☆☆Chapter 56☆☆

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< Monday >

"Today we're here for all of our questions to be answered. We all have had questions bottled inside of us, we all have been thinking of the possible answers to those questions. But now we're here to ask these guys, and see what they have to say to answer our questions."

Marinette barely held press conference. She sometimes hated how everyone would circle around her, ask her questions that she didn't want to hear. She had only decided to go to this press conference so if she answered questions here, nobody else would bother her with more questions later on.

She knew that they would ask about her and Adrien, and that was the one question that she hadn't prepared for. She had wanted to talk to Adrien before coming here so they would decide on what to say, but she never got the chance.

Lila Rossi was also here, only because people had questions for her. It was quite surprising, but Lila seemed to have a huge smile, as if she was finally popular just the way she had wanted. She may not be on the Popularity Board, but a lot of people talked about her, a lot of people gave her the attention she wanted, and right now that was all that mattered.

She had told her mother that she was going to the press conference, her mother had asked her why, but she had given her mother a lie. She didn't want her mother finding out about what she had done yet. She wanted everyone, or at least most of the people to believe her. She wanted to be adored and make her way to at least top 20 on the Popularity Board. And if she wanted it, she was going to get it no matter what!

She definitely knew her parents were going to be watching her on T.V, possibly being happy for her at first, because she got on T.V, and then being angry at her because of what she had said about them. She had also collected proof to make her story sound true.

Whenever her mother was yelling at her, she would secretly record it on her phone. With all records she got on her phone, people were sure to believe her. And if she won the designing competition that was tomorrow, she would be able to at least find a place to stay with the money she had earned as her prize.

Gabriel was giving €800 thousand, and a chance to work at his company, Gabriel, to the first place winner. Lila wanted to be that first place winner. She was glad to hear that Marinette wasn't joining, which gave her way more chance to win.

They all took their seats on their chairs. There were 4 of them; Marinette, Adrien, Gabriel and Lila. The news reporters, and the people asking the questions stood at the bottom of the stage, facing forward.

Lila flicked her hair backwards. She had been waiting for this moment when she would get a chance to get on TV, and here she was. She had especially cleaned after herself, dressed up nice and put on some nice make-up.

"Okay, first question goes to... Lila," A man said. "We're first going to start the situation about you and your mother. Lila, I hope you're okay to share this with us."

"Absolutely!" Lila spoke into the mic. Once she did, she shivered with glee and excitement, like yeah, she was now speaking in front of everyone. "I can't keep it bottled inside of me any longer."

She saw some people roll their eyes in the audience. Some people nodded their heads, while some didn't even do anything. Lila figured, if she had to make this sound believable, she had to make it sound like that as best as she could.

"Lila, could you...tell us a little bit about how you lived your childhood?"

Lila frowned. Why would anyone want to know about her childhood. Like, stick with the situation! But she nodded anyway and began.

"I used to live with all of my family; so that includes my parents, my grandparents and my aunt. We all lived in perfect harmony with no problems at all. But then one day, I was about 6 years old then, my mother came home with a huge bottle.

"My grandparents and aunt left the house to go live by themselves because of the way my parents were acting wildly at home. They wanted to take me too, but my mom wouldn't allow it." Lila smirked at her story. "I still live with my parents, but I feel like this is getting too much and I'm planning on moving out."

The person asking the question nodded. Then he cleared his throat and asked, "when did all the abuse really start? When did she start forcing you to chase after Adrien?"

"Um, I don't remember the exact date, but I do know that it was 2 years ago. She got so mad because she expected a reply back from Gabriel because she sent him a love letter, but she never got one. So she started forcing me to chase after Adrien."

"So, you don't like Adrien?"

"No. No, I don't. It was all my mother." Lila tried not to look over at Adrien, but failed as she wanted to see how his face was molded and what it said about what he thought about this whole thing.

But his face seemed to be lost in thought though, like he wasn't even listening to what was going on around him. It gave Lila the clues that Adrien may not have believed her.

"My Lady-Blog account is fake," Lila continued. "I mean, it's not fake, but it's not mine either. I was forced to create an account, but after a while it seemed like the account belonged to my mother, because she spent most of her time, sending messages, making articles, all about me. I understand how she's trying to stand up for me, but like, she needs to know that she's the one who started the whole thing."

"What would you do if your mother found out you ratted her out?"

"Um, my mother is probably watching this right now, since this is live. She looked excited to watch it, because she didn't know I was going to rat her out about everything she's done to me," Lila answered. "I definitely know she's going to be so mad, and she's going to disown me for telling the truth, so... I don't think I'm going home tonight!"

