Chapter 16

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"So Elsa, we have something for you" James said as I ate one bite of my good just like Katherine said. Did he just say they have something for me? Why would they give me something? I do not deserve to be given something.


Elsa P.O.V

"What is it?" I asked trying to sound curious but to tell the truth I really just want to get out of here and be alone. Of course no one here will possible understand how I feel deep inside. I mean for God's sake they all are royalty. They can and have everything they want while I'm just an outcast with them. I truly don't deserve to be with them or anyone. I don't want them to see how I really feel because then they will try to save me and I don't want to be saved. But anyway I wanna know what they are gonna give me but I hope it's nothing that I don't deserve. Well I do not deserve anything, only pain and misery and death. Those three thing is the only one that I deserve in life and I'm pretty sure Katherine would agree with me. It's just so helpfull that she is helping me getting what I want and soon I will be dead and no one will ever remeber me like I never existed in life.

Well if course I agree with you, you stupid bitch. You know I can hear all of your thoughts and you have a barin after all. But you have to be ready to my next level.

Katherine said and then nothing. What does she mean with next level? She will tell me it when it comes to it. I just hope It's painfull for me then I will be happy and Katherine will be too. Everybody wins. But back to the thing that they are going to give me what can it possible be?

"It's a surprise, come now it's in a special room but you have to where this" Clara said excited and handed me a blindfold with I am supposed to put on my head to cover my eyes. I have I ever told you that I have surprises but since I don't want to be rude or anything I better be 'happy' with this surprise what ever it is. I nodded my head and took the blindfold into my hands. I put it on and then everything turned black but then I felt someone grap my hand making me jump. I'm not use to things like this but I think this will be ok. I don't know who is holding my hand but after few seconds I felt someone take my other hand. I hope who ever is holding my hands does not find my scars or that I just cutted myself last night.

"Me and Clara are going to lead you the way but don't worry nothing is going to happen to you, you can trust us" Someone said witch was a male's voice so I'm guessing James. The voice came beside me so James is holding my left hand and I think Clara is holding my right hand. They began to walk and so did I. I'm really sacred of not begin able to see anything but somehow I feel like I can trust them. I have never been able to trust anyone before well I have but that was a long time ago when I was someone not the ugly bitch I am today. We have been walked about ten minutes and I'm getting impatient. They have tried to talk to me but i dont talk very much nor do I want to. Talking just isn't my thing. They finally got the hint that I don't want to talk so they stopped trying. I probably hurt there feelings and now I feel bad but I just don't want to talk.

We stopped walking and I'm very confused. I felt the blindfold begin taken of me and it was really hard to get use to the bright light. When my eyes where finally use to it I saw that in front of me was a big door. What is up to this castle and having big doors somebody please tell me. The doors where most white but there where blue pattern on it. Everyroom in this castle has something blue like my favorite color. That I don't get and never will. James opened the doors and when I looked inside all I saw was black for only a second but then colors appeared. I saw that the room was decorated in colorful ballons and strings. In the middle of the room was a table with a big blue cake and many presents around the cake. I looked up and I saw a white rippon that something was written on in blue letters. I read it and I was very surprised what was written on it.


That was written on the white rippon in beautiful light blue letters. Wait this is for me. My birthday was few days ago. I think, I have no idea what day is or how many days it has been since my birthday. But what I don't get is why? Why to through all of this trouble just to make this for someone who don't deserve it? Why for me? This is so amazing and I do not deserve it not even one bit. I looked at James and Clara and they where smiling at me so I just smiled back to be nice to them. I mean they have only been nice to me so they deserve that I would be nice to them to.

"You like it?" Clara asked. I want to say yes because that is the truth but I also want to say no because I don't deserve a birthday party like this. I have only heard about how birthday party's are and everyone says they are amazing. Maybe I can try to have one birthday since I'm gonna die so o so why not have a little fun while I can?

"I Love it, thank you" I said thanking them. I don't t think there is enough thank you's in the world that can fit to all of this. I will never be able to thank them enough. Wait I feel something on my cheeks. I touched my cheeks and I'm smiling? A real smile, I'm actually smiling. It's been four years now since I have ever smiled for real and I kinda....liked. This is a new feeling that I have never in my life felt before and that scares me a little. Okay maybe it scares me really much. I walked around and saw many presents around the room.

"No need to thank us, we just wanted to do something for your birthday witch was few days ago but go ahead and do what you want. This is all for you" Daphne told me as she walking into the room and to me. They where all smiling at me and I'm guessing it's because I just smiled and it's not fake. So do they know that I'm always take smiling or what? I walked to the table where the cake and the presents. I took one present and began to open the paper around it. When the paper was gone I opened the box and looked inside.

Inside there was a necklace with silver chain. The necklace is silver and had diamonds almost everywhere around it. And it has moon with blue beautiful sparkling diamonds, hanging on the necklace is a little star with five sparkling diamonds. This is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life. I just can't believe this necklace is a gift for me. This looks so expensive, I would never have enough money to buy this kind of a necklace. How can they afford this kind of a gift. Oh how can I be so stupid of course they can afford this they are royalty, they can have everything that they want and there money probably never runs out.

"It's beautiful" I whispered to myself but I guess Daphne, James and Clara heard me because they walked to me and Daphne took the necklace out of my hands, she is going to put it on me. I took my hair away so she could put it on. Few seconds later I felt the cold silver against my skin sending shiver down my body.

