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      IT WAS TWENTY-four hours exactly from when Itsumi met Giran in a darkened alley to discuss their deal. So, when he messaged her earlier that day to say to meet again, she wasn't expecting to be handed the merchandise she asked for, plus more.

Four sets of ring daggers which makes sixteen knives in total. The red metal glinted in the moonlight and she instantly adored them. Red was always her favorite color, from her eyes, to the color of blood, to the expression of anger - the color was so chaotic.

Tracking devices, which had its separate trackers and its homing system to locate them. The EMPs were very handy as well, in case she had to disactivate any power systems with instant motives. Though, the thing she hadn't asked for, but still gifted was a hacking pad with USB access - she can insert the USB to anything, connect it to her phone, laptop, or whatever and hack into any system or if she wants chaos, destroy them with an encoded virus.

"This wasn't on my list of things," she had told him.

The dusty blond smirks. "I figured I could make your job easier, since you seem the type of person to like electronics. Am I right? And as you said a little quid pro quo, figured I could do something nice since you gave me such a hefty cash load," he simply replies.

Itsumi smirks. "If this is how it is, then I have no problem with our partnership," she says, stuffing everything into her backpack.

Giran laughs. "Right you are, darling. Pleasure doing business with ya! Until next time," he grins, closing his suitcase and turning away.

"Until then," she concurs, turning and walking away.

The night was still early, but Itsumi couldn't wait to go home. She was full of anticipation, and she couldn't shake it off. It felt like something important was coming up, and it left her restless.

From what she could recall, nothing was sticking out.

The young woman just remembers her brother stating that he was picked for class president, but he eventually passed the title to his friend Iida or something. Of course, she faked a smile saying that she was proud of him for being seen as someone responsible, but the news wasn't exciting. It wasn't the thing that made her feel anticipated, that was more bleak than thrilling.

Nothing at school called for the restless feeling in her bones. The homework was heavy, but she easily managed with her expirience of being a straight A student in advanced classes while working two jobs. The homework was barely an itch.

However, when she finally made it home and made the excuse that she was called in for a late shift at the market to her mother, she walked into her bedroom, shutting the door and locking it. As she walked to her computer desk, inserting the eighteen digit password, that's when she sees it.

Another message. From the same Shigaraki person about the League of Villains.

Involuntarily, her lips stretch into an excited grin.

Reading the message, Itsumi sees that they're recruiting numbers for their seige on All Might. A plan to kill the number one hero during school hours on a off-site training session. And if anyone's interested in killing the hero, it gives a rendezvous location to meet up before the attack.

She reads off the details, but her lips fall to a frown. The downside is that the attack is during school hours. She already gets out early enough, earlier than the rest of her peers, but if she skips her study period - which is her last 'class' than she can make it. With that plan in motion, her frown quickly turns to a smile.

Let the countdown begin, she smirks, eyes shining maliciously like blood diamonds.

: : : : : :

      ITSUMI TAPS HER foot impatiently, watching her college peers enjoy the forty minutes of lunch. In her hand, she holds her phone, checking the time with a repeated and restless manner. Sighing as minutes pass by with what seems like hours.

"Who pissed you off this morning? You look like you're about to kill someone," a familiar voice questions from her left.

She scoffs, internally smirking at his words. Oh, no one. But All Might is on my kill list this afternoon.

"Nobody pissed me off, Todoroki. I simply hate free time when I could be doing something useful," she tells the white haired boy.

Natsuo shakes his head. "And you find lunch as a waste of time? I'll have you know that lunch is my favorite class, it's easy to pass since your only assignment is to eat food," he laughs. "And for someone who is studying medicine, I can tell you that you need to eat to stay healthy."

The green haired girl rolls her eyes. "I only eat when I'm hungry, not bored. But it is nice to know that you waste tuition money just to enjoy lunch," she scoffs, smirking.

"Hah! Well, it is nice, especially when it's not my money," he grins.

"That seemed like a loaded answer," she says, slightly interested. "Want to tell me about it? I'm a judgment free zone."

"Just that I don't like my father," he scoffs, grin falling as he crosses his arms.

Itsumi gives a wry chuckle. "Well, would you look at that, we do have something in common," she grins.

"My father's a hero," Natsuo sneers.

"So is mine," she huffs. "Does your father take his hero responsibility more serious than actually being a good parent and husband?"

"Yes, which is why I hate him. He'll do anything to be a top hero, so much that he ignores me and my siblings and completely disregards our mother," he seethes.

"Heh! My father left my family to become a hero in another country because he got a better opportunity. Sure, he sends money, but that's it. I was the one who stepped up when he dropped his responsibilities," the Midoriya girl glares, crossing her arms.