"OBJECTION!" Someone suddenly yelled, standing up. "I don't believe all this, Lila Rossi! If that's even your name. You were exposed of making an identity, so you decided to come up with this crazy lie, so people would feel bad for you. How are you going to prove all this about your mother?!"

Some people started applauding. Lila just wanted to come over there and slap her in the face, before telling her to sit down. But she herself gracefully stood up from her chair.

"I do have proof, bitch!" She spat. "Why would I come here, telling a fake story about me? That's just wasting my time."

"Then show us the proof."

"Ooh, how challenging!" Lila rolled her eyes. She then reached inside her pockets and pulled out her phone. She turned on the records, and played it for everyone to hear.

"But Mom... It was an accident. I swear!"

"How do you make such a horrible mistake, Lila?! How dare you! Now Adrien probably hates you more than he already does. You're never getting him; you're so bad at this!"


"I wish I had an older daughter, or at least another daughter who would do things properly the way I tell them to. You're a failure! Get out of my face!"

People all over gasped. Lila could see some of them whispering to each other. The girl that had pointed out that Lila was lying was now talking to one of her friends.

"And if that's not enough proof," Lila spoke with a small hidden smirk. "Then listen to this one!" She pressed play on her phone again as attentions were given to her.

"So, did you finally get Adrien?"

"No Mom, he doesn't like me. Just face it. I keep getting embarrassed everytime."

"Well maybe that's your fault! But seriously though, keep trying harder if you really want this richness. If we keep living like this, I don't even know what I'm going to do anymore!"

Lila paused it as the rest of the record was unnecessary to show. She looked up to see a lot of people muttering words to each other. Even though she didn't exactly know what they were saying, she knew it wasn't as bad as it had been before.

She peeked to look over at Adrien, and found him staring back at her. She shared a little smile, but Adrien only glared back before moving on to talk to Marinette.

What was that about? Why did he glare at me? Does this guy really not believe me?!

Lila took her seat again, feeling a little confused. Soon the reporters got back to her and she turned back to them to hear what their next question would be. Instead, Adrien interrupted.

"Wait, what is the name of your mother?" Adrien chipped in and asked.

Lila frowned. Who didn't know the name of her mother. She sighed and gave him the name, before looking away. Did Adrien have something up his sleeve.

"Hmm... Why did you say my father didn't receive any love letter from your mother? He did!" Adrien spoke again, surprising everyone there.

"Oh, he did...?" Lila clenched her fists where not any eyes could see. "Well, when my mother came back home, she told me Gabriel didn't receive it."

"Why would your mother tell you that? How would she be able to know that my father didn't receive it?" Adrien shot another question again. "It's not like she's ever been inside the mansion. She wouldn't know any single thing that goes in there."

"Well, that's what she told me. Back then I was 15, and I didn't really care what she told me about Gabriel," Lila spoke. "She did tell me this, but I didn't bother trying to find out if she was lying or not."

"Do you remember the exact words she said when she told you to start going after Adrien?" A reporter asked.


"Ah, shoot," Adrien stared at his black-screened phone. "My phone just died. Lila, your phone seems to be very alive. Mind if I make a quick phone call?"

Lila looked from Adrien to her phone, before she shook her head. "Why don't you ask Marinette. I'm sure she has her phone with her."

"Actually, I don't."

"Lila, may I please burrow your phone?" Adrien asked again.

"Why aren't you giving him your phone?! You have something to hide!" Someone called out. Lila realized it was the same girl that tried to call her out the last time.

"Yeah! Give him the phone if you have nothing to hide!" Another called out.

"She's obviously hiding something. That's why she doesn't want to hand over the phone," Someone yelled out.

Lila felt uncomfortable in her seat. "Wasn't my proofs enough for you to believe me? You also have to search my phone?!"

Suddenly people starter chanting, "Hand over the phone!" Lila clutched unto her phone, refusing to give it away. But then she knew what would happen if she didn't. If she didn't hand her phone over to Adrien, people would start hating on her all over again. She just had to risk this.

"Okay, okay!" Lila rolled her eyes as she picked up her phone and gave it to Adrien. "But you said you only wanted to make a call."

"Yup!" Adrien nodded. "Sorry, it's loud in here. I'll just move to the other room close by." Adrien got off his seat and started leaving. Lila wanted to stand up as well and leave with him, but then she would probably look like she was clinging unto Adrien all over again.

Life just isn't fair!

She almost pounded her fist on the table in front of her, but quickly stopped herself when the huge front doors suddenly opened.

"Lila Rossi!"

Lila widened her eyes. This was something she never expected to happen, but here it was happening to her.

People all over gasped, pointing at the woman that had just walked through the doors. She looked angry, hands clenched, teeth gritting, face red and looked ready to pound anyone who got in her way.



Word Count: 2124 (excluding this)
- Edited -

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