "Which reminds me, I have a list of guests, most I do not know. Assuming you have traveled much more than I, you would be able to name these people and explain who they are in nature. If you are willing to help."

   Dylan takes the paper and says "wow, quite a few princes are coming to meet you. If you will meet in the library tomorrow morning, I would be able to give a full explanation." Aura nods and Dylan folds up the paper, tucking it in his pocket.


   "So any questions?" Aura folds her hands in her lap after reciting the history of her country and her family. Dylan shakes his head no while Fennik very enthusiastically shakes his head yes. The princess giggles and nods.

   "Okay, so how does the Pheonix blood work for you? Can you control fire? Are you able to come back to life?" 

   Aura smiles and says "I can't come back to life, that's a myth about Pheonixes in general. I can control fire if I wish but it's a secret so don't tell anyone. And I'm going to leave the rest for you to figure out yourself." She sits back and holds one hand out, demonstrating by creating a whisp of fire before snuffing it out by closing her hand. 

   Fennik's jaw drops. "That's amazing. Dylan can make ice in his hand though he doesn't do it often. Oh and one last question, why are your eyes amber colored?"

"Oh, that.." her eyes flash with mild anger, red flashing like flames. "My father requires me to have my eyes like this always, despite my reasoning with him."

   Dylan frowns and looks out the window. No wonder she has been locked in her castle walls all of her life, she even has to hide even her eye color from everyone.

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