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      THE DAY PASSED quickly for Itsumi as she kept herself busy with school assignments. So, by the time the last bell rang, the green haired girl swiftly walked through the crowd of bustling students. Her crimson gaze glanced around her as she studied the small groups of people - friends. She never had any, but that never bothered her. The girl liked to keep to herself, never having the intent to share her life with measly nobodies.

Scoffing, Midoriya crossed through the school's courtyard and through the front of the school, towards the bus stop. Today she began with her market shift before doing a shift at the diner. It was a pretty routine job. Whether she worked as a cashier, or if she needed to stock items, or if she unpacked the shipments for inventory, it just depended on what her boss wanted her to do that day.

After brushing past the last of the students, Itsumi stands at the stop in front of the high school. From there, it's a straight shot to the market just ten long blocks. As she's waiting patiently, ignoring the other students around her, the girl suddenly feels someone stop next to her.

Glancing to the left, her crimson gaze meets a fellow peer. His name is Jinsang Wen. Basically the high school's heartthrob, good looking, charming, smart, but also popular. Itsumi never cared for him - or anyone at the school. Nobody interested her in a romantic way.

Either, they were all dimwitted neanderthals or awfully arrogant which disgusted her. But, Jinsang, he was painfully boring, the cliche of heartthrob - not interesting in her eyes.

"Hey, Midoriya, nice seeing you," the sandy blond and brown eyed boy said to the shorter girl.

"Wen," she simply greeted.

"So, I was thinking. Since you're this year's top student and a shoo-in for class valedictorian, and me being the school's most popular student, why don't we get to know each other better. You know, like, a date, with me," he suggested, giving her his signature smirk that usually makes girls weak in the knees.

"Mmm, pass," Itsumi answers immediately, uninterested and boredly.

Wen's brown eyes widen, startled at the answer. "W-what?"

"I said, pass. Like no. Zero chance. Absolutely not. Like, no chance in hell. Face it, Wen, I have zero interest in you or in your charms. You simply bore me, and the only reason you are showing interest in me is because you want to raise your reputation and have the chance for nominated senior royalty," she explains, not looking at him and just watching the passing traffic.

"I don't know where you got that idea, Midoriya. I actually really like you," Wen tries to excuse.

"The answer is still no. I don't like you. You draw too much attention. And, please, don't try to lie, I can see right through you," Itsumi responds, this time turning her attention on him. Her crimson eyes narrow into a sharp glare, showing that she's not one to take his shit.

The boy gives her a charming smile. "Well, if there's anyone I can't fool, it's you. You were always too smart," he says, unbothered by her heated glare.

Itsumi scoffs. "Leave me alone," she grits out, turning away.

"Now, don't be like that. Come on, we can make a great pair if you think about it," he persisted, inching closer to her.

The short girl snaps her head towards him, a seething glare in her eyes. "Seriously, leave me alone. Walk away before I consider using my quirk on you," she threatens, dropping her calm persona to reveal her true cold and unemotional self.

Jinsang steps back, startled at the change of tone in her voice. From nonchalant to a cold harshness, each word like an icicle stabbing him. Swallowing his pride, the boy continues to step back until he turns and walks away.

Usually, Itsumi will make it her job to cover up her real personality with a facade, but with her brother lying to her this morning about a hero situation, she's a bit bothered to even try. Plus, her teachers kept pushing her to apply to top tier colleges and universities. Then, to add it up, she's worried about making this month's payments. The stress of it all is too much for her to even try to hide her personality.

Just as she seeks for something thrilling, she's so very tired of her dull life. The repetition alone is stressful. One day her lies are going to catch up, but Itsumi at least hopes by then that her life will be different - a least a change.

Releasing a sigh, the girl looks back to the traffic, waiting in silence once again. Is it bad to yearn for something more?

