Myster?ous - Part 2

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We walked down the hall, thankful that we've finally finished with Monique's room. Let's hope Liesel hasn't prepared anything special for us. Patricia stayed a few steps behind me, just in case Liesel caught us entering her room at the same time.

I opened the door swiftly, as I usually would, Pat hiding in the shadows of the hallways. I was about to motion for Patricia to come inside the room when I heard a familiar obnoxious voice come from the walk-in-wardrobe which Liesel asked her mother for. I don't even know what it feels like to have a wardrobe. A silver exposed rod is what I've got - and a few boxes. "Who's that?" Liesel asked harshly.

"Only me." I replied, leaving the door slightly ajar as I walked into the room. The dreadful person who I regretfully call my cousin has a large room; ten times bigger than mine. Liesel's bedroom is practically a double of Monique's, except without the ensuite toilet and bath - which made me wonder why Monique didn't include it into Liesel's bedroom. I mean, she's got everything else.

"I'm going out to a party tonight and you need to do my hair and makeup." I glanced at Liesel's hair. Short and blonde. And messy. Liesel could make dreadlocks out of this.

"When was the last time you washed your hair?" I asked her, trying to get Liesel's hair out of the rather tight hairband.

"Why does it matter?" Liesel asked, her light eyebrows raising in the vanity mirror, in which we were in front of.

It looks like your hair is a bird's nest. "No reason. Just wondering." She hmphed in response. My fingers got tangled in the birds nest, and Liesel was the mother bird yapping at me because I was hurting her babies - oh, sorry, her hair. "Ow!" she exclaimed, "Would you stop?"

"Okay." I said and stepped back, away from the - as Monique would say it - wretch and watched as her eyes narrowed in on me.

"I meant would you stop hurting me, not stop doing my hair. Are you that stupid?"

Maybe you should be more specific. "Maybe I am." Or maybe you are.

I held my tongue - as I always do and stopped myself from speaking the sarcastic and – I like to think – logical thoughts which pop into my head. Looking after these people and doing chores are the only things which are keeping me in this extravagant household. I'd have nowhere else to go but the foster home. Just hold out for one more year, and then you'll go to college and be free of the Devils.

I stepped forward towards the blonde mess and successfully – and harshly – ripped the hairband out from the tangled disaster. Liesel let a yelp escape from her lips. The blonde scolded me and I held back the eye-roll, waiting for her to be quiet so I could finish her hair and move onto her makeup.

I busied myself with braiding Liesel's hair as she stared as herself in the mirror, moving her head to look at the different angles of her face. No matter how many times I asked her politely to be still, she kept on moving her head, making me redo the braid several times.

Tying the elastic band at the end of the braid was the best feeling in the world. She better not move when I'm doing her eyeliner. I turned Liesel's swivel chair around to face me and I looked at her face, wondering what to do for her makeup. I should make you look like a clown. I thought, trying to hide the smile that urged to get onto my lips. But that would do me no good.

Liesel stared back at me, her dull blue eyes filled with boredom. I started to wonder if Liesel will permanently stay that way when her dull eyes glared at me. "What are you looking at?"



"I'm trying to figure out what to do with your makeup."


Mmmm. Oh. I felt like saying back but instead asked, "What colours are you wearing?"

Liesel looked down at her white bathrobe. "I don't know, you tell me." Sarcasm was pure in that sentence as Liesel gave me a look saying, Are you seriously that blind?

"I mean for tonight. What colours are you wearing tonight?"

"Oh. Green." Liesel said sharply. "It better be perfect."

I nodded and got to work on beautifying the outside of the un-beautiful inside.

It took me a while - about an hour (poor Patricia) - and as I finished, I stood back and smiled at my masterpiece. Since Liesel was wearing a colour that resembled nature, I chose to give her a natural makeover. Light brown faded into dark brown on her lids, highlighted cheekbones, contoured face, and brown-reddish (more brown) lips made up her transformation. You wouldn't even think that she was the nasty Devil that she was. I am proud. Of myself. Not her. "All done!" I called.

Liesel startled by the sudden noise sat up straighter and her relaxed expression transformed into her usual snobby one. I was actually liking the kind and quiet Liesel. Too bad. The blonde looked at herself in the beautifully engraved mirror, wondering whether she should congratulate the girl behind her or not. "Why did you take so long?" Liesel asked, "This chair is so uncomfortable."

Well, maybe you should ask Monique for a new one. You seem to get want you want anyway. "You said that you wanted it to be perfect, and for it to be perfect it took a long time." I commented instead.

"Whatever." Liesel stood up off of the 'uncomfortable' chair and walked over to her wardrobe. She came back out in a beautiful green dress. "Clean my room up while you are at it."
"Sure!" I replied as cheerfully as I could.

Liesel sashayed out of her bedroom door and left me inside. I looked around the room glumly. More cleaning. I inhaled a deep breath and let it go slowly. One more year. Just one, and then you can say au revoir to the Devils.

I started picking up the clothes off of the floor.

Once I loaded the dirty clothes into the basket, Patricia creeped into the room, shutting the door softly behind her. I saw her wide-eyed face and smirked, "What happened?"

"Liesel came out of no where, and I had to pretend that i was admiring the pictures of my fake, has-too-much-plastic-sugery mother."

"Ugh!" I played along with Patricia's disgusted expression, "How dreadful!"

