Part 4

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The next morning I was lying in my bed with my eyes closed. I groaned realizing I was awake. However, I was more than surprised when I finally decided to open my eyes. There was light streaming in through the window. Sunlight. It was morning. I had slept through the whole night. I looked around, smiling at the drawings I had hung up on my wall. Then I began to laugh quietly, shaking a bit. I laughed and I could feel small tears in eyes.

"Why are you laughing?" I heard Jughead say from behind me.

I turned around, and watched him put his beanie back on. "I slept." I said, "I slept through the whole fucking night and I didn't wake up once."

When I continued to laugh he looked up at me and said "You must still be really tired if you think that's funny."

"It's been... months since I made it through the night without waking up." I said, still smiling. "It's just... I'm just... happy."

We looked at each other and he smiled at me. Not a smirk or something that was almost a smile or something that was a fake smile or a small one. A real one. A big one. I felt even happier knowing that the smile he was showing me right now was there because he knew that I was happy. He was happy because I was happy and I had never felt more connected to one person.

We got up and I went into the kitchen to make us breakfast.

"Since when do you know how to cook?" he asked as I started pulling out ingredients to make waffles.

"It's just another thing I would do at night when I couldn't sleep. My mom left some recipes in the cupboard and I was walking around one night and I found them. Sometimes I would bake cakes at before anyone else was even awake and Archie and my dad wouldn't even question me, they would just sit down and eat them. I bet the first few tasted like shit but they had sugar in them so they just went with it." I explained. I didn't look at Jughead. If he was giving a sympathetic look, I didn't want to see it. I had spent my whole life watching people give sympathetic looks to me, my dad, Archie and my mom before she left.

Instead of looking at Juggie, I continued taking out the ingredients for breakfast. I got out the flower and started to measure it. As I was scooping it into the measuring cup, I spilled a bit. The powder went up into the air in clouds. I looked at Juggie who was sitting at the kitchen table. He looked bored, so I flicked some flower in his direction. When he looked up, a smirk appeared on his face. "You're gonna pay for that, Andrews."

The next thing I knew, we were on the floor, me leaning against the cupboards, Juggie leaning against a table leg, both of us laughing, gasping for air and covered in flower. Every time I looked at him I started to laugh again. There was flower all over his face and shirt. His beanie had been knocked off during all the screaming, laughing and flower. I looked around the kitchen from my spot on the floor. I kept laughing as I realize just how much flower we had thrown around.

Jughead started to crawl towards me from across the kitchen, both of us still having trouble breathing. He stopped right in front of me on his hands and knees and looked at me as both of our laughing slowed down. He started to lean a little closer to me and I just smiled, still trying to steady my breathing. He stopped about a foot away from my face.



"I really want to kiss you right now."

"... then do it." I smiled.

And he did.

That day, I was more alert, more aware. That day, Jughead and I talked again for hours. That day, I realized that maybe I wanted a little more with Juggie than just friendship. That day, he realized the same thing. That day, he kissed me for the first time. That day, I realized that maybe being closer to people could help me. Jughead helped me realize that. That day, I felt more alive than I had in awhile. I felt like I was actually there, not just physically but mentally as well. That day was so close to being perfect, but of course, all good things end much quicker than expected. That day could have been my break threw, but it wasn't, because that day was the day that Cheryl Blossom was found at the river's edge. And that all happened before 12:00 p.m.

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