★★Chapter 37★★

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1) Gabriel Agreste, famous fashion designer.

2) Adrien Agreste, famous fashion model, pianist.

3) Marinette Dupain-Cheng, famous fashion designer, dancer, singer.

4) Emilie Dawson, famous fashion designer, singer, pianist.

5) Jagged Stone, popular rock star

6) Luka Couffaine, popular guitarist

7) Alya Cèsaire & Nadja Chamack, famous news reporters, leaders of the Lady-Blog

8) Audrey Bourgeois, famous fashion designer

9) Andre & Chloe Bourgeois, Mayor and the Mayor's daughter

10) Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel & Tiki Sondra, famous comic writers and artists

"WHAT?!" Chloe's loud voice could be heard throughout the whole maze. She stared wide-eyed at her phone. "How did... How did...?"

"What?" Savannah and Alison came rushing towards her to see what was up. They stared down at her phone to see that she was looking through the Popularity Board.

"How did this happen?!" Chloe cried out again. "Before I used to be 7th, but now... I'm down to 9th!"

It was a horrific nightmare come true. Chloe had actually started off as 3rd, because she was known as the Mayor's daughter. But then Marinette started entering shows and getting more popular, bringing Chloe down. It angered Chloe, but she hadn't minded just as long as she was top 10.

But now she minded! She was all the way down to 9th, and tied with her own father! She was so close to not being top 10.

"When did Alya get so much fame?" Savannah gasped. "She totes does not deserve it!" She tried making Chloe better, but she could tell it wasn't working.

"Alya and Nadja run the Lady-Blog, which everyone loves," Alison explained. "In Lady-Blog, they make news there sometimes on famous people. Lady-Blog can also be like You-Tube, where you can post your own videos or write down any message about what you know about any famous celebrities, and then people would like, dislike, or comment on it.

"That's where me, Bette, Amelie and Celia posted our message about Adrien and Marinette secretly dating. And it got so many views," Alison looked proud of herself.

"So?!" Chloe seemed to be still raging. "Being in charge of Lady-Blog is no better than being the Mayor's daughter! How can people even be like this?!"

"And since when did Tiki, Nathaniel and Marc get on the board?!" Savannah gasped.

"The three of them own the Comic-Con... I forgot what it's called," Alison shrugged. "In that, they are able to post any of their comics that they made, and people all over Paris can also make comics if they'd like."

"I just realized," Chloe put her phone away. "I haven't done anything. I thought being Mayor's daughter world increase my popularity, but no, it's actually getting worse. I don't want to be known as the Mayor's daughter anymore. I want to be known as Chloe Bourgeois!"

Savannah and Alison nodded along.

"I've always entered competitions, yet I fail and come back behind Marinette," Chloe looked determined. "This time I'm going to join a competition that Marinette isn't in, so that way, I can have a chance of winning. That is why Gabriel's new designing competition is the best one for me to join."

"I thought you hated Gabriel and Adrien... Plus you do realize that Marinette is going to be Gabriel's assistant, right?" As soon as the words left Alison's mouth, Savannah clenched her fists.

"I'm still going to do for it. Besides, I have a plan," Chloe smirked.

Savannah didn't say anything. She was also going to compete in the designing competition, and if Chloe was planning on cheating, she was not about to let that happen!

Alison looked up and she grinned. "Oh, hey Stephanie. I see you're all by yourself. What happened?"

"I..." Stephanie stopped, and walked up to them while ignoring Savannah's glares. "I decided to work alone, but seeing you guys makes me want to have a partner again." She chuckled. "What do you say?"

"Sure, join us," Chloe shrugged. "It doesn't matter if Miss Bustier said only two people can work together."


"So Stephanie, any new thing happening in your life?" Savannah asked as the girls started walking again.

"I... Yeah," Stephanie gulped as she let out the next words that she thought she might regret later on. "I think Nino likes me."

"What?!" All three girls said at the same time, stopping her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean Nino... Like, as in your crush?" Savannah rolled her eyes. "Girl, impossible. Nino already has Alya!"

