The Mission!

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(F/n's POV)

Today's another day that the students were picking out missions to do for the safety of Remnant. And teachers of Beacon have to go with them in case of assistance being needed.

As I was standing there with Iri, Glynda came up to me.

F/n:Hey, Glynda. Do you need something?

Glynda:Yes. Teams RWBY, JNPR, and NDGO are going to clear out a massive nest of Grimm. There's about...600 lesser Grimm that's Ozina's worried would end up heading to one of the Kingdoms and...she wants you to go there and be there to help out.

F/n:Ah, sure thing. What will you be doing?

Glynda:I'll be going with another team for an escort mission.

F/n:Well in that case, I'll go and leave Iri with Ozina then. Stay safe, alright?

Glynda:Of course I will.

We both shared a quick kiss before I left to leave Iri with Ozina.


(No One's POV)

F/n was later seen riding an airship with Teams RWBY, JNPR, and NDGO. As F/n pretty much should've expected, he was getting stares from them all.

F/n:Alright, listen to me, all of you. So, how it's going to work is and Team RWBY will take the middle, JNPR takes the left side, and Team NDGO goes to the right side. Am I clear?

RWBY+JNPR+NDGO(in unison):Yes, Professor.

The airship then landed at their destination and they all began to walk off to find the objectives.

F/n:Ms. Rose?


F/n:Use your Semblance and look up ahead for us, alright?

Ruby nodded and dashed off to see where the Grimm were. As they were waiting for her to come back...F/n was getting stared at again, this time by Teams JNPR & NDGO.

JNPR+NDGO:*He is...really handsome and kind. I wonder if he has a girlfriend or not?*

Ruby then came back.

Ruby:The Grimm are there, sir.

F/n:Good. *pats her back* *turns to the others* Let's move.

With that, they all continued to move forward and soon spotted the Grimm that infested the area. 

F/n:Well, you all know the drill. *takes out Bon Voyage and WillBreaker* Head to your assigned positions and dispose of the Grimm. *infuses his weapons with Fire Dust*

The three teams took out their weapons before moving on. Team JNPR headed to the left side and Team NDGO headed to the right side while Team RWBY stayed with F/n.

F/n:Are you all ready? (Team RWBY all nodded.) Good, go and attack.

That being said, him and the four girls charged forward and began to slash down and dispose off the lesser Grimm that were there. Sure there were a lot of Grimm, but that didn't matter at all due to the training of them all and due to them having F/n on their side. 

In a matter of time, all of the Grimm were gone and they all reunited.

Joan:All of the Grimm on the left side has been killed, Professor.

Nebula:Same thing on the right side.

F/n:*smiles* Good. You all did a great job today.

The girls went slightly red from his statement. Then suddenly...

This suddenly arrived and roared at them all.

Yang:What the hell is that!?

F/n:No idea. *gets an idea* You all go back to the airship.

Weiss:What!? What about you!?

F?n:Trust me, sis. I'll be fine.



Although hesitantly, the girls ran back while F/n stood his ground and faced the unusual Grimm.

F/n:Well, big and ugly...*infuses his weapons with Lightning Dust* let's do this.

The Grimm roared at him again and attempted to smash him with its fists, but F/n was quick to dodge and began slashing it it arms and legs, using an icy ground to increase his speed. The Grimm even roared at him, causing powerful shockwaves that broke any ice F/n threw at it.

Meanwhile, the others were seen waiting at the airship.

Pilot:What is that thing?

Yang:We don't know. Professor L/n is handling it though.

Pilot:By himself!?

Weiss:He says he got this. *I hope.*

We go back with F/n, who was still fighting the Grimm. The only reason it was consuming his time was because of an unusual healing ability the Grimm had. That's when he gotten an idea.

F/n first froze up the legs of it, keeping it immobile and unable to move. Then, he began making a pathway of ice that led up to the head of the beast and began going up. On his way up though, the Grimm lifted its fist and was the smash him, but...

F/n blasted a big beam of ice at its hand, freezing it up as well and making it drop it to the ground. 

F/n:Alright, now it can't attack me or move. And now...

F/n took out Kolosskrone, the weapon his elder sister gifted him with, and turned the dial to create a blade of fire. Then using ice to propel himself in the air and towards the neck of the Grimm...

He jammed the blade into its neck before he began to drag himself down its body, diagonally cutting it it half. The top half fell to the ground before it and the rest of the body dissipated into nothing.

F/n:Whew, that was kinda hard. *shrugs* Oh, well. Time to go back.

F/n then made his way back to the airship, where he was met with satisfying looks from his assigned teams and a hug from his worried younger sister.


F/n was later seen sitting in his dorm room with Iri on his lap, who was hugging her stuffed bunny close as she listened with interest.

F/n:And with one final slash down the body, I had slain the beast and won the day for me and the others.

Iri:Whoa, that sounds so awesome. Have you done any other awesome things in your life like that?

F/n:*chuckles* Yes I did, my little snow kitten. But for now, let's rest and enjoy the little things.

On the last part, F/n opened his hand in front of Iri and made a tiny snowman in his hand, making her eyes sparkle in amusement.


F/n chuckled at his daughter's cuteness as the screen went black.

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