« 24 »

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Both the boys looked down at their bodies. Jimmy's glared whipped back to Gavin, who gave him a confused glare in response.

"Oh please no..." Jimmy whispered under his breath as Gavin dashed over to me.

My glare was fixed on the stacks of boxes that was a few yards in front of me. I felt my back being pressed against the frigid concrete floor as the feeling of warmth came from my stomach.

  I watched Jimmy slide down on his knees next to me. He ran his hand through my hair, staring at me as his eyes turned black.

  I watched a tear fall from his eyes, a lot more following after.

"Jimmy... You're crying..." I whispered so softly, not being able to raise my voice due to my body putting all it's focus on the bullet wound in my stomach.

"I-I... Y-Yeah... I am..." He spoke, his attention not leaving my eyes. I gave him a small smile as I weakly lifted my hand up, brushing his bangs back and caressing his cheek.

  He grabbed my hand that was on his skin, lacing our fingers as he began crying even more.

"Why didn't you tell us? W-Why didn't you let me take it...?" He whispered as I made a sad attempt to shrug.

"Because people do crazy things when they're in love..." I whispered as he began shedding more tears. He tightly wrapped his arms around my back, slightly picking me up as he began crying into my shoulder.

"You're gonna be okay, Angelica... You're gonna be alright..." He cooed in my ear as three new figures arrived, two running and one walking.

"She picked this for herself..." Tori spoke as Jimmy carefully removed his head from my shoulder, his eyes the reddest I've ever seen them before.

He slowly turned his head to see the chief standing there, twirling the gun on her right index finger. Jimmy's breathing grew harsh as he let go of my hand. We all watched him grab his knife out of his pocket.

"Jimmy--" Toast started as I smacked him.

"He's gonna kill he--"

"Yeah, and you're gonna end up just like her..." I whispered as he shut up and Jimmy rose to his feet.

"And you should've known better..." Jimmy hissed as he began taking steps towards her. He was rubbing his thumb over the blade.

"Hell! Anyone with common sense would've fucking known better! I would've knew better! You bitch!" He screamed as Toast pulled me down and Gavin took his t-shirt off and wrapped it around my stomach.

  I felt sharp pain in my stomach as I began hyperventilating, whimpering in pain as Ghost tried calming me down. But we all looked up when we heard insane-like laughter.

"Pick a number one through twenty..." Jimmy spoke with a high-pitched and insane tone of voice.

"Nine," The chief answered as Jimmy nodded.

"Ghost, what's nine times two?" Jimmy asked as we all looked up at Ghost.

"Eighteen," Ghost answered softly as Jimmy turned his head back to look at us.

  His eyes slowly found mine, making his eyes turn even angrier as he stared at my suffering. I couldn't breathe and everything was beginning to gain an echo.

"That's not big enough. Square it," He snapped.

"Eighty-one," He answered again as Jimmy smiled evilly, turning back around to look back at Tori.

"Perfect..." Jimmy spat out as an answer as I looked down at his hands. They were shaking harshly in sheer and pure anger.

  He was pissed beyond hell.

"You bitch!" He screamed again, pouncing on top of her and sinking the knife into her skin. He was screaming swears and sobbing all at the same time in pure pain as the four of us watched with wide eyes.

"Wait. Listen," Gavin spoke as Gavin silenced us. And we listened.

  He was listing off numbers.

"Is he counting?" Toast asked as Gavin nodded.

"To eighty-one. Eighty-one stab wounds..." Gavin whispered as I kicked my leg and stomped my foot on the ground, screaming in pain. Loudly.

  Ghost and Toast both tried calming me down as I looked up at Gavin, who stared at Jimmy before rushing up and dashing to Casket.

  He instantly grabbed him by his sides and pulled him off of her. Jimmy kept thrashing against Gavin's hold.

"No! Put me down!" Jimmy screamed, his cries echoing through the empty warehouse.

"Dude! She's fucking dead! Chill!" Gavin yelled as he dropped Jimmy a few yards back. Jimmy collapsed on the ground into a heap of skin, bones, and emotions. And blood that wasn't his.

  I diverted my attention back to Tori, seeing bones, blood, and organs. She didn't even look human anymore. She looked like someone spilled special effects equipment on the floor.

"Oh my God..." I breathed out, gripping at my stomach as I took deep breaths, slowly slipping into a panic attack.

"Breathe, Angelica... Breathe..." Ghost whispered as I shook my head, squirming uncomfortably and feeling a tear fall down my cheek due to the pain.

"Jimmy..." I heard Gavin whisper to him as he instantly appeared by my side. I felt his fingers slowly lace with mine as I lifted my hand up, wiping the multiple tears off his cheeks.

"I'm okay..." I whispered so quietly as pain kept coursing through me.

"I'm so sorry, Angelica..." He choked out along with the sobs he was holding in as we all began hearing sirens.

"C'mon, Jimmy... We gotta get out of here before you get arrested..." Ghost whispered as he tightened his hold on my hand.

"No," He snapped as he carefully picked me up by my torso, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I felt his warm tears soak into my shirt as I placed a kiss on his head.

"Go, Jimmy..." I whispered as he shook his head, tightening his grip on me.

"No," He spoke sternly as Gavin grabbed him by the sides and tried pulling him off of me, but it didn't work.

"Jimmy! C'mon! Let's go!" Ghost yelled as Toast grabbed me and Ghost helped Gavin. After a lot of muscle later, they'd pulled him off of me.

"Stop! Fucking let go! Seriously!" Jimmy yelled as Gavin took a deep breath.

  I felt my eyelids grow heavy and my vision began fading to black.

"I'm sorry, Casket..." Gavin spoke as I watched him swing a punch and hit Jimmy right in the nose, forcing him to black out as well.

  I felt my world go dark.

  Then everything faded to black.

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