And for that, I will destroy him! Him and every other hero!

"I guess our disdain for our fathers is something we share," Natsuo smirks.

"Probably the only thing we have in common," the greenette retorts with a roll of her eyes.

"No way!" The pale haired young man exclaims. "There's got to be more things we share! Your favorite color?"

"Red," she quips.

The Todoroki slumps. "Damn, mine is blue. Movie genre?"


"Ugh! Mine is action! School subject?"


"No one likes math!" He cries out incredulously. "But damn, mine is science! Science rules."

"Hobby," he asks.

Itsumi smirks, murder. But I can't say that, so...


The older boy raises a brow, genuinely surprised. "Art? You don't peg me as an art type."

"I like painting, especially when I can paint a message. Or to express my feelings with a stroke of a brush, it's therapeutic," she answers with a silver tongue, lying so perfectly that she almost believes in her own words.

Natsuo nods, now seeing it. "Hmm, understandable. I bet you're really into the expressive abstract style. Where you can express your value for freedom and spontaneity. I'm more into sports or gaming, depends on my mood."

Itsumi gives the pale boy a questioning look, raising her eyebrows. "Since when were you a art major? Or do you have a girlfriend who nags to you about her art projects?"

The Todoroki stutters, cheeks flushing red. "W-what? I-I don't have a girlfriend? No one here - I mean, I don't like anyone!"

"Hah! Jeez, calm down. It's not like I'm killing you," she smirks. "I just assumed. You seem like the type to have a girl on your arm, probably blonde and super affectionate or some shit," she rolls her crimson eyes.

He chuckles, calming down.

As Itsumi continues staring out at the college students eating their lunches, she misses the way his gray eyes stay on her.

Yeah, blonde and affectionate, Natsuo thinks, looking at the green haired and avoidant girl.

: : : : : :

      THE TIME WAS here! Itsumi skipped her study period and walked towards the meet up location. Before, she quickly stopped at a gas station to change in their bathroom. So instead of wearing her casual clothing of a turtleneck sweater and a thigh length skirt, she's now wearing a sleeveless white button up shirt that's tucked into a pair of high waisted black leather shorts, her legs are covered in gray thigh high stockings-socks with a pair of knee length black leather boots with a steel toe and heels. Her thighs hold red knife holsters with hold her ring daggers, on her hips she wears a red belt to carry all of her electronics in separate pouches. Her hands are covered in red leather half finger gloves, allowing her protection when she uses her daggers. Over her outfit, she wears a  slightly oversized gray trench coat with the hood up. Finally, and most importantly, she wears her kitsune mask to hide her identity, but also claim her newfound alias - Vixen.

Her steps have an excited pep to them, making her practically skip instead of walking. Though, just as she turns the corner to the location, her red eyes from behind the mask spot other people. They're dressed just as sketchy as she is, but nonetheless, they all hold a calm yet malicious air about them.

She's definitely in the right place.

"Do you think the Body Crush Killer will make an appearance," a woman with snake hair asks the man besides her.

"I don't know, he's pretty recent. I don't think he's into the whole scene of heroes vs villains, he's more into serial killings," the buff man answers.

Itsumi smirks behind the fox mask, if only they knew that I was a woman, shocker.

Passing them, she follows the other criminals and villains lead and walks into what seems like a bar. Crimson eyes assess her whereabouts, dismissing the fact that several people are at the bar, drinking. The place is lavish in the sort of typical bar setting. The stools and table seats are cushioned with red, looking like velvet against their dark wood. The room itself is dark and dimmed, only illuminated with the golden glow of the lights.

If they weren't about to attack All Might, Itsumi could actually picture herself coming to this bar and just spending all day here.

Though, just as she's about to walk closer to a framed painting of some sort, three individuals walk in from the back room, catching everyone's attention. Turning her head so fast that the bells attached to her mask jingles, she focuses on them. However, her red eyes immediately zero in on the pale man with silver blue hair.

It's him, the green haired woman gapes. The guy from the bridge. H-how? Is he Shigaraki?

The fact that she's staring at the stranger from many months ago is shocking to her. She could have been free from her shackles so long ago if she just talked to him that night on the bridge. No, she wasn't ready then. But she is now, and with a will stronger than ever. Her mental state wasn't the sharpest before, it was crumbling under all that stress, but now that she freed herself, she's like a fresh sharp blade ready to shed blood.

The middle man walks forward, making her eyes snap to him. He's dressed in a suit with the exception of the overcoat blazer. His figure, or particularly his head, is a dark mist of purple and black with his eyes being a fiery shade of gold.

