Chapter 10

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The only thing I can think of us Jack. I kinda miss him. Ok not just kinda I miss him a lot. I think I'm falling for him again. WAIT WHAT? What am I thinking, I can't fall for him again. He broke your heart for God's sake. There is no way I'm gonna fall for that idiot again. Oh who am I kidding i am starting to fall for him little by little. I have to be more careful with my feelings I may be falling for him but he will never fall for me.


Elsa P.O.V

I don't know how long I have been here but my father has comes and beat me up two times when it's light ouside and one time when it's dark outside. It's really cold here and I'm really hungry but one thing I don't get is why don't i just die already? I sould have diead out of hunger a long time ago and I've been here so long and I don't know what to do when he is not here, I have tried for so long to get out of here but my chains are to strong for me and I'm just to weak to get out of here.

When he beats me up he always uses the wip but sometimes he uses his belt but he has never used a knife witch is a good thing i think. My father never beats me up by his own hands I mean I doesn't kick me or punch me because he doesn't want to have my DNA on him so the police doesn't know I has me. Well I dont care about the damm police or my stubid DNA. I really just want to die here and now, I want my pain to disappear forever and I can go to a better place than being here.

I don't know why I bother begin sad and crying and feeling pain. I deserve everything that my father gives me and he only gives me what I deserve. But do every parents punish their children like this? I'm not sure but it must be true since my father does it.

I was deep in thoughts when I heard the door open and I saw a person. I think my father is here, oh well at least I will be punished for begin born into this world and still begin alive. The person who was there walked to me but I couldn't see who it was because the person is wearing a woodie. I stood up and i was now standing now few meters from this person but that didn't help me seeing this person better. I can't see if its a woman or man but this person is not that tall just a little taller than me.

The person walked to my chains and took out a key from it's pocket. The person opened my chains and let me out of them, all of them. I don't know why this person is helping me but I have to thank this person.

"Thank you" I wishpered but I know that this person heard me because this person walked closer to me. I'm getting a little scared but somehow I feel protected from this person, I need to know why I feel like this but I just do and i have never felt this feeling exept when I'm with Jack but that is diffrent rigth?

"There is nothing to thank me for" The person said. It was a male voice but I have never heard it before so why would he help me? I just don't get i, I want to understand all of this but I'm so confused. The man walked out of the house but before he went out he turned around.

"Come" He said. I began to walk slowly to the door. It hurts so much to walk and I'm not sure how long I will be able to walk and I think that man is long gone. I took a few steps more but then I met the darkness.

Jack P.O.V

Elsa has been missing for four days. she is even missing on her birthday witch is today, well her birthday is almost over. I have been going crazy for four days now and I don't know where she is. I love her so much it hurts to know that she could be in danger. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't smile, I am all alone, I feel depressed, I have purple bags under by eyes, I want to smile but I feel like my smile has been taking away from me, I am hungry but I don't want to eat, now at least I know how Elsa feels, I want to talk to my friends but somehow I feel like I don't want to talk. My family is very worried about me because I haven't been in school I am only in my room all day thinking about Elsa. The only thing I can think about now is Elsa and how she is and if she is safe. I am praying she is fine I mean if someone is hurting her and not many people know her then she could be hurt and that is the last thing I want to happen to her. I want Elsa to be fine and not hurt.

I am suppose be her protector, I am suppose to help her, I am suppose to be there for her when she needs me, I am suppose to love her the way she deserve, I am suppose to take her pain away from her but I failed to all of these things and now there is nothing I can do to help because she was kidnapped. I know exacly who kidnapped her, It was her family who did it I just know it. They did something to her, I just feel it and I know it.

"Jack, dude come on you have to eat, It's not good for you to starve yourself just because of a girl who is missing" Hiccup said. The big four have been trying to help me exept Punzie but I don't listen nor talk to them, I don't even pay attention to them even if they want to help me but the only thing that can help me is if Elsa is ok.

"Just leave me alone...please" I said in a cold tone. I don't want to talk to them in a cod tone but my voice mixed with my emotions and I can't control my feelings right now, the only thing I can feel is hurt and guilt and sadness. Hiccup and Merida stood up and walked out of my room in silence. I know they only want to help me but the only thing that can help me is Elsa. She is my life, my world, my everything but now she gone and I have to find her, the police isn't doing a very good job of finding her.

I GOT IT, I have the perfect plan to find her, I am going right away to make the plan work. The only thing that is stopping me is that I'm hungry and I'm really tired because I refused to eat and I can't sleep at night. I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat and there was nothing to eat except a sandwitch. I ate the sandwitch and now I have my energy back and I feel a little better.

Everyone says that I am an angel and now I'm going to do everything to get Elsa back. Witch can make me The angel with shotgun.

Ohh yeah,
Ohh yeah,
Ohh yeah.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Angel with a shotgun.
Get out your guns,
Battles begun

Are you a saint or a sinner.
If loves a fight,
Then I shall die.
With my heart on a trigger.

They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby you are all that I adore,
If love is what you need, A soldier I will be.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wors won.
I don't care,
If heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away faith babe,
just to keep you safe.
Don't you know,
You're everything that I have.

And I will live not just survive tonight.
sometimes to win,
You've got to sin.
Don't mean I'm not a believer

And major Tom,
Will sing along.
They still say I'm a dreamer.

They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby you are all that I adore,
If love is what you need, A soldier I will be.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wors won.
I don't care,
If heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away faith babe,
just to keep you safe.
Don't you know,
You're everything that I have.

