The Watch

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"Everything you see in front of you will one day be yours, Gemini." Her father said. She sat on his lap, looking over the Grimlands.

"Why?" She asked eagerly. Her father chuckled.

"You are my daughter, are you not?" He asked playfully. She giggled.

"I know! But why will it be mine? Why not FWhip?" She asked. Her father sighed.

"You may be twins, but you are still the eldest, even if by a few minutes." Her father said. She curled up against his chest, feeling sleepy. His white and ginger beard scratched her back.

Five years later he would die in war. And she had ran, leaving the Grimlands on her brothers shoulders.

.  .  .

I lay on my bed, swinging a purple karambit around my finger absentmindedly and trying to remember my magic. I might remember the Empires Trials, but they had taken my memory of my abilities.

My phone suddenly buzzed. I put the knife down.

"Hey, Gem. It's Pearl. Can we talk? I'm at Coffee House on Main Street." The text read.

"On my way." I responded, standing. I slid my handgun into a hidden holster on my belt and draped the edge of my shirt over it, and went to meet up with my best friend.

.  .  .

"I didn't think you would come. I'm glad." Pearl said.

"I didn't think you would ever want to see me again after what happened." I responded. Pearl sighed.

"You got blackmailed. I don't blame you. I blame The Watchers." She said simply.

"I stabbed you."

"I almost chopped your head off. We've even." She countered. I sighed, giving up.

"What are you gonna do now?" She asked.

"I honestly have no idea. You?" I asked. Pearl shrugged.

"I just got a job here. Gonna lie low. Not draw attention to myself like Grian..." She said as a server came up to us with our coffees.

"M'lady's." He said, putting it on the table. He winked at Pearl, and she rolled her eyes. He raised his hands in mock surrender, laughing as he walked away.

"What was that?" I asked. Pearl sighed.

"Brad. He pisses me the hell off. Like Grian but annoying." She said. I chuckled, taking a drink.

"Sounds about right." I said. We fell into silence.

"Hey, I gotta get back to work. But it was good to see you again." Pearl said, forcing a smile. I didn't have to force it.

"Thanks, Pearl. I'll see you around." I said, standing. She hugged me a moment before walking behind the counter. Waving, I walked out of the door.

. . .

I felt something was off before I even opened the door. I reached for my gun and quietly opened the door. I cleared it, swinging around. Nothing. I closed the door gently with my foot.

I quickly swept the apartment. Still nothing. Breathing a sigh of relief, I plopped onto my bed. Then I frowned, noticing something under my hand. I looked down. It looked like some kind of jewelry box. I cautiously lifted the lid. I frowned.

It was a copper watch, built in layers. A note sat in it:

'You have been chosen.' It read. My brows furrowed. I slipped it on. Nothing happened.

I tried taking it off, and that's when I started panicking. No matter how hard I pulled, it wouldn't come off.

"The heck..." I muttered. I accidentally twisted one layer, and my surroundings changed suddenly. I now sat in what looked like a early nineteen hundreds bedroom. The girl inside shouted in surprise when she saw me.

I quickly twisted it again, and suddenly everything went dark. I fell a few inches, landing on dark stone. I crouched, frowning. The stone had some kind of teal lights in it, giving it a pulsing effect. Then I felt the ground around me slowly start rippling faster and faster. I gasped, falling back. This wasn't stone. It was some kind of living thing.

A horrible ripping sound came from the dark. I cautiously clicked my flashlight on, slowly aiming it in front of me. I crawled back fast, holding in a scream at what I saw.

A massive humanoid creature, it's body consisting of yellowed exposed bones and a furry skin layer of whatever this stuff was. Two, vine like horns sprouted from its head. It's face was only a mouth with needle thin and sharp teeth, ringing for five layers down. The most disturbing part was its chest. A deep blue glow emitted from it. With a crunch, it's ribs cracked open slowly, showing tormented blue faces swirling around, screaming silently.

The thing reared up on its hind legs like a gorilla, sniffing the air. Then I realized. It's blind.

I inched back, slamming roughly into a stone wall. A rock fell off, landing in the rippling material. Like a pebble in a lake, a small ringed wave expanded, going right under the creature. It's horns lit up, and it's head snapped towards me. I held my breath as it took a deep, long wiff.

Roaring suddenly, it pounded its chest. It charged at me on all fours, panting and showing even more gorilla-like behavior.

Suddenly something flew out of the darkness, tackling the thing. My eyes went wide. That thing must have been at least twelve feet tall.

I twisted the watch again, landing in some cafe. I could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I breathed a sigh of relief. Paris. No monsters here.

Someone suddenly sat in front of me. He wore a jean jacket, a red shirt, dark brown work jeans, combat boots, and a mask of a creepy grinning face covered his own. A cocky smile sat on his real face.

