Chapter 12

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He reached at Shu's house and started banging on the door continuously.

Ethan : Shu!! CoMe OuT!!

He said while banging on the door continuously. After some minutes, Shu came out.

Shu : Who the hell-  YOU?!

Ethan : Yes me!! Surprised?! Didn't expect me?

Shu : Get the fuck out of here!!

Ethan : You shameless man!!! Not care about Y/n! Only care about your girlfriend?!

Shu held his collar angrily.

Shu : I am shameless?! After ruining my happy married life, telling I am shameless?! YOU ARE SHAMELESS WHO SNATCH MY WIFE AND KEEP RELATIONS WITH HER!!!!


Shu : THEN HOW SHE HAS A CHILD?! Is it someone else?! Leave it I don't care!

He said and started walking towards his house but Ethan said something that make him froze.


He turned around and looked at him with a whole shocked face.

Shu : W-What are you t-trying say?

Ethan : HE IS YOUR SON! YOUR OWN BLOOD!! Don't you noticed his crimson red eyes just like yours!!

Shu can't able to process anything only one question ringing in his mind. Why Y/n not told him?
Anger took in his whole body. He rushed out of the house ignoring Ethan calls. He took out his car and directly went to Y/n's house. He know her address coz he checked her registration form out of curiosity. He drove at a very high speed.

Shu mind : Why don't you tell me before? Do you hate me that much?

He reached there and saw the old and rusty apartment.

Shu mind : She really lived here?

He went inside and frown seeing the door locked.

Shu : Why the hell it is locked?

He ignored all the negative thoughts and look here and there. He flinched when someone tapped on his shoulders he looked back and saw an old man.

Old man : Do you finding someone?

Shu : A girl with a 4 year kid live here! Where is she?

Old man : Oh! That girl. She already leave...

Shu : Leave? Where?

Old man : London...She have a flight at 1pm at xx airport.

Shu checked the time. It's 12:30. He drove to the airport as soon as possible.


To be continue.....

What do you think happened next?

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