☆☆Chapter 50☆☆

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At 2:35pm, the three buses started arriving. Each teachers made sure that they had every single one of their students with them.

"Okay, bye. I'll see you in school." Stephanie C. waved at the new friends she had made, before she started heading towards Mr. Krause, her homeroom teacher.

Nathaniel lined up behind Marc with his bag as Miss Bustier's class started heading to one bus. One by one each student went inside the bus and sat down beside the person they wanted to sit with.

Stephanie sat down by herself at the back. She didn't want anyone sitting next to her, but soon Alison came over and sat down. Beside them at the next seat were Bette and Chloe. In front of them were Alya and Nino.

Nino looked over at her, but shook his head once he saw Alison sitting next to her. Stephanie sent him an apologetic look, but Nino ignored her and looked back to the front.

"So, how are you doing?" Alison asked, looking like she was worried about her.

Stephanie shook her head, showing that she didn't want to talk about it. Honestly, Alison wasn't that bad of a friend. Sure, she sometimes treated others bad, but she treated Stephanie the way she wanted to be treated. Alison had been the only one that was really there when she was having problems with Nino. Chloe and Bette were just having their fun with Stephanie C. and Savannah.

"Forget him, he's not worth it," Alison spoke again. "I once liked a boy like that, but later on I found out he wasn't worth it." Alison looked at her. "Stephanie, you can't crush on a boy that already has a girlfriend."

Stephanie bit her lip, looking away. Trust me, she didn't want to go after Nino. But I started liking him first, she heard herself saying, and maybe even a bit too loud.

Alison sighed. "That doesn't really matter, now does it? Nino likes Alya, not you. And I'm not saying this to try to make you feel worse."

"It's fine," Stephanie spoke, though she knew it wasn't. She looked away to look outside of the window.

"Hey, when we get back, I know the perfect way to get you to get over him," Alison smirked. "You can't think of a boy when you're on a date with another, huh?"

"Sure," Stephanie shrugged, not really paying attention.

Minutes went by as the students talked to each other, some of them even fell asleep, including Tiki. Plagg had lifted her head and placed it on his shoulder, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

Marinette had fallen asleep too, because she was so bored. Alya was sitting with Nino, and Tiki was sitting with Plagg. Right now she was sitting next to Alix.

The sleep looked a lot to her like it only lasted for 2 minutes, but when she woke up, they were almost at the school, which meant that the bus must have driven for at least 30 minutes.

Marinette looked behind her. More people had fallen asleep. Now instead of Tiki's head resting on Plagg's shoulder, with eyes closed, Plagg was the one resting his head on her lap with his eyes closed shut. Tiki was awake, and was slowly caressing his head.

Marinette took out her phone, scrolling through it to pass time, since she couldn't fall back asleep anymore.

☆☆3:10pm|S - I'm coming to pick you up from your school. Will meet you there. :)☆☆

Marinette was a little surprised at the message, Stella telling her that she would come pick her up.

Of course, since the school bus couldn't just drop everyone off at their houses, they were going to drop all of the students off at the school, so then everyone would go home by themselves. Marinette had planned on walking back home, since she didn't bring her car; some part of her had also wanted to take the bus, because it was faster than walking, but she knew that wouldn't be a good idea. Lots of people could probably ask her a bunch of questions while she was on the bus.

So it was much appreciated to see Stella saying that she would come pick her up. She felt satisfied as she put her phone back.

The bus reached its destination in the next 15 minutes. Miss Bustier started waking everyone up as the bus door was opened for them to start climbing out of the bus. One by one, every student left the bus, Miss Bustier being the last to leave.

"Alright, I'll take attendance again to make sure that all of you guys are here," Miss Bustier spoke, taking out her paper with the list of names of her students. One by one, she called out each name, skipping Adrien, because she already knew where he was, and one by one, every students raised their hands or said, "present."

"Alright then," Miss Bustier nodded. "You're free to go. I see some cars here, which must mean that your parents are already here. Remember about your assignment, and it's due next Friday."

Marinette nodded, and after saying her byes to her friends, she started heading over to the car she recognized as Stella's. Stella allowed her inside the car, and after locking it, she started the car.

"So, I'm going to start with a simple question," Stella smiled. "How was Survival Week?"

"It was okay, I guess," Marinette shrugged, putting on her seatbelt.

"I'm sure it must have been great," Stella smirked. "Hanging out with your friends, doing so many activities together... Getting a boyfriend."

"Should have known this conversation would lead to Adrien," Marinette rolled her eyes. "Let's not talk about this. I just want to get home. Anyway, how is...everyone at home?"

"Since Hannah has been acting all crazy because Andy left her, Kathleen decided to move in to help her. Oh, isn't she such a darling?" Stella cooed. "All Hannah has to do is just let go of the past, hehe."

"Oh, and also," Stella continued without letting Marinette speak up what she was going to say next. "Hannah is unto me. She says I have something that I'm hiding, and she's going to find out what it is."

"Oh," Was all Marinette could say at the moment.

"I'm finally ready to leave the house and move on. I've gotten the revenge I wanted, and it really makes me satisfied at how things turned out, haha," Stella laughed.

