It's Time! Mother!

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The Next Day

F/n woke up the next day and rubbed his blue eyes. After he went to the bathroom, cleaned his body, hair, and teeth, and got dressed in his signature outfit, he inspected himself in the mirror and smiled.

F/n:It's time.

F/n then went to wake up Iri, whom gave out a cute yawn and hugged her stuffed bunny as she looked at her adoptive father.

Iri:Morning, Daddy.

F/n:Get dressed, Kitten. It's time.

Iri:Time for what?

F/n:Well...*pets her cat ears* For me to take what I intend to fix.

<<==>>Hours Later<<==>>

In the town of Vale, F/n was seen holding Iri in his arms as he spoke with Kira, Sienna, and Eve.

F/n:Good. I'm glad you managed to bring them here. Now, the world can see what unfortunate creation has been causing all those Faunus equality problems.

He gestured towards his "father" and "brother", who were both chained up, muffled, and decorated with fresh whip marks.

Kira:*smiles* It was no problem at all, Mr. L/n.

F/n:Good. Well, *checks watch* it's time. You all wait until I call for you. Then, you bring them both in.

F/n walked on the stage and was met with Ironwood.

F/n:Jenny. You got the security set, right?

Jenny:*nods* Of course I do. You said to have it in case of a issue.

F/n:Well, I hope that doesn't have to be a problem.

F/n was then faced with a large amount of people, Humans and Faunus alike.

F/n:*walks to microphone* Good day to all of you. My name is F/n L/n, formerly a Schnee, and as you all know, this is a very important announcement that all of you seriously need to hear.

F/n took a deep breath and then went back to speaking.

F/n:You all obviously know of the Schnee Dust Company, right? One of Remnant's largest producers and exporters of Dust. We trust this company to mine for and provide Dust to go around for the world of Remnant to use for defense and for other purposes. The company is quite large itself, having many quarries everywhere and such to find Dust for you all. Nicholas Schnee, the founder of this company, has started this all and people praised him for his amazing discovery.

People began to slightly chatter at that.

F/n:Unfortunately, Nicholas fell ill. His health began to fail and the Schnee family began to miss him. That being said, he needed somebody to take over the company for him while he was gone. At first, he wanted his daughter, Willow, to do it for him, but she wasn't sure about it herself. Then suddenly, his future son-in-law, Jacques, convinced poor ole' Nick to let him inherit the company.

F/n fell silent for a moment.

F/n:This proved to be a massive mistake. Jacques decided to use cheap labor, allow dangerous working conditions, and have possible monopolies and shady business partners for the company. That being said, the man happened to force Faunus into mining for Dust in the quarries, including this young cat Faunus in my arms right now.

Iri hid her face in F/n's shoulder out of nervousness.


F/n set something up and showed the whole crowd the pictures he had taken days ago and the video of the SDC guards whipping the Faunus, gaining reactions of shock from the crowd.

F/n:Yep. Jackass apparently decided to prove that he's apathetic to the Faunus by doing this sort of stuff to them. That being said, the man is apparently one of, if not the main, reasons why the White Fang exists today. *turns around* Come on and bring them in.

At his command, both Eve and Sienna brought Jacques and Whitley out for the people to see, angrily struggling against the chains, only to be roughly yanked.

F/n:These two...These two are two of the four people who happened to ABUSE me when I was a child. All because I wasn't able to fully manifest my hereditary Glyphs years ago. So as payback and punishment, I brought them to the Faunus on Menagerie to extract their revenge on them and even let the High Leader of the White Fang, Miss Khan here, to chain them up and torture them for everything they've done. So with them out the way, I can...


F/n turned around and saw his "mother" at the back of the stage. Rolling his eyes...

F/n:I'm sorry, everybody. I need to step back for a moment. In the meantime, I'll allow my accomplices to speak to you all about the upcoming future.

F/n, smiling at the three females, put Iri down with them and walked to the back and confronted his "mother".

F/n:What the hell are you doing here!?

Willow:I came to say I'm sorry, F/n.

F/n;Tch. A simple sorry is not going to earn you my forgiveness.


F/n:No, let me talk. When you gave birth to me, you were supposed to take care of me immensely and get me prepared for this damned world. You've never done that. All you done is beat me and call me the "biggest mistake of your life" for you selfish ass company.

As F/n continued, Willow felt herself about to cry, but she fought back her tears.

F/n:So, what do you have to say for yourself?

Willow:*sighs sadly* You're right, F/n. I really am the worst mother to ever exist. But, I realized that none of this would have happened if I hadn't married that selfish man who I hate to call my husband. It's just...dealing with him has led to me drinking and you know what alcohol does to a person.

F/n:And? You still did it. Beating me and all that.

Willow:I know I don't deserve it, but please. Give me another chance.

F/n:Hell no!

Willow:Okay. But, I want you to have this.

Willow took out a small box and handed it to F/n. Rolling his eyes, F/n took the box from her and undid the gold ribbon before he removed the top. Inside it was this...

Think of it in its inactive mode.

F/n:*gets surprised* Whoa! What is this?

Willow:It's an Dust orb my father used to own. He was able to use his own Aura to defend himself with it, but now he couldn't. He told me to hand it down to one of his grandchildren, so I thought you'd might like it.

F/n didn't know what to say at this point, but something in him told him to accept his mother again. After all, he needs her for one certainly couldn't hate his mother forever. That and everyone needs their mother.

F/n:*sighs* Okay, Mother. I forgive you for your actions on me as a child.

F/n then hugged his mother, which she didn't hesitate to return.

Willow:I'm really sorry for abusing you when you were younger, F/n. I really mean it.

F/n:I understand, but...You have to let ME take over the company. All this planning can't just go to waste for I know exactly how to fix your father's company.

Willow:You do!?

F/n:Please, trust me on this Mother.

Willow:*nods* I will, baby. Go ahead and do it...for me and my father. He would've like to see this change.

F/n nodded and walked back on the stage, stuffing the orb in his pocket.

Once F/n was at the microphone, he suddenly stopped and light shone down on him.

And that very day, F/n made his announcement to become the new head of the Schnee Dust Company and how he'll make everything better to gain Dust for the world.

Also, F/n forgave his mother for abusing him and now has another woman to consider his family. He just had one last one to deal with:his older sister, Winter.

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