* * * * * *

      BY THE TIME Itsumi reaches the market, she's really down in the dumps with her feelings. By means, she wants to do something more in her life, but she also has the shackled responsibility to provide for her family. Her heart yearns with every idea she thinks of despite them being illegal, but with her facade to be a dutiful daughter is tying her down, keeping the ideas out of reach and keeping them just that - ideas. Plus, even if she did go through with following her heart to do something more, when will she have the time to actually do it? She doesn't have the time, she has school which gives out numerous amounts of homework, and she's the top student and that says it all. Then, there's her two part time jobs that takes away all her free time.

So, if Itsumi wants to go through with acting out her illegal ideas, she needs to drop everything. 

She can't risk it.

To hide her melancholy, the green haired girl places her unemotional mask back on and does her job for the day. Stocking items on the shelves of the mini-market. She cringes in disgust at the canned ham, she never really liked canned food. She preferred fresh food, even if it was a hassle to get. It's something she praised herself for along with her perfect grades, her healthy diet. Brushing it off, Itsumi focuses back to her standard job, stocking items and repeating. 

Humming a tune in her head, the girl continues to stock items around the small market, walking up aisles. Though, she immediately stops mid step, steps back, and narrows her eyes in suspicion. She recognizes the people in front of her, she grew familiar to them, but one of them is someone she came to know as a total brat. 

"- shouldn't we ask an employee to see if they have it in stock?"

"Fuck no! Those shitty losers don't know anything!"

Itsumi frowns at the sight of the ash blond, the kid she practically knew for all her life. She never understood why her brother pursued after him, looking for the blond's acceptance when the latter did nothing but bully him. 

She gives a steely look, but still keeps an unemotional facade. "Bakugou, it's nice seeing you here in all places," Itsumi states, making her presence known with a fake smile. "How can I help you on this fine day?"

The two members of his posse separate and allow the blond a view of the older girl. Katsuki instantly frowns, clearly recognizing her, after all she is Deku's older sister. "Screw you, shitface! I don't need your fucking help!" The insult referencing her freckles.

"That's obviously not true seeing as you're having trouble finding something. Look, I can clearly ignore you and let you stand here like a complete fool, or I can help and we can get this done with," she says, smirking. "So, what is it that you need?"

Bakugou glares down at the older, yet shorter, girl. Knowing the Midoriya family, he quickly noticed the girl's opposing behavior from her mother and brother, she was ridiculously reserved. Very different from her family.  

"Tch, just tell me where I can find the fucking Flaming Dragon chips," he seethes.

Itsumi gives him a fake smile. "In aisle two, next to the vegetable chips. Is that all," she tells him.

Instead of receiving a response, she watches as he marches away from her. The two boys who came with him give her their thanks before rushing to follow their friend. Rolling her crimson eyes, the young woman continues with her job with stocking items.

The rest of her shift goes smoothly, mostly just stocking items, and sometimes helping out at the cashiers when it got too crowded, but nonetheless - smooth. Though, just as she changed out of her uniform after finishing her mandated six hours, she almost crashes to someone as she exits the employee room.

Muttering a quick 'sorry', Itsumi's red gaze clashes with an equal pair of crimson. She notices that he's completely dressed in black, his hair is a pale shade of blue, and that he's taller than her. Giving the pale man a small smile, she excuses herself and walks away.

With that, the Midoriya girl bids her farewells to her co-workers and walks out of the grocery store. Unaware of the red eyes following her movements.

But she does have him mind. Smiling, she muses, he certainly has an attractive appeal to him, shame. It's not like I'll ever see him again.

* * * * * *

Well, that was Chapter Three, sorry for the shortness. These beginning chapters will be short - just to remind you. It's basically an insight of her everyday life and how she slowly transitions to the dark side.

Itsumi, she definitely has a lot of pressure on her shoulders, an essential point to when she finally snaps.

She's a hypocrite, but lies effect her because she's the one basically taking care of her family and she wants to know what they're doing, that's why Izuku's lie had a great effect on her. She sees it as disrespect - like 'i'm taking care of you and you're lying to me?'

Oof - a brief Bakugou sighting.

Double oof - a certain pale boi has been spotted. Itsumi and Shigaraki had their first of many interaction. I can't wait to build up their relationship!

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Comment what you thought - What you liked, disliked, or just whatever!

Until then!

Word Count: 1,721

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