Chapter 36

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Petra hands two ruby necklaces to both Axel and Olivia before they all put them on together. Axel and Olivia both tense up then Petra bends over and screams in pain, then her eyes go pure white. "Petra?!" Lukas gasps. Jesse bangs her fists against the prison cell door but just as soon as the screaming started... it had stopped. Jesse looks at Petra, Axel and Olivia. All three of them stare at her, lifelessly. Herobrine uses his magic on Jesse and she breathes through her mouth, "Let them go, Herobrine." She softly pants. "No." Herobrine takes Petra, Axel and Olivia away and Jay walks up to his sisters cell, "Why couldn't you have just cooperated with him. All of this would be so much easier." Jay snarls. "Even if my father himself was on Herobrine's team, I wouldn't join him." Jay crosses his arms, "Well dad isn't here. He is dead." "I know you know that dad is dead but... did you even ask him how he died?" Jesse looks away, and Jay goes to say something then he goes completely quiet. He kicks the cell door then leaves. "Mom? Daddy..?" Elliot sits up and rubs his eyes. His twin is still asleep. Jesse sits against a wall and her and Lukas start to make a plan.

"Lukas, we need to get the kids out of here and get them safe." Jesse shuts her eyes.
"I know honey... I know. But we need to be safe about this." Lukas holds his hand out if the bars for Jesse.
"I'm just scared Lukas. Not for myself but for... everyone else." Jesse reaches her hand out and holds Lukas' hand.
"I know... We will think of something..." Lukas shuts his eyes.
"I love you, Lukas..." Jesse sighs and tears up.
"I love you too, Jesse..." Lukas takes a deep breathe.

Hours pass by  and Lukas and Jesse and the rest of their small family planned how to get Maggie and Elliot out if the area and too safety. Luna couldn't do anything, but observe. It was all quiet when suddenly Jesse bites her lip as she hears her children crying. They were crying out of fear and nervousness because they had no clue what was going to happen in the near future... Jesse shuts her eyes then she gets an idea, "Lukas, do you remember the song?" Jesse asks. "The song we used to sing to out kids? Of course I do... how will that help?" Lukas asks. "It'll calm them down." Jesse responds. Lukas bites his lip then Jesse starts to sing, "I see the moon, the moon sees me, shining through the leaves of the old oak tree." She smiles and Elliot sniffs. Maggie looks at her father as he and Jesse both sing, "Oh, let the light that shines on me, shine on the one I love. Over the mountain, over the sea, back where my heart is longing to be. Oh, let the light that shines on me, shine on the one I love." Jesse takes a deep breathe and Lukas holds his children, then they both sing again, "I hear the lark, the lark hears me, singing from the leaves of the old oak tree. Oh, let the lark that sings to me sing to the one I love. Over the mountains, over the sea, back where my heart is longing to be. Oh, let the lark that sings to me, sing to the one I love." Lukas looks at his kids and smiles when he sees they are sound asleep. Jesse yawns before shutting her eyes and getting lost in her thoughts. Luna looks at Jesse before asking Lukas a question. "Where did you learn that song?" Lukas says nothing at first then replies, coldly, "Jesse taught me the song when she was pregnant. Why do you want to know?" He holds his kids close then Luna responds, "I sang that to her when she was just a child."

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