Chapter 7: Conversation

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After Luan finished her homework, the door opened and her brother walked in. It wasn't too unexpected for him to come into the room when he wants to talk to her or Luna.

"Luan...We need to talk." Lincoln said.

"About the fight with Lori and I. There's nothing to talk about..." Luan said.

"But why are you so sure that she broke Mr. Coconuts? It could've been an accident which doesn't excuse...." Lincoln said before Luan yelled.

"Because that's not the only thing that she's broken!!" Luan yelled which caused Lincoln to jump a little.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"You wouldn't understand." Luan said.

"Try me." He said which caused her to sigh. She slowly patted the space next to her and Lincoln jumped on while trying to figure out what else was ruined.

"You see...Lori and I used to be very close. She would always make time for me and play with me. She would even laugh at my jokes and hang out with me." Luan said sighing happily at the memories before Lori changed.

"But what happened?" Lincoln asked.

"She changed. You know how she is...bossy, always making us get out of her room, and spending lots of time with her ex and friends." Luan said making Lincoln nod. 

"So she started to destroy your relationship piece by piece?" Lincoln said.

"Exactly. Before the incident...I used to hold hope that our relationship would go back to the way it was. But now..I know that there's no point in waiting for that to happen." Luan said. 

"Luan...." Lincoln said.

"Sigh...Lincoln, to me Mr. Coconuts was the symbol of Lori's and I's bond with one another and by destroying it...she showed that it's too late to repair our bond to the way that it was." Luan said while trying to hold back her tears. 

"I didn't know that he was more than a toy to you Luan." Lincoln said.

"That's because I never told anyone what he really meant to me. She gave it to me on our sixth birthday and said that we will always be together, but now I know that her promise was a lie." Luan said. Lincoln slowly stood up and started to hug his sister..which only made it harder to hold back the tears. Eventually he let go and started to go towards the door when he heard Luan..say one last thing.

"Thanks for listening Lincoln." She said. Lincoln nodded and headed out the door knowing that this wasn't going to be easy to fix. Mr. Coconuts was the symbol of their bond and Lori broke it..accidentally. But Luan easily saw it as a betrayal of her promise that they made years ago. 

"Lincoln! Did you figure out why Luan was acting crazy? Aaron said.

"Yes. And this is more challenging than any of us thought." Lincoln said making Aaron confused. At the same time...Lori was working on her homework and looked at the house. A house that she wasn't allowed in...for an unknown amount of time. She tried to remember why Luan was so transfixed on Mr. Coconuts, but all she managed to do was draw a blank. Sighing...she remembered all of those words that Luan said to her and felt disgusted at herself for causing Luan such pain.

Maybe she's right. I'm just a good for nothing disgrace. 

Lori felt tears come to her eyes before she quickly wiped them away. She couldn't let those words get to her, but each day was harder and harder to keep her strong will alive. And without it...she dreaded what the future will hold for her.

Never knowing how deep the current conflict with her sister really lies.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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