❝You Can Just Say It Again❞

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Yuta and Taeyong were seated across from each other at the dining room table. Jonghyun sat next to Yuta, while Haeun was next to Taeyong. A few other people had cautiously filtered into the room to see what was going on, or hid behind the door frames.

   "What's gotten into you both?" Haeun asked the boys as they sent glares filled with daggers at each other.

   Taeyong leaned against the back of his chair, blood forming from a small cut on his jaw. "Yeah, I would also like to know what's wrong with the all loved Osaka prince. What really happened to you when you used to live there?" Taeyong narrowed his eyes while cocking his head to the side. "Why do you always push it away?"

   Yuta abruptly scooted out his chair to jump up, but Jaehyun and Jonghyun sat him back down. "And what about you, huh?" Yuta shot back. "Under all your cold looks and tough guy act, I bet there's a broken boy inside of you. One still torn up about your parent's divorce!"

   "Enough!" Haeun shouted. It was the angriest the group had ever seen her. Yuta slumped back in his chair and looked away. "Go get yourselves cleaned up, then come back here and I will tell you both your punishments for breaking one of the biggest rules of this support group, which I'm sure you read when you were signed up for this."

   Yuta was the first to get up. He pushed his chair in with a great force, causing it to knock into the table. He marched down the hall to turn into a small bathroom. Yuta leaned against the sink and looked into the mirror. A line of blood trickled from his nose and was starting to dry to a dark maroon color. He also had a cut on his temple which caused him to notice the pounding in his head. Yuta cursed under his breath and looked down at the sink to turn on the faucet. Though, someone redirected his face to look at them.

   Youngchu held a damp washcloth in her hands and started to gently wipe the blood. She didn't speak, only mended to his wounds.

   A smirk slowly surfaced on Yuta's face. "Is someone developing a soft side for me?"

   "Shut up before I walk away," she bluntly replied. "What was the point of getting into a fight with Taeyong anyway?"

   "Because he deserved it," Yuta scoffed. "I'm not going to stand ar(w)ound and l(w)et someone talk shit about me." Yuta's words jumbled while his r's and l's started to sound like w's.

   Youngchu raised an eyebrow and paused from cleaning Yuta's face while Yuta turn away, cursing and becoming very frustrated.

   "Awound?" Youngchu repeated. "Wet?" She then burst into a fit of laughter. "Why are you talking like a baby?"

   "Stop!" Yuta brushed his hair back in frustration.

   "I mean, you can just say it again."

   Yuta looked at her, tge tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink from embarrassment. "No, I can't"

   Youngchu went back to a more serious expression, setting down the washcloth. "Why not?"

   "You don't understand," his words started to level out again as he calmed down and breathed normally. "It has to do with my background in Osaka."

   "Well, I'm not letting you out of this bathroom until you tell me what happened to you." Youngchu closed the door and leaned against it, crossing her arms.

   "Oh, ChuChu, if you wanted us to have a little privacy, why didn't you just say so?" Yuta let his mischievous expression surface yet again.

   "Are you asking for more injuries?"

   "Fine. Back in Osaka, I was just this scrawny and nerdy kid. No one hung out with me because I was different, and who wants to hang out with the school's prey? The one all the bullies would always pick on? My parents were fed up with seeing their son come home crying. They signed me up for speech therapy to take care of my speech impediment. At the same time, my dad's company was bought out by one here in Korea. It was a chance for me to start over."

   Youngchu nodded understandingly. "So now when you get a little overdramatic, it comes back out?"

   "Overdramatic? I would just say emotional." Yuta looked back in the mirror to see that the blood had all been wiped away. A few places on his face indicated that there will be bruises the next day. "Thanks, Youngchu."

   "Wow, the Osaka prince being grateful?" Youngchu gave a fake gasp. She then picked up the washcloth and opened the door. Before leaving, she turned back to Yuta. "Don't hide yourself, okay? I'm sure the real Yuta is much better than this snarky bad boy one. Don't turn into those people that hurt you when you were younger."

   Yuta watched Youngchu walk off before looking back at himself in the mirror.

   On the other side of the house, Taeyong was sitting in the study, holding an icepack against his forehead. Junhyun was walking down the hallway and noticed him inside. She briefly stopped, thinking about the lyrics she found the other night and Taeyong's rap during the tour.

   "You know, with all those video games you play, I thought you would've taken him down," Junhyun said from the doorway.

   Taeyong looked over from the couch and cracked a smile. "Yuta is pretty tough, I'll give him that."

   "Was it really worth it? You know, time passes by so fast. For the future traded yesterday," Junhyun tried to quotes pieces from the lyrics and waited for his reaction.

   Though, Taeyong didn't seem fazed by it. He only nodded, thinking about the words. "I like that phrase."

   Junhyun pressed her lips together, disappointed. She gave a small nod and continued down the hall starting to think Taeyong wasn't the one who wrote the lyrics.

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