Let Part One Of My Plan...Commence!

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One afternoon, F/n was seen preparing something for the afternoon.

F/n:Alright, just need to get these files straight. Make sure that the chief can seen EXACTLY what I need her to see. She'll want to be on my side. Also...

F/n took out his Scroll and called someone he would need.


Blake:Hey, F/n. Did you need something?

F/n:I need you to meet me in the courtyard. I'm on my way there now.

Blake:Ok. See you there.

F/n:Good. *hangs up*

F/n then packed his files in a folder before he left his classroom. On his way to the courtyard, he suddenly bumped into some people and dropped his files.

F/n:Oh! My bad.

???:No problem, sir.

F/n picked his files off the floor, waved them a bit, and put them back neatly in the folder. Then, he looked at who he bumped into and he saw four girls with different hair colors:raven black, grey, mint green, and pink and brown. He even noticed their red faces and their school uniforms.

F/n:Oh! Transfer students I'm assuming?

???:Yes, from Haven Academy.

F/n:*smiles* Well, nice to meet you all. I'll be your combat teacher/personal combat trainer, Professor L/n. May I ask for your names?

Cinder:Cinder Fall.

Emerald:Emerald Sustrai.

Mercy:Mercy Black.

The last girl took out a notepad and wrote on it before showing F/n.

F/n:Neopolitan, Neo for short. Hm, pretty names indeed. (The four went red again.) Well I would like to get to know you all a little better, but I have some business to attend to. *walks past them* I'll see you all in my class.

Cinder:You too, sir. *in her mind* Personal combat trainer? The term should've been "Personal Bed Partner".

F/n then made it into the courtyard, where he saw Blake waiting on a bench reading a book. He walked over to her.

F/n:Hello, Kit-Kat.


Blake jumped up and hugged him before kissing his cheek, making him blush.

F/n:Of course. It's nice to see you too. *kisses her back* Anyway, I needed you because I would like to speak with your mothers.

Blake:Oh. You're about to start that plan of yours?

F/n:Damn skippy. I'm gonna enjoy making my former family suffer. A LOT. Let's go.

F/n wrapped an arm around Blake and went to catch a Bullhead with her, not noticing a certain blonde secretly spying them.

???:Huh, so Blake's managed to score with the teacher? Without ME? Hm, I wanted some of him.


F/n and Blake were later seen walking to the entrance of the Schnee Manor.

Blake:Hey, F/n?


Blake:1) I thought you'd never want to return here and 2) Why are we here?

F/n:Well, 1) I'm not returning here. Not until I become the new head to the SDC. And 2) I came to retrieve to people for a very special reason. The other two I'll deal with later.

F/n knocked the door and Klein answered it.

Klein:F/n! You've returned.

F/n:Klein, it's nice to see you again.

F/n then shared a friendly hug with the man.

F/n:Is Jacques and Whitley here right now?

Klein:Yes, both of them are here at the moment.

F/n:Good. *turns to Blake* Blake, you speak with one of the only two people who cared for me while I retrieve the two.

With that, F/n and Blake walked into the manor and F/n left Blake with Klein while he made his way to his "father's" office. When he reached it, he knocked on the door.


F/n then twisted the doorknob and entered the office, looking at his "father" with a cold glare, the old man returned the look.

Jacques:Oh, I see you came here.

F/n:I have. Not to stay...for now, but for another reason.

Jacques:You seriously have the nerve to look me in the face after what you've done.

F/n:Oh. Done what exactly?

That answer clearly upset Jacques.

Jacques:Don't play stupid, child! Ironwood stopped associating with the company. All because of you.

F/n:So, you NEEDED a personal guard? Shows how pathetic the family is. Can't even use Glyphs to fend for themselves. Not that you could even use Glyphs. Why? BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT EVEN A SCHNEE TO BEGIN WITH!!!

Before he knew it, his father was out his seat.

Jacques(upset):Listen here, child! I demand you watch your tone when you're talking to me! The company's reputation is already bad enough and I DON'T need it taking any more fire like this if you're going to...