"You look beautiful with it but now open my gift for you" Clara said very excited and picked up a present from the table. She handed me the present and I opened it but before I could open it completely I looked up at them and Daphne and Clara are smiling of excitement but James is smirking at them. I couldn't help but laugh at them, they act like teenagers. Wait I just laughed and I do not regret it not one bit of it. When the paper was off this present I saw a box just like the other box but it's only blue. I opened the box and I saw a bracelet.

The bracelet was completely silver and it matches the necklace that I was now wearing. In the middle of the bracelet is a moon with diamonds in it. In the middle of the moon there was a star with one diamond in the middle. On both sides of the moon there are two diamonds. The chain is also silver. This is so beautiful. I really don't deserve any of these presents but I can't help it, they are so amazing. I putted it on and now I'm matching the necklace and the bracelet. I don't know how I can where this things, I mean I have never wore something like this before. Looking at the bright side this looks good on me but I do not deserve to wear this.

"Thank you" I said still admiring the bracelet I just got. I don't know why giving me this but I can't say no to these kind of gifts. I can't stop smiling and I really don't want to stop. James walked to me and took my hand where the bracelet is.

"I want to give you my gift but your gonna have to come with me and see it yourself while Daphne and Clara cut the cake" James said and offered me his hand witch I gladly took. He lead me to the throne room and the guards opened the door for us. I think I will never get use to these guards or that everyone is doing everything do me while I can always do something. I guess this is how living a royal life is. Wait did I just say royal life? That mean they think me as a royal, they think of me as a part of them, part of I have never in my life has an actual family that loves me and puts me first like the ones I read in books.

"Why are you all giving me all of these?" I asked him. I can't keep this anymore, I must know why they are doing all of this. James stopped walking making me stop to. He looked at me straight in the eyes like he was trying to find something in my eyes. When I met his eyes I saw happiness and a little bit of sadness and hurt.

"That will be explained when I give you my gift now wait here while I get it for you" James told me. Why does everyone tell me to wait and they never tell me what I want to know? What is the deal with this secrecy, I feel like everyone is keeping something away from me and just to make me happy. Wait they are trying to happy again? I can't become happy, I'm about to die soon so why are they still trying? I want to find out why they are doing this but I also just want to end my life and then I will never know. I mean I will never be able to find true happiness like James and Clara have. I want to find happiness an dlove but it can't happen I'm just nothing, someone who doesn't belong. I need to hurry my death. The only thing I do in this world is just hurting everybody who I meet and talk to. My father was right I am nothing but a bitch who deserve to feel pain. James walked to me holding a big box. He put the box on the table that I have no idea was even there. Strange I didn't know it was there in the first place.

James told me to open it. I slowly opened the box and when I saw what was inside it I gasp. This is so beautiful. Inside the box was a crown. A sliver crown with diamonds all over it. It has blue ruby's. Oh my God he I giving me a crown. Do they want me to become one of them or something? I can't be a royal or a princess, I don't fit into a world like this. I dotn fit in with them at all. They have everything they want and I, I'm just a person who my own family hates, a person who has now friends, no life. The only thing that I have is pain.

"Here let me put this on you" James said as he took the crown. I don't want to be rude of anything so I just nodded my head do him to know that he can put it on my head. I felt something on my head and I knew that he had placed the crown on my head. It's a little heavy but not that much. I wonder how I am looking with all of this in me. I probably look ugly with this on.

If course you look horrible with it. You can't just put on jewelry and pretend you look pretty when you are already the ugliest person alive and soon the ugliness person in death. So do you hear me YOU DON'T LOOK BEAUTIFUL AT ALL

Yes you are right I don't look beautiful or pretty so I should just shut my mind now. I should stop thinking about me begin pretty because I'm not. I don't know what came over me when I am think that I am pretty and I smiled. I freaking smiled, I regret it. I never should have never have smiled and now I'm gonna regret it to the rest of my life. Well I'm gonna die soon so I'm gonna regret until then witch is soon. Katherine is right I am the ugliest person alive. And she is right when she says that jewelry does not make me any prettier.

"Come here" James told me as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hadn't realized that I was crying. I started crying in front of a king. I feel so embarrassed right now. He was hugged me like he was protecting me from something. He was hugging me so fatherly and I feel so protected when he does that. I feel somehow nice. I just cried in his shoulder and he just let me. I have never been hugged like this before and now I feel so loved. I like it, not in a bad way tho.

"I'm gonna pick you up is that all right with you?" James asked me. Why would he ask me that? I nodded my head still crying and then I felt him pick me up bride style. I want to stop crying but the tears wouldn't stop leaking down my eyes.

"Its gonna be all right just stop listening to her and everything will be fine" James whispered in my ear. Wait does he know about Katherine or something? I don't understand anything at this moment. If he knew about Katherine then how did he? What if he is right maybe I should stop listening to her. What if she is telling me lies? What am I thinking Katherine can't be telling me lies, she just can't. She is helping me to get what I want. Call me selfish but after what I have been through that I all I want, it's the only thing that keeps me going. I just want to die so bad but I can't because everytime I get hurt I just don't die like I want to. No one can understand how much I want to die just to get away from this cruel world. Everyoen try's to understand like Jack he tried to help me but he couldn't no one can. James has been whisper sweet stuff in my ear but I ignore him. I don't want to be saved I just want to die.

A/N: Hello my Snowflakes and Snowballs.
End of chapter.
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