"Well, yeah, but... I overheard Nino saying that he actually liked me," Stephanie didn't mention the part of Nino saying that he had lost feelings for her. She loved the new attention she was getting, plus, she could just make Nino fall back in love with her. No biggie.

"Really girl?" Chloe looked as surprised as everyone else. "You overheard him say that?"

Stephanie nodded. "Lately we haven't been talking, because I kinda did something bad to him, but if I can get him to trust me again and then fall back in love with me, then it'll be perfect," She blurted.

"So, he doesn't like you?" Savannah smirked. She was loving this. If Stephanie continued to try, it would cause chaos, and she was so in for that.

"No, he does. He's just angry with me, so I need to make it up to him," Stephanie shook her head. "And... I know I said I wouldn't play dirty, but... Hearing Nino say that he loves me makes me want to play dirty!"

"Oh, so what are you saying?" Alison rubbed her hands together.

"I want Nino to break up with Alya and see what an amazing girl I am," Stephanie realized that her bad girl side was coming back, but she did nothing to stop it from coming. "If you girls are still willing to help me-"

"Of course!" Chloe exclaimed. "We'll totally help you."

"Yeah, and seeing that Alya is 7th on the Popularity Board, I can post informations about her losing her boyfriend," Alison smirked. "Maybe we could add a few rumors along." Not only will it ruin her reputation, but maybe I can then take her spot, Alison added to herself.

"Now let's get out of this maze so we can go back to our cabin and plan this through," Chloe looked around. "Which way do we go now?"

Before any of them could take a step, a whistle was blown.

"That's the fourth time that whistle had been blown," Savannah exclaimed. "Which means four people have made it out so far."

The whistle was blown to tell everyone that another person had made it out, and then using a mic, they would call out the name of the person that had made it out.


"Huh?" Stephanie frowned.

"Oh, don't get your hopes up," Chloe laughed. "Stephanie is another girl from Mr. Krause's class."

"Oh, so there's two Stephanie's," Stephanie nodded in understanding.

So far the four people that had made it out were Ivan from Miss Bustier's class, Louis from Mr. Krause's class, Angel from Mr. Krause's class, and Stephanie from Mr. Krause's class.

In the beginning, Miss Bustier and Mr. Krause had made a deal. Whoever had the less amount of students come out would be a servant of the other one for a whole day.

Just soon right after, a double-whistle was blown, and the names were called out.

"Adrien and Marinette!"

"What?!" Savannah stopped in her tracks. "Those two... Those two were working together?"

"Why would Marinette and Adrien work together after Marinette practically made him uncomfortable by taking her clothes off?!" Alison asked out loud, causing Stephanie to turn to her and laugh.

"Wait, Savannah told you that?" Stephanie couldn't stop laughing. "She's... She's lying. That's... That's... Just.. A... Fake story!"

"Huh?" Both Chloe and Alison turned around to face Savannah.

"I can't believe you girls actually believed her," Stephanie stopped laughing. "She told me the same exact story, and about how she had come and saved the day for Adrien. She told me that Adrien was comfortable around her, but I've seen Adrien and how he's ignoring you!"

Stephanie, shut up! "I was just trying to spice things up a bit," Savannah gave them a fake smile. "Fine, Marinette didn't take her clothes off, but she was still forcing herself on Adrien."

"I thought that story sounded funny," Chloe folded her arms. "I mean... Wouldn't Adrien just protect himself. He's way stronger than Marinette, you know. He just doesn't show it."

"Like I said, he didn't want to touch her dirty body," Savannah grimaced.

"Couldn't he have made his way to the door and leave the room?" Alison asked.

"Marinette was blocking him-" Savannah knew her story was beginning to fall apart. There really was no need to keep on lying.

"I'm sure Adrien would have at least pushed her away and then run to the door, no matter how much of a clean-freak he is," Chloe shrugged. "Should have known this story was just a big fat lie."

Savannah gritted her teeth, watching as the other girls walked away without her. She huffed and went the other way.

Another whistle was blown. This time it was blown three times.

