Chapter 38

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'"Mom? Is everything okay..? Petra said something happened." Jesse asks as she walks into the throne room. She is just barely 10... She is wearing a beautiful dark purple dress that does down to her feet. The dress had little designs of roses all over it waist line, and there was some lace as well, but other than that, the dress was just smooth and purple. Jesse's hair is pulled into a tight ponytail and her bangs are tied back with a dark blue and white hair clip. "Get out of here, Jessica." Luna growls. She had a black dress on and dark makeup. Her eyes showed anger, fear and sadness. "Mom, whats wrong?" Jesse starts to walk towards Luna. "Nothing. Now get out of here." Luna looks right at her daughter. "Mom... I know you are sad but I could help. I could make you happier." "I said GET OUT." Luna yells before lifting up her left hand, zapping Jesse with magic, leaving a nasty mark on her collar bone. Jesse tears up and backs up, as she felt pain in her chest. Luna drops her hand to her side and gasps, "Jesse, I didn't mean to do that!" Luna starts to run to her daughter but Jesse turns around and runs out, sobbing.'

Jesse slowly opens her eyes and looks at the ceiling of the cell. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest and a small stinging pain in her collar bone. She shuts her eyes once more and starts to think. 'How can I get the little boy, Elliot and Maggie out of here...' Jesse slowly opens her eyes. She stands up and starts pacing back and forth. Her mind was racing with thoughts and plans. The little red haired boy looks up at Jesse and tilts his head a little. He wanted to know what she was thinking. "Jesse... What are you doing?" Luna asks as she shuts her eyes. She was scared, as was everyone else. "...Lukas, I need to ask you something." Jesse says, loud enough for everyone to hear. "What is it, Jesse?" Lukas asks as he slowly stands. He steps toward the cell door and stands still. "Do you trust me?" Jesse asks, looking down at the little boy. "Yes! Of course I do. Why are you asking me this?" Lukas asks and Jesse takes a deep breathe, "I am going to need you to follow my lead." "Okay." A door opens and Jesse walks up to the cell door. Herobrine walks up to Jesse's and Luna's cell door.

"Hello, Jesse. Have you thought about my offer?" Herobrine asks.
"You mean the offer that you take my powers and I get nothing in return?" Jesse crosses her arms.
"That's the one."
"...Hmph." Jesse faces away from him.
"I'll take that as a no." Herobrine starts to turn around to leave.
"Wait." Jesse says. Herobrine stops and turns around. He looks right at her and Jesse continues, "Let the children go."
"Why would I do that?" Herobrine snarls.
"Because you know these children did nothing, and they don't belong here. Please, let the children go. Let them have a chance to grow up and live their lives."
"Hmph... Fine. Jay, let the children go."
"...Please just let me and my husband have a chance to say goodbye." Jesse sighs.
"...Fine." Herobrine says before walking out of the room.

Jay walks over to Lukas' cell and lets Elliot, Maggie and Lukas out of the cell. As he walks to Jesse's cell, Lukas crouches down and looks at his kids. "Daddy, what's going on?" Maggie clings onto Lukas. It was pretty obvious she was terrified. Lukas looks at Maggie and Elliot before showing them a serious look. "Maggie, Elliot. I need you two to listen to me and your mother. It's really important that you do. Especially right now."  "Okay.." Maggie whispers. Elliot just nods. He was also scared but he was trying his absolute best to not show it. Jesse walks out of her cell, holding the little boys hand and Elliot and Maggie both look directly at her. "Mom!" Elliot runs over and Jesse crouches down before hugging her son tightly. The little boy stands off to the side and watches the two share a hug. Maggie slowly walks over and joins in on the hug then Jesse pulls away. She stands up and looks at Jay, "Look... I know you probably don't trust us but I want my children to get out of here and I don't want them to get followed. Once we get outside, will you please just... Not worry where Lukas, the kids and I are for fifteen minutes." Jay looks at Jesse then he looks down at the kids. His eyes shift over to Lukas and they all shared the same sad yet scared look in their eyes. "Alright, but I can't make it any longe Ethan that." Jesse sighs and hugs her brother. Jay tenses up and Jesse pulls away, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Jay." Jay nods before walking ahead of the family. Sean and Solar look at the kids and Sean weakly coughs. Solar holds her husbands hand before saying, "Elliot. Maggie. Be safe. We love you." Maggie and Elliot both look at them. "I love you grandma and grandpa." They say at once, and Sean and Solar smile. Jesse sighs as her family starts to walk out then she feels the little boy tug on her hand. "Lukas, hold up." Jesse looks at the young boy and Lukas walks over. They both crouch down and the young boy looks at them. "I'm scared..." He says in a soft voice. It was so soft that you had to be right next to him to hear it. Jesse looks at Lukas. "I know you are, little guy, but you will be without children. They will take you somewhere safe. I promise." Lukas smiles and ruffles up the little boys fiery red hair. Jesse holds out her hand and the little boy grabs it. "We both promise you will be safe." Jesse smiles. The little boy hugs them tightly and then whispers softly, "Callum." "What?" The young boy pulls away and Jesse and Lukas both look at one another. "My name... My name is Callum."

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