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And I would have held you until the end of time...

And atlas, the end is here.

Who would have thought it.  When I began this fanfiction in late 2018, I had no idea what was in store. I count myself lucky to have been able to connect with 11,000 of you guys (at the time of writing this). Even writing that number makes me queasy. This story has started my writing journey, and to any of you wanting more from stories from me don't you worry. There are many stories I am cooking up ;) Wow! It sure has been one hell of a ride. I started writing this novel as a sad little girl in 8th grade. Now I'm a bit older, and a lot less sad. 

You'll notice there is a song attached to this chapter. When this song released I saw Mare's story unfold before my eyes because at the end she never wanted to leave the ones she had found, the ones she had lost, and the ones who had loved her the most. It is a beautiful song and I think it truly captures the journey and lost we have followed these characters on.

This story started as an idea of a descent into madness. This story evolved into something much more. I found myself writing about over extending oneself, corruption, loss, betrayal, expectations, the poison of power. But, also trust and friendship. 

You saw Mare Barrow turn into a Queen, a monster, a legend.

 Evangeline turn into a a revenge-driven ghost.

Julian crumble into failure, Clara learning a piece of the truth.

Iris watching her temples fall to ruin and her friend die at the hands of her enemy.

 Maven lose everything he once held dear. Jon play the fate of gods. 

 Witnessed Cal twisting a dagger into the Mad Queen's heart.

For sticking through it all I thank you. I thank you for opening up this story. I thank you for trusting me and sticking with it. It may be flawed, but I will always hold this story and the memories I have writing it (including interacting with all of you chapter by chapter) close to my heart. I hope you all know what you mean to me.

Finishing this story was something I put off because I didn't want it to be done. Actually, the only reason I felt strong enough to finish this was because I wanted to beat the statistic of how many first time authors do not finish their first novels.  When I was still just an anonymous, drifter reader here on Wattpad, I stumbled on so many amazing stories that bled with creativity and skill. All of them shared one fatal commonality. They were all unfinished. So, I wanted to kick some statistical ass and finish this one. 

A piece of me wanted to stay in this realm of darkness and build and build on it all until I was an old, cranky lady somewhere. However, a few months ago as I sat at my desk and I realized although I would love to write 100k words for this novel, I was ready to move on to my original projects. So the plans were changed and I decided to cut it off at 60k words where I could still deliver the story I wanted to be told. I hope I did this story a semblance of justice.

Oh the plots and twists I had planned for the glorious 40k words that lay in my brain unwritten. Maybe you all will read them one day, if I dare to write it. After all, there is no greater tragedy than a story untold. (Okay no more dramatics, Emma).

In truth, I would love to rewrite this novel. Maybe I will in the future. For now I would like the victory of finishing this story and, hopefully, providing a satisfying ending to sit and simmer with you all before I launch into a full rewrite rounding this novel back up to its original 100k word count. I wonder if a full rewrite would be something any of you would be interested in reading?

I am a mean author, I hope the ending hurt muahaha. More so, I hope it made you feel something even just a little bit because that means I achieved in maybe making life just a bit more bearable for all of you by giving you the joy of a story?

I'll sign off with a plea. Please, write your stories. Beat the statistic. Break your readers hearts, but don't forget to make them laugh along the way. Each story deserves to be told. At the end of the day, that's all I could ever hope for.

Until next time gang!

Finished: September 26, 2020

A little farewell graphic below ;)

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