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Sorry for not updating, I've been busy with school work😭. Anyway I didn't edit this story so please tell me what is your opinion if I should edit it or not after you read the story😀😄.

No one's POV○

As Seiren went back to their lockers. "Ano... Kuroko left his jersey in here and there's a letter left behind" first year said while holding the jersey. Everyone went froze...Riko was the first to recover "if you guys didn't blame him this wouldn't have happen!" Riko furious. Riko took the letter and read it.

As you read this letter, I already
quit the team and might be
transferring to another school. I
don't want to be burden to others
anymore like I did before. Sorry
for being weak and I'm sure you'll
win for the following games coming
up without me. Good luck.


P.s: I_left a small box in my locker.

They went towards to Kuroko's locker and saw a small box. Riko opened the box and saw a bracelets made out of yarn that has their name and also GOM.

Kagami punch the locker feeling regret and tears falling to his eyes. Hyuga regret saying that he should quit the team and most of them were crying onto their spot. Riko were crying and regreting not able to comfort Kuroko. All the thing we can hear in the room is sniffling and crying.

"Should we tell to GOM about this?" Hyuga asked to Riko."Yes please do" she answered while wiping her tears. Hyuga went call Akashi.


Akashi's POV

"Hyuga why you suddenly call me and it's better important" I commanded .

"H-hello Akashi please come over here right now and yes it's very important and it's better if the whole GOM will be here" he said nervously then hung up.

"How dare he hung up on me and I wonder if it's about Tetsuya" thought to myself. First I called Murasakibara.

'What is it Akachin' said Murasakibara while eating he's snacks. 'I want you to meet us in front of the school in Seiren or would you rather me burn all your snacks if you don't want to come' I ordered. 'Akachin so mean, don't worry I will come, bye.' Next Midorima.

'Hello Akashi, is there a problem why did you call? He questioned. 'No, I want you to meet us in the front of the school in Seiren' I instruct. 'Ok I will come' after that he hang up. ' I guess need to call him also' I sign.

'Hello who's this?' Aomine asked. 'It's me, Akashi and I want you to meet us in the Seiren school, if your late you would regret it and also call Kise for me, I don't want him finding out my phone number since he might never stopped texting me' I said with irritated voice then hung up.

○Aomine's POV○

'I didn't expect to Akashi to know my number, what the heck I'm I thinking that's not even important. The important is I better call Kise or he might kill me' thought to myself. I picked up my phone and dial Kise's number.

'Aominecchi why did you call, do you want my autograph?' chuckled Kise. 'As if I would call you for that you weirdo model' I said in annoyed tone. 'Aominecchi is being mean waah wa-'. He was cut off buy Aomine voice. 'Akashi want us to meet them in the Seiren school and no question'. After that I hang up and leave at my school.


No one's POV○

As the GOM arrive in the Seiren, they continue walking inside the school until they reach to the gym. They feel the atmosphere depressed, sad and regret.

'Tell me what happened' Akashi command. Riko nervously handed the letter to Akashi. He read the letter and slow crunching the paper.

'Kuroko want you to have this' Hyuga said while handing the bracelets. 'Does anyone here where Tetsuya lives? questioned Akashi. All Seiren shook their heads even GOM

'How bout we ask the principal' Aomine said quietly. Everyone went gazed at him. 'I didn't know that can you think, Ahomine' Kagami teasingly. 'Hey, what do you mean Bakagami?! Aomine irritated? Both were about to fight but Akashi stop them. He glared at them to make them mouth shut, as everyone frozen.

'Like Aomine said, we should asked the principal' Akashi said while walking towards the office, everyone just followed. They stop when they reach the front door of the office. 'It's better, I'm the one going to talk the principal, understood? Akashi command. They all just nodded.

○Akashi's POV○

I went inside without knocking, the principal startled. 'What's bring you here, Akashi?' he asked. 'I want the document of Kuroko Tetsuya' I commanded. 'V-very well then, first I-I need to find his documents' he said nervously while searching the paper. 'Here is it' as he handed to me.

As I grab the document, I opened and read it. While I'm reading, I notice that there's no address in his document. 'Why there's no address in his document?' I asked curiously. 'It seen that his family doesn't want to put his address and I asked why but he keep ignoring my question' he answered. I just frown and leave to the office.

I told everyone what we talk about and also I ordered them to find Kuroko whereabouts. They all agree

"Please Kuroko come back".


●Hospital (second floor)●
Kuroko's POV

I was on the clinic with my sister while the doctor checking me "Mmm, it seem your healed already well except your shoulder, you just need to rest for couple of days" said the doctor. "Thank you, Dr. Kakiro for take caring me for 5 years and you never give up on me" I smiled. "How could I give up of one of my friend's son, you already suffered so much in the past" Dr. Kakiro said sadly.

"Please don't mentioned what happened in the past, I don't want to remember' I sighed. "Oh, we might go transfer to another school and it might be far away from here" I continued. "Just be careful, ok" he worriedly ask as he hugged me.

We were outside the clinic about to leave but Thea stopped me. "Tetsu nii san I forgot to ask something to Dr. Kakiro" she said. I let her go back to the clinic and wait here at the cafeteria.


Thea's POV

I went knock the door, Dr. Kakiro opened the door. "What are you doing here, Thea?" he asked surprisingly . "It's about Tetsu nii sa" I answered. "Oh ok come in" he said. I went in and sit down in the chair.

"Is there something wrong about your brother" he worried ask. I shook my head "no there's nothing wrong, it's just that his personality before, will it come back?" I questioned him. "You mean him as being scary and brag" he chuckled.

"I don't really mind about his old personality, to be honest I really want it back" I frowned. "Why is that, is it better if it didn't come back so he will not make more enemy unlike on the past" he questioned. "It's not only his personality change, even himself is changing...." I paused. "What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"...well you know the time he fall on the stairs after that when we were playing basketball, he seems like he's holding back, when I asked him he doesn't remember, as the time pass he slowly forgetting how to play basketball on his own technique and style" I sighed.



Me - hey Kuroko your skipping classes.

Kuroko- "yawn" I'm still sleepy plus I have high marks in school.

{Kuroko went back to sleep}

Me - Kuroko! Geez. Thea you need to wake up you will be late for your school.

Thea- did you forget that I don't go to school since I'm smart.

Me- oops I forgot.

Thea- tsk, annoying.

Me- HEY!

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