One Last Portal

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The last words Tad gave Marco were now glued to his psyche.  Back at Lava Lake Beach, those words were all that kept him company looking at the Mewman equivalent of a sunset his eyes have grow used to seeing.

"You're right, you're the expert.  How you're making yourself miserable hanging around star."

"Dude, you have DIMENSIONAL SCISSORS!  You could be knocking back soda pops and crushing pizzas in any dimension!  And you choose to live with your unavailable crush?  When it comes to making yourself miserable, you are the master bro."


Let this be where the writing begins, where the story ends.  Everything.  One thing was right, I am the master of making myself miserable.

Marco was in his room on Mewni, leaning out the window as the wind played with his semi-long brown hair, making his matching golden eyes squint.  For the past few days during the downtime between the escapades him, Star, and Ponyhead took part in; he really let those words sink in.

For the first time in forever he had taken what he was told to heart, and began acting on it.  A door opened behind him and closed, assuming it was Star that grabbed something from his room and left.  The young Butterfly will be queen soon, the thought weighing on him, as the spiral of former-denial-now-sadness began.  He silently observed the scenery of this dimension before going into his closet grabbing a duffel bag.

From the hangers containing his hoodies, he grabbed each one throwing them in the bag, repeating the process with the rest of his clothes, leaving his closet and drawers opened.

Even though everything back on Earth in his room would be the same, he wanted his room to look like it had been ransacked.  Which it did after a few more minutes of digging through every part of it.  At the end of the destruction, he had two duffel bags filled to the brim with all his memorabilia.  One way or another, he wanted every part of him to be erased from the Butterfly family.  He took his hoodie and gray shirt off, tying them around the straps of the first bag, swapping them for a matching black shirt and hoodie, the latter having holes in the sleeves, and the pockets stitching that was undone from years of use.

The few things that remained intact was the hoodie and the zipper.  On the left was a black and white rose with red splotches and on the back was the phrase La estrella quemada - The Burnt Star.  It was a gift from Janna of all people a few years ago for his Birthday, she knew it would serve a good purpose.  Little did she know today would be the day.

The second duffel bag he filled with pictures of him and star.  There were others that didn't fit in the bag, he proceeded to smash the frames and arrange the pictures in a manner on the floor that would give a clear message to whoever found it.  Before he left his room, he grabbed his last pack of matches and fluid, stuffing them in his pockets.

He walked into the hall, passing by members of the royal guard and into the throne room where Queen Butterfly, King River Butterfly, and several other guards were present.  Marco walked past them as they addressed him, ignoring them, taking in the sunlight the passed through the skylights.

Marco turned around, looking at them with a depressed expression but tried keeping a normal facade.  Star was next to come into the throne room, walking down the steps cheerily.  Her face changed to confused and concerned the second she saw him.  It was the first time she'd seen him dressed in different attire, let alone depressive looking.  He was always there for her, she was there for him.  But neither could support one another this time.  The decision has been made, unknown to star, "The Safe Kid" broke his persona for the first and final time, which would surely be looked at as being a jerk.

Star pushed past the guards as she repeatedly asked Marco what was happening to him, how he was feeling.  He scoffed that she couldn't see the most obvious event in-front of her eyes.

He threw his bags on the ground, one after the other, leaving those present in a suspenseful state.

The bottle of fuel was revealed from his pocket, coating the bags in it and tossing the bottle on it when it seemed it was all but depleted.

King and Queen Butterfly were taken aback at the out-of-the-blue actions the once kind, caring young man was.

The matches were next to be used in his departure, he struck one as it light perfectly.  Star screamed at the top of her lungs, asking Marco what he was doing.  Before she could stop him, the bags were light ablaze as he took out one last item from his pockets.

His dimensional scissors were held in plain view for all to see as he turned around opening a portal back to Echo Creek.  Not before opening them up completely, summoning the strength in his hands to break them apart, smashing them as a piece of the blade tore a hole in the arm of the hoodie, piercing skin.

Star at this point was completely in tears, begging him to talk to her.  He ignored her protests as he walked through, hearing her inhale deeply as she read what was printed on the back of his hoodie.

The portal closed with Star running desperately to him, eyes blurred from the tears.

The portal closed as the fire was quickly snuffed, but the damage was done.  All his clothes were charred, and ignoring the new blisters on her hands, Star unzipped the bag and found the pictures were nothing but ash.

Star was shocked, appaled and saddened all at once by the sudden out of character actions they'd just witnessed. All she could do was hold the destroyed bags against her, tears began flowing from her eyes as she looked into the first bag and saw the former-dirty, now clean hoodie she stole was reduced to nothing but charred remains.

All she could do was push through the pain in her hands, taking them with her as a crash was heard upstairs.  Star kicked open the door, finding Marco's room in a destroyed state, her heart stopping seeing the smashed picture frames, then her eyes dashed to the other burning pictures that formed the phrase "Master Of Misery."

She did what she could with extinguishing it, the photos being burned beyond saving. The crash from earlier replayed in her head as she walked back into the hall seeing one of the Royal Guard dead with a stab wound in her throat.  She saw a dresser of his was knocked over, and her room was untouched, safe for the one open drawer.

Her dimensional scissors were gone.

Being found later outside his room in the courtyard smashed in the same manor as his.

Needless to say, King and Queen Butterfly were completely outraged and appalled by Marco's actions, demanding answers from her.  If she hurt him, if they had a fight, if something happened between then.  Star had nothing to offer them, neither did Ponyhead or Tom when they were questioned.  Last one to be asked was Kelly, who unfortunately for the Butterfly's had the answer they seeked.

The two walked out of the throne room, not before Star grabbed his destroyed scissors, Her tears hitting the blades.

"Star, about Marco....I know what happened.  Between him and Tad, I knew what they talked about."

Star was shocked and simply yelled at her, asking why she didn't say anything.

The thing that gave him away was the tone in his voice.  Star became infuriated that one of her best friends didn't tell her such a crucial thing about him.

Her only reply was she didn't want to ruin the moment Star and Tom shared after they all left Lava Lake.

Star retaliated by saying she would've gladly had that moment destroyed if it meant helping out her friend in his time of crisis.  She hugged Kelly tightly, saying how empty her life will be without him, and what effects that terrible last memory will have.  All she kept asking as she cried into her shoulder was "why."

She assumed Marco finally snapped.

He's now marked as an outlaw on
Mewni, wanted for murder.

Protests proclaiming his innocence from the young Butterfly were ignored, and rebelling her Mother's wish, she memorialized his broken scissors and the remaining charred bits of him that were left.

She promised herself that in the unlikely event he came back, she would make everything right with Marco.

This was the day, Butterfly witnessed a Broken Dimension.

"Forever In My Soul, You Beat At Rest" Read the makeshift dedication

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