Another Story!!!

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Yes, I am writing another story! This one is again because of oliv68! She decided to throw another idea at me and I took it! It might seem a little cliche at first, Percy gets betrayed, thrown to Tartarus...blah blah blah. This one has a different twist to it, however and with that I hope that you all enjoy it. I will not be pairing him with Annabeth again...*gasp* Well since I have the gods betraying him she couldn't be in this story because in MY opinion she would never betray him. I know other people use that in their stories and I am NOT by any means dissing their stories. It is just MY opinion. So I have gotten a couple pairings that have been told to me. Only one of them is really known, well more the character is more known in the Percy Jackson series. I at the moment do not exactly know if I will go with the known one or if I will throw someone else in, though it will not be an OC it will be someone from Greek Mythology! This will again most likely be a short story and because I update faster than I normally would some of the chapters are shorter. I think the first one is a little over a thousand and the second less than a thousand. But I will get the chapters out to you so I hope that it makes up for it.

With that all said in the next hour the first chapter will be up to read.

Again a big thank you to you Olivia and your wonderful ideas!! I hope this lives up to your expectations!!!!

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