Chapter 16

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Jesse slowly opens her eyes. The room is still dark and there is a slight breeze blowing against Jesse's legs and her torso. She slowly sits up and rubs the sleepiness from her eyes. She looks over to the glass balcony door and it is open. "Huh, thats weird..." Jesse whispers to herself and she picks up her black pajama shirt and puts it on. She goes over to the glass balcony door and closes it. She suddenly felt something watching her. She felt a pair of cold dead eyes looking at her. "Hello..?" Jesse whispers, making sure not to wake up her husband. She slowly turns around, only to see a tall dark figure, watching her. The pale girl freezes up; she is stiffer than a board. She tried to move. Tried to say, "Who are you?! And why are you?!" But all that came out of her mouth was "...who..." The dark figure smirks and walks up to her. He puts his dark hand on her face, and the small bit on moonlight shines on him, revealing that he has dark tan skin... or a light tan. The night was just making it to hard to tell. "You want to know how I am, don't you?" He says and Jesse slowly nods. The figure turns the room black and him and Jesse stand alone in the middle of it.

A little girl appears; a younger Jesse. Jesse walks up to the little girl and looks at her facial features. Tears are running down the toddlers face and there is a look of pure fear in her eyes. "You were so young when your father was killed. I almost didn't think you'd remember but luckily you did." The figure walks next to Jesse. "Mommy... It wasn't me...!" The little Jesse cries and a woman appears on the left side of the older Jesse. "Then who killed your father?!" The woman yells. It is Jesse's mother, Luna. "My mom never forgave me... and I wasn't the one who killed my dad..." Jesse sniffs and looks down, "Answer my question... Who are you." Jesse looks at the figure. "Y'know, Your mother knew it was never your fault, Jesse. But yours truly made sure she never made you forget." "...You made her blame me... You dug that thought into her head until she thought it was the truth... She never thought it was me." Jesse backs away from the figure, "Who. Are. You." She asks. The figure turns into Luna and smirks, "A monster. Just like you, my daughter." Jesse covers her ears. "L-liar!" She yells. The figure then turns into Lukas, "Your a monster, Jesse. Just face it! You keep secrets from everyone! You keep secrets from me! You can't even support your family. Your just obsessed with your past. So let me rephrase that. Your a SELFISH monster." "I'm not listening!!!" Jesse yells, with tears running down her cheeks. She shuts her eyes tightly. The figure disappears and when Jesse opens her eyes, her husband is shaking her. "Jesse, honey, wake up!" He says and Jesse looks at her worried husband. She sniffs before hugging him tightly. Lukas holds her before they both fall to their knees. Jesse holds onto Lukas tightly and sobs. Lukas runs his hand through her hair, "shhh..." He says before kissing her head. "I... I... I'm a monster..." Jesse whispers and Lukas grabs her face. "Jessica Rose Carter. You are NOT a monster. You are a warrior and a hero. Your an amazing person." Lukas says before picking her up and laying her back on the bed.

An hour passes and Jesse is laying on her side, facing away from Lukas. Her mind is racing about what that man said. "Your a monster, Jesse." Jesse slowly sits up and takes a deep breathe. She needed to get out of the sky kingdom. She needed to find some place where she could feel... safe. 'My grandma lives in the nature kingdom... I will go there first... If she's not there... I dunno where I will go.' Jesse takes a deep breathe before going to her dresser and putting on a bra, underwear, her black shirt and navy blue overalls. She looks at her husband and bites her lip then she writes a quick note.

Dear Lukas,
I'm not leaving forever. I'll probably be back within three days; probably sooner. I just need to meet someone... in my family. I love you with all my heart. Don't worry about Maggie and Elliot. They are with me. I love you.

Jesse puts the note down on the dresser then goes over and goes to softly kiss Lukas' head. Lukas, who is totally out of it because of exhaustion, looks up at his wife and smiles before grabbing her face and kissing her. Jesse pulls away and smiles a little, "I love you..." She whispers before walking out and going to her children's room, "Elliot. Maggie. Up. We gotta go."

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