Chapter 30

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Jesse bites her lip as the clip reflects the light. She holds her breathe as she guides the light around with the clip and she finally lets out a soft gasp of relief when the light shines in Lukas' eyes. Lukas blinks and rubs his eyes before looking at where the light came from. He sees Jesse and she puts her index finger over her lips then points down, toward Herobrine. Lukas sees the white eye'd man before crouching down and hiding in the tall weeds.  Herobrine stops through the overgrowth, "Jesse, why don't you make this easier and give up. I know you're out here." Herobrine says as he stomps through the weeds. Lukas sees Herobrine nearby and he holds his breathe in fear before slowly crouch walking away, trying to not get caught. Jesse looks at Elliot before standing on the branch. "Elliot, what are you doing?!" Jesse whispers as he jumps on the branch, trying to break it. She looks down and sees Herobrine standing there, looking up at them with a smirk on his face. "...Elliot. Jump." "What mommy?" Elliot looks at his mom and she growls, "Jump!" They both jump down and Jesse lands on top of Herobrine, making him fall. She hears a bone crack in his leg then she runs over to Elliot, who is brushing himself off. She grabs his arm before running into the old palace, not even looking back at Herobrine.

"Lukas, he saw me! We gotta go!"
"What?! We will never out run him. My dad won't!" Lukas gasps as he runs over to his wife.
"Elliot, go get your sister and stay by mommy's and daddy's stuff." Jesse says and Elliot fearfully nods then runs off.
"Jesse, look at me." Jesse looks at her husband, "What are we going to do." Lukas asks.
"...I have one plan. Go get your parents, then go to the kids and I'll go grab a weapon."

Lukas reluctantly nods and runs off. Jesse runs up a flight of stairs and searches room to room before finding a useable weapon; a bow and some arrows. Jesse holds the bow before slowly making her way down the stairs. With each step, should could feel anxiety and fear overwhelm her. Jesse holds the bow close before running down the last flight of stairs. Jesse raises her bow as she hears a foot step. "Jesse?" A familiar voice calls out. Jesse lowers her bow, "Lukas?" She looks around before spotting the blonde. She smiles before running over and hugging him tightly. The blondes pale skin suddenly starts to turn tan. Jesse looks at the man she thought was Lukas, but he no longer looks like Lukas. "H-Herobrine." Jesse growls before backing up with her bow. "I'll give you till the count of five to hide, Jessica." He smirks and Jesse backs up. "One..." Jesse turns and runs. "Two..." She ducks behind a piece of beat up furniture. "...This is boring! Three." Herobrine growls and starts to walk around. Jesse holds her breathe and draws her bow, ready to shoot Herobrine if she had too.

After a second, she hears a familiar voice. Her husbands voice. Lukas yelps in fear as Herobrine stops him and g grabs him by the neck. "I'm going to need you, blondie. Now, I'm tired of this stupid game Jesse. I told you to hide but thats pointless. Come put now, or I will kill the blonde." Jesse, who is filled with fear, slowly comes out of her hiding spot and she sees Herobrine holding Lukas in such a way, that he could snap the blondes neck if he wanted too. "Get the rest of the family out here." He says. Jesse bites her lip. "Now." Herobrine growls and he starts to make Lukas' neck cramp up as he moves the blondes head. "Solar, Sean, Maggie, Elliot! Please... get out here." Jesse looks down as they all walk in. It was obvious that everyone is freaked out. Herobrine looks at Jesse again, "Now drop your weapon." Jesse sighs and drops the bow. She fears that she will lose her husband if she didn't. Herobrine lets go of Lukas then hits him on the back of the head, knocking him out. "Lukas!" Jesse gasps as the blonde falls to the ground. "..." Lukas lays motionless. Almost motionless. The only motion he is making is light breathing. Herobrine walks over to Jesse, "Make one wrong me and your family is dead." He says. Jesse tears up and looks down, "...Yes sir..." She mutters. He uses his magic and all of the family members hands are suddenly bound together. Jesse looks at Lukas and Herobrine picks him up. "Please, don't hurt him!" She whimpers. "Fine. I won't but only if you come with me. And no funny business." Jesse looks at her family then motions them to start walking. They all follow Herobrine as he says, "Good. You made the right choice."

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