"But Stella... Can you tell me the real truth?" Marinette didn't really want to be a part of his, but she couldn't help it. "Did Hannah really bully you for fun like you said? Or did you do something to her to make her hate you."

"Oh, Hannah told you something, now didn't she? And now you're going to be questioning me until you find out the truth, aren't you?" Stella took a turn to the right. "Marinette, whatever Hannah told you, I bet not everything she said was right. If she said that I helped her enemy win the female lead to a play, then yes she's correct. But you know what? Did she ever tell you that she started bullying me before I let her enemy win?"

Stella stopped driving and parked, and that was when Marinette realized they were already home. Stella turned to her in the back seat.

"The only reason I helped her enemy win the role to that play was only because of everything she did to me," She said. "But you don't have to care. In the end I still got my revenge, and in the end I am still leaving the house." She unlocked the car and both she and Marinette stepped out.

"Whatever. I couldn't care less," Marinette shook her head and started heading to the house. "Thanks for the ride, though."

"Oh, it's not a problem."

Marinette stepped inside the house, looking around the familiar rooms that it had. She wished not to run into anyone, but just when she entered the living room, she saw Hannah sitting down on one of the couch.

"Well, it's about time you got home," Hannah said, standing up. She looked miserable. When Stella had told her that Hannah wasn't doing so well, Marinette hadn't expected...this!

Hannah's eyes looked absolutely red. Her whole face was doleful, though she was trying not to show it. She definitely did look like she had been crying for hours, just as Stella had told her. Did Hannah really miss Andy that much?

"Yes?" Marinette waited for Hannah to continue.

"I haven't had lunch yet. You have until 4:00pm to make me one. Just enough time!" Hannah ordered, not caring if Marinette had just come back or not. Luckily Stella came to her rescue.

"Hannah, go easier on her. She just returned from her field trip. She may want to rest."

"What do you mean by that?!" Hannah yelled, already getting angry. "Marinette went on a field trip with her classmates for a week! She must have had so many fun and so many sleeps there! There is no need for her to rest. I'm sure she's ready to get back to work just as she did before."

"It's okay," Stella was walking towards the kitchen. "I'll make you lunch."

"No! I don't want to eat your food!" Hannah said with a glowering face. "How can I eat the food made by my own enemy?!"

Kathleen started walking down the stairs, wanting to go meet Marinette and welcome her back.

"Fine! Then starve yourself to death," Stella rolled her eyes, obviously not wanting to take any crap from Hannah. "By the way, I just thought I should tell you; I'm moving back to my friends house."

"Ha, I knew it!" Hannah pointed a finger at her. "You have something to hide, so you're leaving so soon, huh?"

"No, that's not it," Stella quickly replied. "I don't feel like I belong here anymore. You're always finding fault with me, always blaming me for everything. And plus my friend is sick, and I want to go back to take care of her."

"Oh, honey, I understand," Kathleen hugged her. "You can leave and come back any time you want. I really enjoyed having you here."

"Thank you," Stella smiled. "I'm so glad you understand."

"You... You liar!" Hannah yelled. She looked way angrier than before. "Kathleen, don't believe her, she's just lying! She doesn't need to go see her friend. She just wants to go away because she knows she's going to get caught soon!"

"Hannah, don't say that about another woman just because you're feeling upset!" Kathleen warned.

Marinette sighed. She had had it with these women. Maybe it was finally time she moved away as well. Maybe she could live with someone else, and not have to wake up every morning to worry about these women. Maybe she didn't really have to wait until she was 18.

While the three of them continued bickering, Marinette walked upstairs to her room. She hasn't really slept that much last night, plus when she fell asleep in the bus, she felt uncomfortable. So dropping her bags to a corner, she fell down on her bed.


*Ring, Ring, Ring!*

"Coming..." Marinette muttered, reaching for her phone that was on the table. Lifting her head up from her pillow, she picked up her phone without looking to see who was calling.



Her eyes flew wide opened at the voice. She sat up in her bed, suddenly looking so excited. "Yes, Adrien?"

"I hope I'm not disturbing you. It took you a while to answer."

"No, you're not disturbing me. I just woke up so..." Marinette kept her mouth shut after that, wanting to hear what Adrien had to tell her.

"Well... Is it okay if we both go to the bakery?"

"Oh sure, totally!" Marinette had the widest smile that she couldn't wipe away. "Do we need the disguise again?"

"Yeah, we'll need that. I'll come pick you up?"

"Okay, sure. I'll have the disguises all ready." Marinette was about to hang up when she remembered she had a question to ask Adrien. "Wait, Adrien, why did you bloc-"


Marinette stared at her phone, aware that Adrien had just hanged up. She sighed and placed her phone back where it was before, wondering if the reason why Adrien asked her to go to the bakery was because he had some news for her. Some awful, awful news.

Hopefully, I'm just thinking too much.


Word Count: 2100 (excluding this)
- Edited -

(Hey, can you all check out my story on my other account -angelicwriter- I want to get more people to read that one because I put more effort into it than I did on my MLB stories. Though you don't have to do this, but I'd really appreciate it if you did. Thanks).

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