F/n suddenly froze his "father" in ice.

F/n:You are starting to rag, old man. Seriously, when isn't your time of the month?


Whitley:Father! I heard you suddenly get upset! Is everything...

F/n froze him too.

F/n:Wow! He just wanted to check on his father and I instantly freeze him? I'm just "cold". Anyway...

F/n began to push the frozen Schnees away from the office and to the entrance of the house, before he heard...

Klein:F/n was always the caring brother. No wonder Weiss loves him so much.

F/n:Hey. I'm back. *to Blake* Come on.

F/n began to push his frozen "father" and "brother" to the door.

F/n:Klein, do keep the manor is in order alright?

Klein:Sure thing, young man. See you again soon.

F/n then left with the two frozen humans and Blake.

Blake:F/n? What are you doing?

F/n:I'm taking these two to Menagerie.

Blake:What!? You can't just do that! Do you have any idea what...

F/n:I'm willing to take those risks, Blake. Anything for MY well-deserved revenge, alright?

Blake:*sighs* Okay, F/n.

F/n, his frozen "family members, and his Faunus girlfriend then boarded another Bullhead, this time to go to Vale and get on a boat that was heading for Menagerie.


F/n, his "father", his "brother", and his girlfriend soon got off the boat and boarded Menagerie, looking around the island.

F/n:Whoa! No offense, but I'm surprised they managed to make things work around here. Especially considering how cramped this place looks.

Blake:That's mainly because there are creatures in the forest that we are unable to deal with, so this is what we have to work with.

F/n:Hm. Can't believe that humans have to be so racist.

Blake:Well, there are humans like YOU that we can trust.

Unbeknownst to the two, a Faunus heard the whole conversation and went to tell the Menagerie guards about a human being on the island,, especially suspecting that human of being a Schnee (who the Faunus should pretty much all despise). Then all of a sudden...

???:Stop right there, human!

F/n and Blake turned around and saw some guards pointing their weapons at F/n.

F/n:Oh, good day.

Saber:Silence, Schnee! What are you doing here?

F/n:Look, I'm not here to hurt anybody. I'm just here to speak to the chief of Menagerie.

Guard #1:So, you could do what? Kill her when nobody's looking?

F/n:*narrows eyes* Hell no! Look I don't know why you all are so hostile right now, but I'm NOT like any of those Schnees nor am I Schnee. Not anymore.


F/n:That's none of your business, Buck Teeth. Now, mind leading me to the housing of the chief?

Saber:Fine! But, no funny stuff alright?

F/n:*closes eyes and nods* You have my word. And don't mind the frozen people. I have them with me for a good reason.

With that, the guards escorted F/n, Blake, and F/n's "brother" and "father" to the Belladonna home. As soon as they got there...

F/n:Whoa, nice house Blake.

Blake:*goes pink* Thanks.

F/n:Before we go in...*turns to the two guards* one question. Ever wanted to pelt a Schnee with eggs or something like that?

Saber:*scoffs* What Faunus wouldn't want to?

F/n:Well...*points to Jacques and Whitley* why don't you let these two defrost in the hot sun and when they do, tie them both to stakes and do whatever you Faunus desire to them? Consider it as a starting way of payback.

Saber:*smiles* I like the way you think, sir.

F/n:*nods* Of course. I'm a FORMER Schnee myself, so I technically don't care what you Faunus do to them. *grabs Blake's hand* Come on.

F/n led Blake up the stairs of her home and rang the doorbell. A moment later, two women came to the door.


F/n watched the shorter woman hug her daughter, much to her embarassment.


Kali:You should really visit more.*sees F/n* Who is this you brought with you?

F/n:Oh, I'm F/n L/n, Blake's combat teacher. I came here to speak with you two about something rather important. I promise it'll peak both your interests.

Kira:What did Blake do?

F/n:Oh, she's not the issue here. Something else is.

