Chapter 21

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I have always felt this song beautiful because that girl's parents love her other than my parents. Somehow I don't know if this song is about a real girl or not but if so I feel connected to her somehow. This makes me realize how I am going to say goodbye like the girl in the song she wrote a letter to say goodbye, if I am going to say goodbye at all. Would someone want to say goodbye to me? Probably not no one will ever miss me when I die and I will die. I will get away from my Life and misery. Everyone will be really happy to get rid me and finally out of their happy life. I would finally feel the pain I have been waiting for all my life. Only now I have realized that I was born just to feel pain and eventually the pain of death. This is only destiny for me to love like this. I remember when I was little I use to dream about getting married, walking down the isle with my father to the love of my life. I have always wanted to give birth to my children's and watching them grow up. And I have always wanted to grow old along with my husband but God has other plans for me and my life, I can't change what he wants with me. I have been watching the life outside since I woke up and I saw how the sky turned dark and it becomes night. Soon my eyes became heavy and I closed them drifting into a dreamless sleep still in the window seat.


Elsa P.O.V

Everything is white. Great I recognize this place before like I have been here before. Well I have been to many places before when I'm sleeping, it's getting kinda annoying. I'm always meeting people who want to help me or something. Then it hit me, I'm in the imaginary land. Great I'm back there, I th out that i wouldn't go here again. I had no idea that I would think about coming  here when I don't want anything good happen to me. I have finally realized that my life doesn't want good things to happen to me. Katherine agrees to that to and I'm starting to believe that I have no purpose in this stupid life. I'm the only person in this cruel world that does not belong anywhere. The man who was here the last time I was in the imaginary land appeared out of the blue. Why does everyone appear when i really just want me alone right now, well I want to be alone all my worthless life until I die.

"I have been waiting for you, I need to tell you the whole truth. You deserves to know everything. Remember the song Daphne sang to you when you came to them?" He asked. I missed my head. I do remember the song with the story about the moon. I felt it beautiful but strange and the I didn't know then every well. I don't know what the song has anything to do with it. I thought that she sang it to me only to calm me down of something, I never know that this song could be important to me or anyone. Does this means that he is going to tell me everything I want to know and answer every one of my questions? Is he going to tell me the things that everyone has been keeping away from me all this time? Because of so I can finally get the answers I have been waiting for. Maybe I don't want to know the answers.

"You remember in the song that the moon had a son well that son is me. I know it shocking by that song is true but there is more to the story than that. I got married to a hamun woman and one year later she carried a child, it was a girl. When our baby girl was born I promised to protect her forever but I failed and broke my promise to her. My baby girl was kidnapped from me and my wife, after that we searched the whole world to find her. After almost seventeen years we finally found her. That little girl is still alive, Elsa it's you. You are my little daughter"

Jack P.O.V

It's one in the morning and I'm not gonna sleep. I'm sitting in the chair beside Elsa. There is no way in hall that I'm just gonna leave her here alone. I know she is save and is all right but one part of me says that this isn't over. I glance at Elsa and she is sleeping so peacefully. She is like an angel and indeed she I am angel. She just doesn't see it yet but she will. I will make sure of that she will It look in the mirror and think of her self a the beautiful girl she is. I want to show her that she is beautiful on the inside as much as inside. Elsa is smiling in her sleep meaning she is having a good dream. At least she is not suffering of any kind in her sleep. I love her smile, it lightens my world even in my darkest days. Well my darkest days only happens when Elsa is in pain or in any kind of a danger. I can't bear the thought of Elsa begin in any kind of a danger again. I have failed of helping and protecting her the last time but that will never happen again. That is a promise that I will never in my life break.

Elsa P.O.V

how can that be possible? How can I be his daughter? If I am his daughter was I then kidnapped when I was a baby? How does that make any sense? Crap now only more questions come into my mind. Why always when some of my questions have been answered only a thousands more appear? I find this strange. I think that he got the wrong girl, there is no way he can be my father. I can't be the daughter of the son of the moon, that is not possible. I'm not supposed to have great parents, I'm supposed have a horrible life.

"Elsa, I know you are very confused right now but it is true. If you don't believe me then when you wake up I can have the doctor show you your DNA test, I have an access to it and I know a doctor but don't worry you can take as many test as you like. I know this is a lot to take in but I have all the time in the world but your about to wake up soon and I just have to show you how I have disguise myself in the human world. My name in the human world is and the name you know very well is James. Yes I am James but My real name is Starlight Moon, my wife Clara her name is Elizabeth Ivy Moon and you, your name is Elsa Elisabeth Moon not Winters like you have always thought" he explained to me. This is a lot to take in and I don't know if I can take it all.

He said that I can take a DNA test but then someone needs to explain how DNA test works. I have only heard of them never taken one or even understand them. The thing that I do not understand is how he is James, how can he change his form. That should be impossible but if he is the son of the moon like he said then he probably had some kind of magical ability. I didn't have time to think more about, I was soon dragged away from the imaginary land. This only means that I'm waking up right now. The sun is blinding my eyes, this only means that the sun woke me up. I see that Jack is sitting in the chair sleeping. I got to say that is rather handsome sleeping like this, I just wish that I could be sleeping with him. What the hell did I just say, I can't sleep with the person that I should hate very much but somehow it's really hard to hate him.

I feel like I'm starting to fall for him again and hard. I have to stay away from him or my heart will be broken. Well my feelings won't last in death, I hope at least that. I hope that death will be painful and it will only punish me as much as it can. I'm death I want to feel pain and a really much of a pain. The door broke my thought of death. James or the man who says to be my biological father. I'm still going to call him James. I don't know if he is my father or not buy if it's true but I will know when I get the DNA tests. I didn't look much at him I just kept looking outside. It's so relaxing to watch the life outside the window. I don't know what James is doing here but I can hear him that is is doing something.

"I have the DNA test I told you I would give you, you can always take another if you don't believe this one" he said calmly. I didn't see him but I know that I put paper in the window. I could feel the wind from when he put it down like it was in slow motions. I heard the door open and then close, it's probably James leaving but just to be sure I looked around the room and the only person I saw was Jack still sleeping in the chair. I took the papers and read it. This isn't that hard to read, all right it's a little hard but I did understand it. At least I think I did understand the things I am reading.

Name: Elsa Elisabeth Moon.

Gender: Female.

Age: Seventeen.

Mother: Elizabeth Ivy Moon.

Father: Starlight Moon.

A/N: Hello my Snowflakes and Snowballs.
End of chapter.
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