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K A R E E M ' S P O V

"I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! All she does is ignore me every time she sees me. She acts as if- as if I'm the enemy to her. Why can't she just-," I stutter on my words, causing me to feel more flushed and embarrassed.

"Kareem, calm down," Pastor Daniel interrupts my rant before removing his glasses to wipe them before putting them back on. "Remember what we said about anger."

My hands unclenched as I collapsed onto the red sofa, a wave of exhaustion coming over me. All my mind could think about was Chloe and her hurt face and everything I had done that ruined our relationship. I couldn't even sleep at night without her brown eyes painted on my mind, invading all my thoughts.

"Remember, you told me about everything in your relationship. She's not in the best mood to talk to you right now. Not after everything that happened."

"But why can't she let me apologize and just forgive me already?" My voice raises with every word, the frustration in my tone more evident.

"She's mad at you, Kareem. But right now I think your biggest concern should be focusing on yourself, not her. She needs the time right now. You, on the other hand, need to focus on what's most important right now. Spending time with Jesus. Have you been reading the book of John like I asked you to?"

"Kinda, I guess." I add a shrug at the end of my sentence.

He raises an eyebrow causing me to sigh under my breath as he crosses his arms.

"Fine, I didn't but you can't blame me. I've been busy at the rec and my mom is mad at me! I got other things to do y'know. " I run my hand through my hair, already knowing how much of an idiot I sounded.

"Kareem, as much as I would like to help you, you need to read the Word. Because no matter how many times you come to my office and ask me questions, you can't ignore the fact that you need the Word of God. That's the only solution. Not me, not Chloe. Not even your Mom."

We stay silent for a while as he stares me down, uncrossing his arms as his face softens. "I really believe that you can do it, Kareem. You can overcome the pain and trauma you've experienced in life. The Word will help you overcome that, okay?"

"Yes sir," I mutter, kicking my foot at the carpeted floor before looking at my phone. It was half past noon, the bleak winter sun outside shining on the city and passing through the windows. "I gotta bounce."

"Okay then. You'll be here at church tomorrow right though?"


With that, I put on my jacket and leave his office before leaving through the oak doors of the church that led into the outside world. Heading into my car, I stare outside into the small window Pastor Dan had in his office before starting up the car and leaving the church parking lot. The usual noon traffic caused cars to be lined up on the roads with beeps and honks were heard everywhere. Annoyed at the sound, I turn on the radio knob, only to hear Nikki Minaj's voice, and turned it off. I couldn't go home, that I knew. I couldn't stay in this traffic either. I was tired, but not sleepy. Annoyed but not in the mood to punch anything. My emotions were all over the place and it wasn't helping that she was still stuck in my mind, her beautiful face masked under worry and deep bags under her eyes.

Beep. I jump at the sound, before calming down slightly and making the next turn, leaving downtown Baltimore and into a place I didn't even know I was going. Mindlessly allowing my hands to direct where I was going, it was not long before the car parked outside it.

Baltimore City Correctional Center.

"What the-" I stop myself, staring at the lifeless gray building in front of me. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as I removed the key from the ignition, staring at the electric fences that threatened those who tried to escape from this hell. Thanksgiving flashed before my eyes, his face haunting me as soon as I think about it. Instead of leaving though, I find myself staring at the building before putting the key back into the ignition and pulling up into the main entrance.

"License and registration please," a security guard with a chestnut-brown buzz cut and pale skin asks, approaching the car and adjusting his shades. I grab my wallet and hand it to him and after an unnerving minute of silence, he nods and hands it back. He gestures for the guy in control of the gate to open it up, allowing me into the place.

What am I doing here?

Clenching onto the steering wheel, I move forward already wishing I had just turned around. I didn't need to be here. I didn't have to be here. And yet I was here.

Just trust me on this son.

The parking lot was half empty as I parked next to a blue Honda, removing the key from the ignition and staring at myself in the review mirror, trying to ignore the growing pit in my stomach. Thoughts swarmed around and began to buzz, questioning the fact that I was here. Memories started to flash before my eyes of me hiding in a closet as Mami would be beat by him. Why was I here?

Kareem, just trust me.

The words hushed any opposing voices, and gave me the strength to step out of the car and look up at the prison he was held in. Locking the car behind me, I trudged towards the doors, where a few were entering and exiting, before opening them myself as I found myself sweating even with the place using A.C. There was no line at the front desk as I made my way towards it, being met with a moody receptionist, a frown set on her face as she adjusted her glasses before looking up at me.

"And how can I help you today?" Her monotonous voice asks as she pushes her glasses up with a slender finger.

"I'm here to see an inmate that you may have."


"Mr. Denzel Freedmen."

She sighs, and for a moment it looks as if she rolls her eyes before speaking up again. "Take a seat Mr. Freedmen and I'll call you when you can talk to him."

I nod, before turning around and taking a seat in an uncomfortable lime green plastic chair that was too close to the coffee table, causing my legs to instantly bump into it. After squirming and trying to find a comfortable position, I pull out my phone and open up the Bible app, turning to John 3 which was where I had gotten so far. I continue to scroll down, my eyes gazing at each and every single word as time seemed to slow down as I read.

"Mr. Freedmen, you may get up now," a voice which I quickly recognize as the receptionist's screeches, causing me to remember where I was and causing the fear to rise up in me all over again. An officer in gray gestures for me to follow him, and so I get up. After a machine checks to make sure I have no weapons on me, we begin to walk through several sets of doors before he opens a door to a room lined with a huge long desk, a glass barrier splitting the room in two. One side for inmates and the other visitors. He points for me to take a seat at another chair, in front of me an orange telephone and across from him.

His beard looks as if it had been recently cut and one could see he had gained a bit more muscle even if it had been a few days. Shock quickly overcomes his face as he stares at me, with me doing everything in my willpower to not pick up the phone. My hand however betrays me, and the cold phone is now in my hands and placed against my ears. He does the same but no word is spoken between us. I hear the officer mutter, most likely wondering, why we weren't talking.

He says the first word, and although harmless, brings goosebumps to my skin. "I'm sorry, son. I'm sorry that I caused you to have so much pain and hurt because of my own actions. I'm sorry I could never be the father that you needed growing up and a better husband to your mother."

My eyes are now glassy, clouding my vision of him as a tear falls and slowly slides down. "I-I." I bite my lip, too afraid to say anything as more tears slide down my face.

"I love you. And I'm sorry I never got to tell you that. I love you Kareem and I'm so proud that you are my son."

If his words had caused tears before now they caused sobbing. No longer trying to hold them back, I allowed buckets of tears to spill out and fall, not caring about what others thought of me. Tears of anguish. Tears of pain. Tears of abandonment. And looking up, I saw that his own tears had fallen down to, his eyes becoming red as they fell.

Finally, after a few minutes of sobbing had passed, I allowed my mouth to open and the words to flow. "I've hated you for all my life. I wanted at one point to see you dead. But if there is something that I myself have learned is forgiveness and love from someone far much greater than any of us. I forgive you Dad. But most importantly, I love you too."

Shakily, I put my other hand on the glass barrier and he does the same as we both allow our tears to fall down. And even through the
barrier, I could still feel the love seeping into the both of us and healing our broken hearts.

Personally, I can't wait for the next chapter but lmk how you liked this one!

Like, comment, and vote and I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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