"Alya, Nino, Ajax!"

Ajax must have been a guy from Mr. Krause's class. They knew only one spot was left, so Savannah, nor Chloe, Alison or Stephanie, tried to get it. Instead Savannah kept walking, and the other three girls had sat down to talk more about their plan.

Finally the last whistle was blown.


Miss Bustier then started telling everyone the direction to get out of the maze. It took about 30 minutes for every single one of them to get out, and they were all relieved.

"Can we congratulate these 10 winners, please?" The whole crowd started applauding for them.

"Here we have Ivan Bruel, who was the first person to make it out," Miss Bustier exclaimed.

"And then we have Louis Arthur, who was the second person to make it out," Mr. Krause walked up to the boy with a smile. "Next we have Angel Martin, who was the third. And then we have Stephanie Clement, who was the fourth."

Miss Bustier took over, calling out the rest of the names of her class students that had made it out. When they were all done, Miss Bustier turned to Mr. Krause with a smirk.

"See, I have exactly 6 students of mine that made it out, while you have 4."

"Fine, you win this one, Caline Bustier, but the next one, you won't be so lucky in!" Mr. Krause did his evil laugh before he started walking away.

"Wow, nice job girls," Marinette walked up to her two best friends and pulled them into a group hug. "I did not expect for all three of us to win."

"Me neither," Tiki laughed as the group hug was broken. After her little make out section with Plagg, she had ran away to go look for Nathaniel, not even knowing why. But then she found herself at the exit and at that moment, winning mattered more.

"I would never have won without Nino's smartness," Alya chipped in. "He's the only reason why I even made it out of that maze."

When Alya spoke those words, it reminded Marinette of how she had got out.

Marinette looked around again, feeling that she was lost. Where was she supposed to go or do now? She wasn't sure but she could tell she was very close.

Suddenly someone walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see the last person she expected to see. Adrien!

"Hey Marinette, follow me. I just saw the exit that way!" He pointed to his left, and Marinette didn't know why, but her heart suddenly started beating fast. Adrien knew where the exit was, yet he had come back to get her.

Marinette then smiled and followed him, letting him lead the way to the exit. As soon as she crossed the red line, she heard the whistle beep and she knew she had done it.

But she didn't say anything about how she escaped, and neither did Tiki.

"I'm so happy for you, Alya," Stephanie walked up to the three girls, with somewhat of a smug smile on her face. "Did you have fun with Nino?"

"Stephanie, don't be mad at Nino. He was just...well, mad."

"What, no. I'm not mad at him," Stephanie seemed to sigh. "Nino's got every single reason to be mad. It was my fault I broke my relationship with him."

"Well, I- wait, what?!" Alya looked at her surprised and shocked. "What do you mean...relationship?"

"I... Nino didn't tell you?" Stephanie frowned. "Oh, I expected him to at least tell his girlfriend about his ex."

"You're... You're Nino's ex-girlfriend?"

"I had this huge crush on Nino back when we were in 7th grade. Everyone knew about it... I... I then confessed to him and he accepted me," Stephanie explained. "But then I got myself mixed in with some couple of bad girls and Nino broke up with me for that. I just wonder to myself... If I had never done what I did, would we still be together?"

"I..." Alya seemed to not know what to say. She was wordless.

"Alya, trust me, I'm out of the way. I'm slowly trying to lose my feelings for Nino. I really am trying. I hope you have a splendid relationship with Nino." Stephanie gave a little wave before she turned around and started leaving.

"Whoa, what was that all about?" Tiki watched her go, while Alya looked down.

"Nino never told me he had an ex!"

"Alya, don't believe Stephanie so easily," Marinette sighed. "I told you... She's trying to get you and Nino to break up because she obviously still have feelings for him, and she's not about to step back until she gets what she wants. Talk to Nino about it and see what he has to say."

"Yeah, you're right," Alya nodded. "I'll talk to him when we get to our cabin!"

"Alright guys!" Miss Bustier yelled. "Time for your prizes!"


Word Count: 2372 (excluding this)
- Edited -

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