And I will live not just survive tonight.
Ohh, Ohh whoa, whoa,
Ohh, Ohh whoa, whoa,
Ohh, Ohh whoa, whoa.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Ohh, Ohh whoa, whoa,
I'm an angel with a shotgun.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wors won.
I don't care,
If heaven won't take me back.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wors won.
I don't care,
If heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away faith babe,
just to keep you safe.
Don't you know,
You're everything that I have.

And I want to live not just survive tonight,
And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.

They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby you are all that I adore,
If love is what you need, A soldier I will be.

I better go to sleep to have a full energy tomorrow when I get my plan to action to save Elsa or get Elsa, whatever it is I am going to get Elsa and Elsa is not going to be hurt or I will kill the person who has hurt her in anyway. Elsa doesn't deserve this life, she has been through so much, more than any person has and she didn't do anything at all to deserve this. The only thing she did was beging kind to every soul and she still does even if that person hurts her she never gives up of beging kind and that is one of the things I love about her, I love everything about her even her scars and her flaws. She is just a human no she is more than that she is an angel sent from heaven, she is my angel to protect and that is my main goal to protect my angel. I closed my eyes thinking of my angel and soon I met the darkness and I was out.

Elsa P.O.V

I woke up in a white king size bed with a little light blue in it and the pillow was white with light blue snowflake on it. I sat on the bed and saw I was wearing a light blue dress with light blue long sleeves, this dress is amazing I love it but how did I get here? the only thing I can remember is that I was in the house that my father put me in and than a man came and save me, but then everything turned black and I can't remember anything more after that. I wish I could remember it and remember what happend after that but I don't.

I looked around the room and it was everything that a bedroom needs, and I really love this room but where the hell am I? how did I get here? who was the man who saved me from my father? why would someone help me? these question echo in my mind over and over and again, I can't get rid of them out of my mind and I really want them out of my mind.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the big white doors of the room opened and a woman came inside the room. The woman looked around twenty i think, she has long caramel brown hair and that she puts in ponytail. She has hazel green eyes, I think she is the same size as me or maybe a little taller than me but I'm not sure about it. The woman is wearing a black dress that has white stars on it, It's really pretty dress and it suits her perfecly. She is really beautiful, even more beautiful than I am and i am not beautiful I'm just nothing.

"Who are you? and where am I?" I asked the woman who walked to me. she took out a hairbrush and she took my hair and started undoing my franch braid that I had put my hair in well I don't know how long it has been since I put my hair into the france braid. While she was brushing my hair she began to talk.

"I am Daphne and my son saved you from your father" Daphne said. So that means that man who saved me is her son. I think she is a little young to have a grown-up son. Daphne finished brushing my hair then put it in a french braid. When I took a closer look on my braid I saw blue snowflakes on my hair. Daphne sat next to me in this king size bed.

"I am going to tell you a story" Daphne said. A story? she is going to tell me a story, a story of what? Please don't tell me she is going to tell me a bedtime story. No one has ever told me or read me a bedtime story so I don't know how it is so maybe this is a good thing and maybe this story is important.

"Ok, tell me this story" I said to her. I hope this story will be good story because this will be the first story I have ever heard. Ok I have heard stories in class but that is diffrent, i have never been told stories just for me. I have only heard stories just to learn about them never to enjoy them.

"I can only sing this story to you but I'm sure you can understand it compleatly" Daphne said to me. She is going to sing a story to me, that I have never heard. No one has ever done that to me and I think this story won't be that bad after all or at least hope it won't be bad, i want it to be good because it's my first time hearing a story this is going to be told in a song.

Don't misunderstand me,
and wait until the ending
of a gypsy legend
telling 'bout a woman

who prays to Moon in the sky.
Crying, she was asking,
pleading until sunrise to
marry today.

You will have your husband,
darker skin but, you will have to promise,"
said the Moon, "that the first son he gives
you will be mine at want,

and that's the price you shall pay.
If you sacrifice him not to be alone,
then you would barely love him.
Moon, You want to be mother,

When You can't find a love,
sowhat will You do?
Tell me silvery Moon,
what will happen to You

with a kid made of skin?
Figlio della luna.
So a boy was born from the dark father,

but his skin was pale as snow in winter.
His eyes weren't olive,
as the Moon had sweared,
said he was Son of the Moon.

'This is a betrayal;
he isn't my son and you,
you dishonoured my name.'
Moon, You want to be mother,

but You can't find a love,
so what will You do?
Tell me silvery Moon,
what will happen to You

with a kid made of skin?
Figlio della luna.
Man was made unconscious by his anger,

grabbed the woman violently,
knife in hand and, shouted with a cymbal,
'How dare you deceive me?'
Then he hurt her to death.

Holding small albino,
he went to the mountain,
and abandoned him there.
Moon, You want to be mother,

When You can't find a love,
so what will You do?
Tell me silvery Moon,
what will happen to You

with a kid made of skin?
Figlio della luna.
If the Moon becomes full,

son is sleeping.
But if She is half then he'll be weeping.
So She'll be his cradle,
lower then diminish,

and embrace him again.
So She'll be his cradle,
lower then diminish,
and embrace him again.

I understand this story but the story was weird, the thing that I don't understand is that the moon has a son and the moon is a woman I always thought that the moon was the man in moon not a woman. The white big doors opened and a man stepped inside the room.

"Am I interrupted something" The man said. His voice sounds familiar to me but where have I heard it before? Wait a minute I heard that voice yesterday when I was saved. This is the man that saved me from my father and that horrible house. This only means that he is Daphne's son but he looks around the same age as her how can that be?

A/N: Hello my Snowflakes and Snowballs.
End of chapter.
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