Chapter 11

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James looks up at Lukas and says, "Less than a mile away from the ruins of the night kingdom..." Lukas freezes up and his left eye starts twitching, "You two went to the ruins of the night kingdom?!" He yells and Elliot and Maggie back up from their dad. They had never heard him yell before. "I wanted to see the ruins and she said yes! We didn't expect someone to be there! Then her powers just gave way!" James covers his mouth and Lukas growls under his breathe, "Kids. Inside, now." He says and without a second thought, Elliot and Maggie both run inside the castle. "You are showing me where she is. And your not leaving the kingdom after this." Lukas says and starts walking. "...Y-yes sir..." James looks down and leads Lukas to the gates of the kingdom. Lukas holds up his hands and yellow orbs appear. A yellow path appears in front of them and Lukas steps onto it. James follows and they both go zooming off into the distance.

When the shining yellow path reaches the night kingdom ruins, Lukas lowers his hands. The path disappears. "Jesse?!" Lukas looks around as his voice echos throughout the area. James looks around before walking over to a tree. The tree Jesse was laying by. "This is where she was." James kneels down and looks around. There was no foot prints and no evidence of anyone coming or going. There was however a hell of a lot of blood. "Your highness, over here." James says and Lukas walks over. "Hmm.." Lukas kneels down and looks at the blood, noticing that a trail leads around the tree and toward the castle. Lukas sighs, "What happened?" He asks and stands up. He rolls up his white sleeves on his button up shirt. James stands and they both follow the bloody trail, "Jesse say a figure and told me to hide. I went to hide but stepped on a twig... The figure noticed us and ran. Jesse used her magic and chased after them... All the way into the air, then her magic spazzed out and she fell... It was my fault." James rubs his neck before looking down. Lukas grabs turns and grabs James' shoulders. "This was no ones fault. Okay?" James slowly nods and they follows the blood trail. It seemed to keep going on and on forever. That's when they noticed that they were walking in circles. Lukas groans in annoyance before looking around and seeing Jesse by some tomb stones. She is passed out and her head is laying on her fathers grave stone. Her ankle is bleeding badly and her nose is bleeding as well. Lukas walks over and picks Jesse up. She whines a little and nuzzles her head into his shoulder. "Its okay, babygirl... I'm here." Lukas whispers then kisses her head. Jesse whines and breathes softly. James looks at Lukas, "Should we head back?" He asks and Lukas nods. "We need to get her patched up."

"Mom, please don't do this! They days and us can unite into one!" Jesse yells at her mom as Luna drags her through the dates of the night kingdom. "Jessica Rose Anderson! What were you doing kissing a DAY?!" Luna yells and Jesse whines, "I... I was kissing my boyfriend." Jesse looks at her mom, "BOYFRIEND?! You were dating a day?!?!" Luna yells and everyone looks in their direction. "Yes..." Jesse looks down, unable to stand up for herself. "Go to your room." Luna growls and Jesse slowly turns. "NOW JESSE!" Luna says before slapping Jesse across the face. Jesse starts crying and runs straight to her room, with one of her best friends, Erik following her. She slams her door shut and jumps onto her bed. As she curls up, a medium sized boy with curly dirty blonde hair and faded green eyes walks in. It was Erik... "Leave me alone, Erik..." Jesse sobs. Erik rubs her back, "Talk to me when your ready." Erik says. Jesse cries into her pillow as Erik rubs her back. All she could think about was Lukas, and Lukas... Even though he was miles away was fighting with his parents and crying because she was the only thing on his mind.

"Erik..." Jesse cries and Lukas looks down at her. "Erik? Who is Erik?" Lukas asks himself and James bites his lip, trying not to say anything... Mainly because he promised Jesse he wouldn't.

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