"Thank you, all, for coming today." He voices, a tone of reserved politeness before he gestures to pale man next to him. "Shigaraki and myself have been planning for this opportunity for a long time. It was until a few days ago that we received confirmation that All Might is indeed a teacher at UA."

"Those were just rumors from the press," a man speaks out. "There's no real proof."

Shigaraki takes a step forward,  narrowing his eyes at the man. "My source confirms it."

Itsumi gives a miniscule nod since she's the said source.

"Your source?! Are you really relying on a person who simply said it was true? That person could have been lying just to expose us villains with this mission! Where is this source? Are they here? I'm not going through with this task until I see more proof," the man continues, making some the villains murmur in agreement.

Itsumi huffs, but she can also see it from their point, too. After all, they are at risk of being captured if the information proves to be false. Though, she never said anything about All Might being at the off site location they're attacking, she only said that he was a teacher at UA.

"There, I sent them another email, to give more information. But if you don't want to risk your life, you can be the coward that you are and leave," Shigaraki sneers at the man.

The room silences, thick with tension as everyone waits for the man's reaction.

However, it's broken with a notification chime ringing from a phone.

The Midoriya girl silently curses as everyone turns to her. Damn, I forgot to silent my phone. Fuck.

Reaching into her shorts pocket, Itsumi takes out her phone and sees the notification for the email. She then raises her head and looks back at Shigaraki. He, too, looks at his phone and back to the kitsune masked girl, his mind quickly connecting dots.

Vixen. Kitsune. Fox.

His source was from vixen and she's standing in this very room, in front of him.

"You're the source," the questioning man from before asks. "You're just a little girl! How can you know anything about All Might?! And you're wearing a mask, villains don't wear masks! You know nothi-"

Itsumi raises her right hand towards the man, stopping his advances on her. Using both pulling and pushing pressure on him, she stops his movements and that alone makes the man gasp, feeling the strain on his body.

The many other villains gasp in shocked whispers.

"I am the source. And for your information, I'm not a little girl, I'm older than you think despite my height. As for the mask, that's none of your business. I have roles outside of this room and to have my identity known will compromise everything I've worked for, so shut up about it. As for being a villain, I've already had my name in the headlines. Of course it was a name that the press gave me, I mean how ridiculously stupid is the name Body Crush Killer?! Obviously I can crush bodies from the inside out and rip their hearts out, but do I want that to be my name, of course not." Itsumi sneers, her voice sounding more cold and threatening with the tone modification.

"So, do you want to insult me or question my reliability again because I can easily snap your vertebra and kill you with a simple move of my finger," she asks, adding more pressure on his bones.

The man feels the added strain, and shakes his head, cowering at the thought of death. "N-n-no! Please no! I'm sorry. D-don't kill me," he cries.

The greenette narrows her blood colored eyes, piercing him with her stabbing gaze. Her outstretched hand tenses before relaxing, letting him go as she drops her arm back to her side again.

"B-but how do know All Might's a teacher," a woman villain nervously speaks up, looking to the kitsune masked girl. 

"Because I have a direct source to the inside. Everything that happens at UA, I know all about it. But most importantly, they don't even know that they're feeding it to a villain," the Midoriya girl laughs.

Shigaraki grins at that. His source having a direct line to the inside, what bigger advantage can he possibly have? It's like he struck gold with this Vixen person.

Even better when he found out that she was the notorious serial killer known as the Body Crush Killer. And after watching her quirk up close, he's completely satisfied. 

His plans to destroy All Might seem much more possible with her on his side.

He definitely hit the gold mine, and she's the treasure.

= = = = = =

Whoop whoop! That is chapter thirteen! How'd you all like it?

I promise the next chapter will the long awaited USJ attack! This was just the Itsumi's introduction to the League of Villains.

Is it just me that likes Giran and Itsumi's partnership? Like he's a businessman, albeit in the black market, but Itsumi can bring him so much money whether it's hers or what she steals. And in return, he gives her the things she needs. Lolol, bad guys aiding each other.

Oop! Her and Natsuo are bonding! Of course she sees him as only an acquaintance or somewhat friend, but oof - does he seem to have a crush on her? Sorry Todoroki, but she already has a ship! But drama, let's go!!!

And yay! She finally gets to see Shigaraki again! That must've been a shock since she taught he was just a regular citizen, no villiany whatsoever. But nope! They get to be bad guys together!!! I can't wait to write the development of their relationship 😊😊🤗

And Shigaraki, you better appreciate my girl Itsumi and all that she does!

They would totally be a power couple ❤👊🔪

That's all, until next time!

Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE,  and FAN!!!

(Also remember to stay safe and to take care of yourselves ♡)

Word Count: 2,963

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