« 13 »

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"Jimmy stop!" I screamed, tugging at the killers shirt, yet he paid me no mind. His main focus was on my British step-brother.

"Shut up, Angelica!" He snapped, pushing me back so I fell flat on my back. Tears were stained on my cheeks along with blood.

"Oh, poor Johnny Toast... Johnathan Fucking Toast... What a pathetic life you have lived... But it will all be over... All of it," Jimmy said with an insane laugh as my breathing hitched.

He fiddled with the knife in his fingertips before pouncing on top in Toast, the knife shoved against his throat. Beads of blood began trailing down his neck as he let out painful squeals and Jimmy had a smile plastered across his face.

I closed my eyes tightly, breathing heavily.

"My name is Angelica Vivian Hess... I am seventeen years old... I've lived with Johnathan Toast for the past four years... I shouldn't be here... What did I do to get here?" I whispered to myself, holding my hands over my ears with my eyes sealed shut.

I didn't want to see or hear what was happening.

I couldn't bare to look.

To watch two important people to me tear each other apart.

Tears fleeted down my cheeks, crashing on the concrete basement floor.

'Why are you so selfish?'

'Why do you have to make everything revolve around you?'

'What makes you so special?'

I felt something hit against the sole of my shoe, making me slowly open my green eyes and look down at what rested there.

It made my stomach churn just looking at it. It had done nothing to hurt me... Yet. But it would. It always does. The metal was perfectly sharp, bringing back deep and dark memories from my past. The silvery-grey color was coated in a layer of blood. It reeked of death. Stained of blood. And laid at my feet.

"Angel! Grab the knife!" My brother yelled to me as I grabbed the knife and snapped the blade apart from the handle, causing four eyes to look at me in shock.

The blue pair looked sympathetic, scared, and shocked. Like I did the worst thing I could've possibly done. Like I just stabbed myself in the chest and allowed them to watch me bleed out.

  The other looked pissed. Like I had just shot his best friend in cold blood. If looks could kill, I'd be dead in well over a million ways.

  They both stood up and glared at me. I dropped the two pieces and backed up with the angry one pinned me against a wall.

"You're gonna regret that..." He whispered, his sharp teeth taking the shape of a horrific grin and his glowing red eyes piercing mine.

"In every way possible..." He finished as I closed my eyes, wanting to be anywhere but here.

  Anywhere at all.

  I released a blood curdling scream when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I crashed to my knees before looking down, seeing the blade sticking out of my side.

"Angel?!" His voice yelled as my eyes popped open, seeing his face over mine, full of concern. I could feel the beads of sweat trailing down my forehead and tears strolling down my cheeks.

  I instantly pushed him away from me, sitting up against the headboard as the tears kept falling.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I shook my head, opening my eyes and seeing him sitting directly in front of me. I felt his hand stroke through my hair as he shook his head.

"You killed him..." I whispered as he arched an eyebrow.

"I've killed a lot of 'hims' in my time... So you're gonna have to be a little more specific," He whispered as I felt his thumb wipe the tears out from under my eyes.

"Then you killed me," I muttered as his eyes widened and he shook his head. His arms snaked around my body as he moved me onto his lap, allowing me to cry into his chest.

"I would never hurt you, Angel..." He whispered, brushing through my hair with his fingers. He placed his head on top of mine as I took a deep breath.

"But you did..." I whispered again, really wanting to believe him, but not being able to convince myself.

"I promise... I didn't... And I won't..." He reassured me as I nodded, placing my small hand against his bare chest, exposing his nipple piercings and dragon tattoo.

  I began to calm down as I used my index finger to trace the dragon on his chest.

"Also... If Toast asks, Spooker brought you up here," He said as I nodded, looking over at the clock.


  At least I can tell my left from my right now.

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