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Sorry for not updating, I was just being lazy and I didn't feel like updating it, I was just looking at it like "uhnnnnnnn do I HAVE to?"

But I did it! Hurray me!

Above is Lion, he is incorporated in the getting kidnapped by Nightwings story, but he was not kidnapped himself.
Name - Lion
Backstory - His parents were overprotective of him as a dragonet and very loyal to Queen Scarlet, Lion however did not agree with this, he developed an opinion as soon as he was old enough to have one, and left the Sky Kingdom to wait out Queen Scarlets reign and hopefully come back with a better queen, but he couldn't find a place to stay, all the tribes turned him away without a chance, except for Flare, she was kind to him and secured him a place to live on Sandwing territory, after a while, Lion fell in love with her, he couldn't help it...but one day, when he was going to confess to her how he really loved her, as more then a friend, she came back with a lively smile on her face and dreamy eyes. "There's a Sand-Rainwing in camp named Raindrop that my father convinced the others to take in! He's the kindest and sweetest dragon I've ever met, oh Lion, I think I'm in love!" Those words crushed and confused Lion, but he stayed loyal to Flare, always loyal...

When Flare was being captured, Lion tried to save her, but there were too many Nightwings, all he got was the necklace...that he managed to get to Flare before they took her away, when Flare got back and Lion saw what happened to her...he blamed himself, he didn't eat or drink for days before Flare convinced him that it ain't his fault, but when she wasn't looking, he punished himself one last time by ripping out three of the claws on his back left foot. It healed, but they never grew back.


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