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LOOKIE there


It's so rare in this book


Contest entry for ArtemistheNightwing , their called Laughers, and this is their king, his name is unknown so everyone calls him the King of Jackals. They like eYeLiNeR and their latterly made of madness, like, they have no guts, it's all a physical manifestation of craziness.

Most babs mouths are sewn shut at birth so it doesn't get out, but this guy, being the king, can control it. The spines on their backs glow when their angry, and they have a language using tail and paw movements since they can't speak.

Each one had a different symbol on their shoulder and sometimes the madness rips through a little, so they sew it up and little bits of it wisp out. Each one had a symbol that wards off evil spirits that hovers above their tail. And the stronger ones can have wings appear on their back, and if their really strong, near the end of their tail too (there's two sets on the back like a dragonfly) and the wings can come and go as the Laughers wish.

If there's anything else that needs to be added please let me know!

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