"Anyone tell ya not to play with Wardens?" He asked, smirking.


"That thing in the cave. A Warden. I tackled it." He said, putting his boots up on the table. My eyes went wide.

"That was YOU? How...?" I said, trailing off.

"Better question is: who the hell did you steal that Rift from?" He asked, all business now. My eyebrows raised.

"What, no I didn't steal-"

"The Ataraxi? Polaris?" He demands. I raised my hands.

"Someone left it on my bed, I swear." I said, not sure why this guy was so pissed. He sighed.

"Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way... was hoping you would deny it." He said, and snapped. I was immediately blinded and blasted by heat.

Once I recovered, I gasped.

Desert surrounded us on all sides, the sun massive in the sky. I could faintly see a city on the horizon, rippling in the heat. The guy walked around me, hands behind his back and that annoying grin plastered on his face.

"Last chance, chicky, where did you get that?" He asked, a note of warning in his voice. I clenched my fists, sweat dampening my palms.

"I told you," I said harshly. He shook his head.

"Fine. I'll take it and the burden of life off your shoulders, free of charge." He said. I whipped my gun out, aiming quickly before squeezing the trigger. He slid to the side, laughing.

"Weak!" He said, and I lunged with the Karambit. I slashed over and over, and this guy somehow managed to sidestep every single one.



"That all you got, girly?"


He suddenly lunged forwards, somehow elbowing me in the gut, disarming me and tripping me at the same time. He yanked my watch arm behind me at a painful angle. I felt him tugging on the watch.

"What...?" He said, and I kicked back blindly. He gasped, stepping back and gripping his gut. He chuckled as I stood shakily.

"Still fighting? Surprised." He said. I raised my fists.

"I can do this all day." I gasped, spitting blood out of my mouth. He laughed again.

"I like you. Almost don't wanna kill you. Almost." He said, and in a sudden burst of dust was to me. I felt a fist ram into my gut, and I went flying at least twelve feet, landing with a thud. I looked up, vision fuzzy. The guy walked towards me, arms behind his back, shaking his head slightly.

"You know who I am." He said. I slowly stood, legs trembling.

"A little shit who has nothing better to do than this?" I replied, sounding way more confident than I was.

"Oooooo, we got a smartass here. Well, let me educate you: I AM THE TROLL FACE. Most powerful free Trollge Entity. That ring a bell?" He said, standing over me.

"No, no not really. And what kind of name is 'Troll Face'? That's just stupid," I said. He sighed.

"That's the Trollge name, not my actual bloody name. My real name is Creed, I'll let you know." He said, crouching down and cocking his head at me. He frowned.

"You really did just find that, didn't you?" He asked. I glared.

"No dip Sherlock. I already told you that." I snapped. He pulled me up, dusting my shoulders off.

"Sorry for that, then. So who are you?" He asked. I blinked in surprise. One moment trying to kill me, and the next trying to make small talk.

"My name is Gemini. Call me Gem." I said flatly. A sudden look of recognition crossed Creeds face, and he laughed.

"Why didn't you say that? This could've been avoided," He said. I glared.

"Considering you were throwing me around a bloody desert... wait, where exactly are we?" I said. He snapped again, and we were suddenly thrown into shade.

We sat under a multi colored cloth, sitting in fancy, white cushioned chairs. A glass of wine sat in my hand. Creed took a sip of his own.

"Welcome to my home world, Earth 1219, or The Fallen Earth. Trollge broke out and we fought. We destroyed this world. But anyways, that Watch. The Ataraxi, a multiversal empire that I work with when our goals... align, gave it to you so I could teach you how to Surf." Creed said.

"Whoa, whoa, back up. Multiversal Empire? What?" I said. He chuckled.

"There's three of them. The Ataraxi, the most civil and uptight of the three. But when they go to war... holy hell, they rip their enemy's up. There's the Polaris, who are basically space Vikings. Then we have The Watchers, the little shits who have no compassion or regard for sentient life. They only care about science." He said, a bitter tone in his voice. I raised my hand to stop him.

"The multiverse is REAL!?" I exclaimed. He had said it so casually I had almost missed it. He grinned.

"I'll show you." He said, snapping his fingers again.

Bro, I am so hyped for this book. I've been planning it since the start of Moonfall, and I am absolutely in love with the concept.
And Creed. We gotta talk about Creed. Creed isn't actually me, he's the representative of my online persona. I mean, just look at my PFP. That's exactly what I described.
Where the Creed/Trollge arc comes from is one of my channels, Room 505. This is a bit of a spoiler for that storyline, just a warning.
Also here's the chapter meme:

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