Chapter 20

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Erik takes Jesse's hand and leads her away from her Maggie, Elliot and Ariella. "Grandma, can you watch the kids?!" Jesse calls as they get farther away. Ariella nods and takes the kids to another room. Erik keeps a hold onto Jesse's hand and she quickly but reluctantly follows. She didn't want be away from her children for too long; especially since she is in a new kingdom and has no idea where to go if she got lost. Erik stops walking once they get outside. "What do you wanna talk about?" Jesse pulls away from Erik and he turns and looks at her. "Its about the Night, Day and Sky kingdom." Erik says and Jesse crosses her arms.
"What about them."
"All I'm gonna say Jesse is... Careful about who you trust." Erik says before walking off.
"..." Jesse looks at him as he leaves. "Whatever, Erik. I'm not falling for that again."
Erik stops in his tracks, "Huh?" He turns and looks at her.
"You told me this seven years ago. 'You should be careful who you trust. You can only trust me!' Ugh." Jesse crosses her arms.
"I told you that because it was true Jessica. You and I were to be married and I knew something was wrong with Luna!"
"Of course something was wrong with her. But you didn't care about my mother. All you cared about was becoming king!" Jesse snaps.
"Thats not true." Erik says, grabbing her hands.
"Then what is the truth." Jesse pulls away.
"That I love you." Erik grabs Jesse's face and kisses her. Jesse instantly turns red.
"M-MM!" Jesse stomps on his foot and pulls away, "S-stay away from me." She says before running back to her children and grandma.
"You don't know what your missing!"

Lukas stands up from the dining room chair and walks over to a book shelf. "Hey, mom?" Lukas turns his head. "Yes, dear?" Solar walks over and Lukas taps his chin. "Have you seen the photo album? I'm looking for a specific photo." Lukas rubs his neck. He knows he is supposed to be doing his kingly duties but he couldn't focus on anything. Not without Jesse by his side. "Jesse brought it into the mirror room a few weeks ago. Why do you ask?" "Thanks mom!" Lukas beams then kisses Solars cheek. He runs out and heads to the mirror room. When he gets there, the room is dark and gloomy. There is almost no light source, only a torch that is almost out of flame. Lukas takes a step toward the mirror before spotting the photo album. He picks up the album and looks through the photos. Pictures of Jesse when she was a little kid. He was looking for a photo of him and Jesse, before she was showing from her pregnancy with Elliot and Maggie. He spots the photo that his parents had taken. He pulls it out of the album and smiles. Its a picture of him and Jesse sitting by a lake, and they are watching the sunset together. Jesse has her head leaning on Lukas' shoulder and they both look happy and content. Lukas takes a deep breathe and closes his eyes.

"Its a certain time. Everything goes a certain way, but now I must go from night to day. It may not be our way, but the truth is, we can not fear what could possible be far or near."

Lukas slowly opens his eyes and sees the lake he and Jesse were at. He spots the silhouettes of a young couple and runs over. He smiles when he sees his younger self and his younger wife. He stands behind them and listens to their conversation.
"Hey, Lukas?" Jesse says as she lays her head in his lap.
"Hm?" Lukas looks down at Jesse before putting a hand on her stomach.
"You'll always love me. Right?" Jesse looks into his eyes.
"Yes. Always." He smiles and Jesse slowly sits up.
"I love you Lukas." Jesse smiles and softly kisses him.
"I love you too." He kisses back then they both look at the sun as Lukas sets it and Jesse raises the moon.

Jesse leans her head on Lukas' shoulder and thats when older Lukas notices it. A black figure watching them. He walks over and reaches out to it. The figure suddenly grabs his face and Lukas' eyes turn pure black, "AH!!!!"

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