Chapter 9

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Shu's pov

I come on shopping with Lisa. She was trying dresses and I just sitting in a corner scrolling down my phone. I got an important call so I went outside to attend it coz I know Lisa will not letting me talk peacefully. I was talking until I heard a child crying voice. I turned back and found a kid crying while shouting.

Shu : I will call you later.

I hang up the call and went to that kid and kneel to his level.

Shu : Are you lost?

He nodded his head while sobbing. I take out my hankercheif and wiped his tears.

End of Shu's pov

Shu : How you lost?

He started telling him that how he chasing the butterfly and got lost into streets. But he didn't mention Ethan. He just mentioned her mother.

Shu : Hmm...So what's your name?

He looked at him for sometimes and then narrowed his eyes.

Euwoo : I won't tell youu!!

Shu : Huh? Why?

Euwoo : Coz youu are kidbapper!!

Shu : *giggled* It's kidnapper.

Euwoo : Whateverr!!

Shu : Baby...I am not a kidnapper.

Euwoo : Whyy should I believe youu? Show me yourr Od!

Shu : You mean Id. Here.

He showed him his ID.

Shu : So what is your name?

Euwoo : Euwoo!!

He froze listening his name and some flashblack comes in his mind.


?? : Shu!! I am sorry!! Forgive me!!

She kept apologizing to him because she put cream on his nose while eating ice-creams.

Shu : No Y/N! I won't forgive you!

Y/n : Pleaseeeee!!

Shu : Hmm...Okay but I want something in return...

Y/n : What?

He pulled her closer by her waist and whispered in her ear.

Shu : How about a cute baby?

He said in seductive voice making her blush.

Y/n : Yahh! You pervert!!

Shu : What? I am asking my girl not any other women! Now say your giving it or not?

Y/n : I will think about it...

Shu : How about we name him Euwoo if he is a boy? And if it's a girl you will decide.

Y/n : You already decided the name?

Shu : Of course! Afterall, we are going to have a baby soon~

He pulled her on the bed and kissed her while she on top of him.

Y/n : Already so desperate?

Shu : Why not? My y/niee!!

He kissed her again and their giggles filled the whole room.

End of flashback

He come back to his senses and asked him.

Shu : And how many years are you?

He showed four fingers.

Shu : Okay baby! I will help you to find your mom.

Euwoo : BABY! Mama also call me that!!

To be continue.....

Hope you like this chapter. Updates may be slow coz my test are going to start and I want to update with a clear mind. Hope you understand. 😊

Thanks for reading ❤❤

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