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The score is 98-99 Rakuzan is leading, only 30 seconds left. As Kuroko passed the ball to Kagami but he failed, the ball went to opposite direction which towards the opponent.

The opponent caught the ball then he dribble towards the net and shoot it. The whistle blew, the game was over.

They all went to their lockers, the look of their faces was anger, sad and embarrassed. Kuroko felt angry to himself that he failed to pass the ball.

'THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT KUROKO' shouted the captain Hyuga.

Everyone agreed. Kuroko felt like he was about to cry but tried to hold it. Kagami went towards to Kuroko and grabbed his shirt, his face were furious while looking at Kuroko. 'You said we were going to win! You said you're going to bring us to the top!' yelled by Kagami. 'I guess your too weak to bring us up! We don't need a weak person like you and I don't want to see your face again' as he continued saying.

Then he threw Kuroko down. Nobody said anything after that. Everyone left at the lockers except Hyuga and Kuroko, Hyuga was about to leave but he said 'I thinks it's better you quit the team' then he leave.

Kuroko got back up went to his locker to get his stuff, he left his jersey in the bench then leave.


Kuroko's POV

No one notice me when I left in the gym since there were busy practicing to calm them from losing. While I was walking I saw the GOM, I said 'hi' to them but they ignore me and just pass through me as if they didn't see me.

And I heard someone said 'We don't need a weak person like you'. After I heard that harmful word, I ran fast as I could to leave the school away from their hurtful words. I cried and cried while I was running until I reached to my house.


Kise's POV
I was walking with the GOM and I said 'should we visit Kurokocchi so we can say that it was a good ga-'. I was cut to my sentence when Akacchi pointed his scissor to my face.

Then he said 'don't ever mentioned that name, he's weak and we don't need him and if you guys saw him just ignore him.' After what he said, he gave us death glare so everyone will agreed.

While we are walking in hallway, we saw Kurokocchi walking toward us, his eyes were about to cry which I never seen before.

He said 'hi' to us but we ignore him and I felt regret for ignoring him.

Aomine's POV

I want to say hi to Kuroko when he said hi but I'm scared that Akashi might kill me so I just did what he said.

Murasakibara's POV

I want give a vanilla candy to Kurokochin because he look depressed but I feel someone staring at me so I just ignore him.

Midorima's POV

I want to give him tissue paper as a lucky charm but I guess I can't since Akashi said not to talk to him, then I just ignore him.

Akashi's POV

As I saw Tetsuya walking towards us, he look like about to cry until he saw us and he said 'hi' but I ignore him and I glare my member so they will stay quit.

Then I said 'we don't need a weak person like you'.

●Flashback End●



Kise- wah! wah! wah! your so mean so mean.

Me- stop with your fake crying and what do mean I'm mean?

Kise - you made Kurokocchi cry I hate you I hate you.

Me- hate me all you want and beside kuroko wouldn't mind it, right Kuroko........ Kuroko?

Kuroko- "slurp"

Me- Kuroko!

Kuroko- "jolted" yes?

Me- "sigh" will you stop drinking your vanilla shake for a moment and answer my question.

Kuroko- "nodded" so what's the question?

Me- "pissed" you wouldn't mind if you were betrayed right?

Kuroko- don't really care since I'm used to be alone.

Kise- no Kurokocchi your not alone were here for you. Look what you've done, we don't need a person who make Kuroko suffer. Shoo shoo go away.

Me- 'tsk' anyway thanks for reading my story, I hope you like it since it's my first time writing a story and please don't forget to vote.

Kise- no one will like your story because your a horrible person.

Me- I didn't asked you!

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