A moment later, F/n was seen sipping tea with the Belladonnas.

F/n:Anyway, I'm hoping you two are okay with working with a former Schnee, one that's not racist AT ALL.

Kira:Interesting backstory you have Mr. L/n, but why should I bother associating with you?

F/n:Believe me when I say this. I only want to work with you because I want to stop the issues between Humans and Faunus that are currently happening. I mean, you Faunus do have problems that need a solution right? That being said...*takes out his folder* the shit I happen to have in here will make you WANT to work with me.

F/n handed the folder over to Kira and she and her wife both read its contents, getting more shocked and upset with each detail.

Kira(upset):Those damned Schnees!

Kali:*hugs her wife* Honey, calm down.

Kira(upset):Hell no! Just when you think that when what's happening to Faunus is bad, there's secretly something more severe happening to them! In fact, I should've known those Schnees would be doing things like this to Faunus!

F/n:Well, Ma'am. Seems like you and your wife are two more people who knows of how horrible the company is. That being sad, that would make you two demand punishment for those Schnees, but I'm no longer a Schnee myself. I'm a L/n, so that does NOT apply to me.

Kali:How did you obtain this information anyway, Mr. L/n?

F/n:Well, I had a partner of mine, who's named Quill Branwen, and she's been doing some digging for me after I told her my plan of telling her how I wanted to take over the SDC and fix everything that those Schnees have done. I want the Faunus to be free. I want things to be better than they already are.

Kira:You do?

F/n:I wouldn't have been working with Quill or making plans for the SDC for no reason, Madam. In those words, I honestly want to help really. If you don't want to work with me, then I would fully understand. I'll find a way to destroy the lives of those Schnees minus the one named Weiss Schnee. Make them suffer and force THEM into being slaves for Faunus if necessary. Just think about it.

Kira took a moment to think about it before she smiled and offered a hand to F/n.

Kira:I suppose so, L/n. If you truly want to help out, then I suppose we can work together.

F/n smiled and took her hand, before shaking it.

F/n:I'm glad you can agree to the idea. Anyway, first things first. I have two Schnees on the island right now.


F/n:*holds up hands* Hang on, no jumping to conclusions. I brought them here so the inhabitants can throw eggs and shit at them and do what they want with them. It's a small portion of their revenge on the Schnees, well two of them at least.

Kira:*calms down* I like the way you think, sir.

F/n:*smiles* Thank you, Ma'am. Also, why don't you take them down to the White Fang leader and allow her to treat them like animals? I'm sure she would do that.

Kira:*nods* I'm sure Khan would like to do that.

F/n:Good to know. Thanks for your time. *stands up* You coming, Blake?

Blake:No, sir. I'm actually going to stay here for a while.

F/n:Okay. *heads for door* I'll see you Monday.


When F/n reached the exit, he looked back to see Blake blow a kiss to him. F/n smiled at her and left.

Unbeknownst to the two, Kali managed to spot her daughter's action.

Outside, F/n was seen standing in front of a wooden platform, where his "brother" and "father" were both tied to stakes and covered in eggs and bloody cuts.

F/n:Hm. Seems like you two are already starting to feel what it's like to be mistreated, huh?

Jacques(pissed):Young man! You get me down from here, RIGHT NOW!

F/n:Tch. No! Not after what you all have done to me AND Faunus especially. Besides since you two think Faunus are animals just as much as the rest, you two should have a taste of being treated like an animal. Now, have a good day. *to the surrounding Faunus* Proceed with your revenge.

Faunus(in unison):Thank you, sir!

F/n then left the Faunus to throw more eggs and shit at the two while he got on a boat to go back to Vale.

First Mate:Hey! Heard you were the guy who brought those Schnees to Menagerie.

F/n:Yep. I'm the guy. Faunus are now getting their rightful revenge on them, all thanks to me of course.

First Mate:You know. For a Schnee, you're actually pretty nice.

F/n:Hehe. I'm NOT really a Schnee, but thanks.

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