She rolled her eyes at me, catching onto my role-playing. "What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Well, since you almost got caugh-"

"Nah-ah. You are pulling that on me. You did that last time." She paused before putting on a high-pitch voice that was meant to resemble me speaking, "Since you almost got caught, and I don't wanna risk you getting into trouble, you don't have to do anything."

I laughed at her impression of me, "I do not sound like that."

"I believe you do."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Whatever."

"I'll put the clothes away." Pat insisted, grabbing an item of clothing and a coat hanger before I could object. I sighed as she hung the dress up in the wardrobe.

"I'm going to put the dirty washing into the washing machine." I announced, balancing the white basket on my hip, and opening Liesel's bedroom door.

"Okay." She called from the walk-in closet.

I shut the door behind me as I stepped out into the hallway. Walking to the laundry which was opposite of Liesel's room, I smiled. Curse the insistent angel. No matter how many times I object for Patricia to not help me, she does anyway. But imagine if I was doing this all by myself... I almost fainted at the thought. I'd probably pass out for exhaustion, just like I did this morning.

I opened the washing machine door and tried to stuff as many clothes as I could, hoping to get it all in one wash. I sighed as I looked at the half full washing basket and the entirely full washing machine. Two, loads it is, then.

As I walked back into the room, I smiled at my Guardian Angel before shutting the door softly behind me. I helped her with hanging up or folding the clothes and putting them away. It took us about ten minutes, but if I was doing it by myself it would've taken twenty.

Once the clothes were put away, I insisted that I'd vacuum the carpet and Patricia would just relax. She put up quite a fight, but I won in the end.

I smiled as I walked to the utility closet next to the laundry. The closet was flooded with utensils. A lot of utensils and I wondered why I didn't bring the damn vacuum with me from the Devil's room.

Some og the utensils are sharp, some blunt, some pink, some blue, some that are wooden and some that are metal. They poked my arms mercilessly while I tried to fish the vacuum out of the cupboard.

Finally, yanking the machine out of the cupboard I smiled. If I had the upper body strength, I would have held it in the air like a trophy or medal or something.

Once all of the cleaning was done, Xenia went to her and Pat's bedroom to finish off some homework. She opened up her email before she started; which usually isn't a great idea because she ends up talking to "Unknown-Guy" online instead of doing her homework. But she does it anyway. As her inbox opens up she discovers that she has an un-read message from him.

UNKNOWN-GUY: A football is red, the sky is blue, I hope you look over at me, while I stare over at you.

If you haven't guessed, this guy loves football.

XENIA: Ahahah. Nice. Very creative.


XENIA: Hw (ugh)

UNKNOWN-GUY: Ahahah. I get ya.

Xenia hears a sing song tune coming from downstairs. The door bell.
I wonder who that could be? Does Monique and Liesel have a chaffuer for there party tonight?

XENIA: Hang on. I'll be right back.


Xenia raced down the stairs and towards the door. She put her hand up against the door. Trying the catch her breath.

When she had, she swung open the door to see a dark haired and green eyed guy stand in the doorway, smiling at her cheerfully. "Hi Xenia."

"Hey Josh."

Josh is one of the popular guys in school who have the girls swooning all over him in the corridors before and after class. Patricia is pretty much the only girl who swoons quietly and barely even gets to talk, let alone stare at him. It is kind of hard to catch his face amongst the crowd of twenty girls all around him. "What's up?" Xenia asked, trying to act casual.

"I was, uh, wondering if you, Pat and Liesel would come to my, uh, birthday party this weekend?"

And right on cue Liesel comes running down the stairs looking all in her finest with the makeup and dress on as before. She giggled while greeting Josh, "Hi Josh."

Josh stared, "Hi Liesel."

She giggled again, "What are you doing here?"

"Um, would you like to go to my party this weekend, with Xenia and Patricia?"

"Do they have to come?" Liesel asked.

Xenia rose an eyebrow at her.
"Only if they want to." Josh suddenly looked awkward.

"You are not going." Liesel hissed in my ear.

"Careful Liesel, if you keep on acting like that the makeup will do you no justice." Xenia warned.

Liesel glared.

Footsteps came from the stairs. The three of them looked up to see who was coming down. "Hey, Xen?" Pat asked, not visible to the three teenagers yet, "Can I borrow your Sharpie for this stupid poster project we have to do?"

As Pat was coming down the stairs she stopped midway, looking at the handsome young boy who stood the doorway. "Oh. Uh, H-hi."

"Hey Tricia." Josh greeted, his smile seeming to grow bigger.

He called me Tricia! I'm gonna die.

Xenia smirked at her cousin being so...weird.
"I never thought I'd hear the straight-A student saying an assignment is stupid." Josh beamed.

Pat laughed nervously, "Yeah, well people have got me totally wrong."

"I can see that."

Pat smiled at Josh.

"We would love to come to your party." Xenia said, smiling at Josh as well, "Count us in."

"Cool." Josh handed Xenia an invitation addressed to all three of them. Josh said, "See-ya" to the three girls before him, but he was only looking at Pat while he did so.

Xenia shut the door behind Josh, and looked at the invitation. The other two sisters peered over her shoulder. "Its and Masquerade Party!" Liesel squealed.

Pat's eyes lit up with excitement, so did Xenia's.

It's inevitable. The three girls are going to the party...

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