Year 1 ; Part 5

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Hermione's P.O.V
Time Skip (they're in the middle of term now)
I woke up and went down to the great hall for breakfast. I always did this because me and Draco agreed that everyday we would meet at the great hall at 8 o clock and we took turns everyday sitting at each other's  house tables.

I didn't really like sitting at the Slytherin table because all of the Slytherins looked at me as if I was something at the bottom of their shoe. But I got to talk to Draco everyday, so I didn't complain.

I finished eating, said bye to Draco and walked back to the Gryffindor table then sat with Harry and Ron. They looked at me as if I was mad.

"Oh come on! He's really nice!"

"Are you cra-" Ron began.

"He can be a bit..."

"Of an idiot!" Harry said.

"But he's really nice most of the time! When I was in the girls toilet crying before you saved me from the troll he actually came into the girls bathrooms to comfort me! It was really funny, he had his hands over his eyes and-"

"He's still a git!"
And me and Ron argued until Harry said,

"Stop! Or I'll make you hug it out!"

We went silent after that.

"I'm going to-"

"Talk to Draco." Harry and Ron finishes simultaneously.

I walked back to the Slytherin table and Draco came with me. We went outside and walked around the grounds talking.

"I feel like we don't hang out as much." Draco said.

"I'm sorry it's just Harry and Ron-"

"Just ignore them."

"I'm trying to but sometimes it's hard to. But at least we're hanging out right now."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Come to the Gryffindor common room during our break after first lesson, the password is Caput Draconis."

"Ok, I will."

"I have potions with you so we'll see eachother there." I said

"Ok let's go." He replied

We walked to potions and sat down next to eachother while Harry and Ron gave me the death stare. I rolled my eyes at them and mouthed

"He's nice!"
Then turned around again.
We had to work in partners so I made the potion with Draco. Snape looked at Draco weirdly and Draco said

"She's good at potions."
I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'll go get the ingredients." I said and went to get everything.

I came back to the table and we finished making the potion. It was perfect so we knew we would get top marks. I went to pick up the ladle but Draco tried to too so my hand was on top of his but I quickly put my hand back and smiled at him awkwardly. He gave the potion to Snape and Snape said we would get our marks next potions lesson.

Draco's P.O.V:
I woke up and went upstairs to the great hall to see Hermione.

We always took turns sitting at each others house tables. It was her turn to sit at the Slytherin table today which I was quite happy about because I didn't like sitting at the Gryffindor table.

Potter and Weasley threw me dirty looks any time I started talking. The only problem with Hermione was that she had made friends with really annoying people.

She sat next to me and looked quite uncomfortable which was understandable because since she was Muggle-born the Slytherins thought of her as something you would find in a bin.

She said bye to me and went to the Gryffindor table then sat down with Potter and Weasley.

I really wished she stayed or at least didn't make friends with them but they started talking and Potter and Weasley kept looking at me and scowling. They were probably telling Hermione to stop talking to me but she wouldn't listen. Or I hope she wouldn't.

Weasley and Hermione started arguing and then fell silent at something Harry said.

She walked back to the Slytherin table and I went on a walk with her around the grounds.

"I feel like we don't hang out as much." I said, realising after I sounded really clingy.

"I'm sorry it's just Harry and Ron-"
So I was right before. They were telling her not to talk to me.

"Just ignore them." I said.

"I'm trying to but sometimes it's hard to. But at least we're hanging out right now." She said. I was slightly disappointed but I didn't want to show it.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Come to the Gryffindor common room during our break after first lesson, the password is Caput Draconis." She said.

I was happy but the Gryffindors would probably kick me out. Then I realised that it was pretty sunny outside and the Gryffindors would spend their break in the grounds.
"Ok, I will." I said smiling to myself.

"I have potions with you so we'll see eachother there." She said.

"Ok let's go." I replied

We walked to potions and sat down next to each other. Hermione looked behind us, mouthed something to Potter and Weasley then turned back around.

We had to work in partners so I made the potion with Hermione. Snape looked at me weirdly and I said

"She's good at potions."
She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'll go get the ingredients." Hermione said and she went to get everything.

She came back to the table and we finished making the potion. It was perfect so we knew we would get top marks. Hermione went to pick up the ladle but I tried at the same time so her hand was on top of mine but she quickly put my hand back and she smiled at me awkwardly. I gave the potion to Snape and Snape said we would get our marks next potions lesson.

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