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I yawned when I slowly opened my eyes, getting up and walking up to the closet. I peeled my pants and shirt off, remembering something Johnny had previously mentioned about guests or something.

"Toast?!" I screamed.

"Yeah?!" He answered quietly.

"What was I supposed to wear?!" I asked.

"Do I get a say in this? Because what you're wearing now is fine with me..." Jimmy's voice spoke from behind me as I jumped, spinning around and seeing Jimmy Casket sitting in my window sill, dressed in blue jeans, combat boots, and a red tee-shirt.

"What?!" I yelped, grabbing my hairbrush off my desk and throwing at him, putting a dent in the wall next to his head as he stepped inside my room.

"Watch where you're throwing things! You could've hit me!" He exclaimed as I rolled my eyes, pulling on my P.I.E. hoodie and black athletic shorts.

"Why the hell are you in my room?!" I screeched as he shrugged.

"I don't know... I was bored, so I decided to come visit my Angel," He spoke as I glared at him skeptically.

"Get out!" I yelped as he rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath in annoyance. He turned back towards the window and gave me a wave before climbing out. I sighed before turning and walking out the door, ramming into my brother's chest.

"Uh, what you're wearing now is fine," He said as I slowly nodded, looking back at my window in paranoia.

"O-Okay... Just making sure," I said with a smile as I walked downstairs to find Ghost sitting in our living room.

"Okay, Sir, now that we're not in a rush to go anywhere, this is my step-sister, Angelica. But she goes by Angel," Toast introduced me as I gave him a small wave as he just stared at me, making me shift in discomfort.

"And, Angel. This is my friend, Johnny Ghost," He said as I nodded with a smile and he waved to me.

"Nice to meet you, Angel," Ghost spoke as I smiled.

"You too, Ghost," I said as he nodded with a smile of his own. That's when I noticed it.

He was wearing the EXACT same thing that Jimmy was, only with a grey hoodie over it. I squinted at him, and then caught myself staring at him. And he noticed this, too.

"So, Johnny, what are we doing today?" Ghost asked, begging for a way out of me staring, but I couldn't help it. They look so similar!

"Uh... Well, Sir, I assume that you have heard of this group called the Creepypasta's?" He asked as Ghost nodded.

"Yes, I've heard of them. They're terrible terrible people," He said as I arched an eyebrow.

  I don't know why, but I really can't picture Jimmy being a 'terrible terrible person'. At least from what I've seen of him. So far, he just seems like a pervert.

"What do you think, Angel?" Ghost asked, his eyebrow up as I shrugged.

"I don't know... I've had a run-in with one before, but he didn't kill me," I said as Ghost nodded, observing me closely.

"Why do I not believe you?" He asked as I shrugged again.

"Because I'm not dead... Nor and I good at persuading people. That's why," I answered while marching back up the stairs and locking myself in my room.

  Johnny acts like Ghost and I are gonna be best friends. I don't really know what he's expecting. He knows I have strong trust issues.

  Especially after my father...

  I remember it so well. I was only six...


"Ah! Daddy! Stop!" I yelped, running away from my father with hot tears streaming down my face.

"Angelica! Get your ass back here, now!" He yelled, chasing me around the house as I ducked under the desk, hiding from him.

  I sat quietly, waiting for him to walk in and back out. I whipped my head around, only to scream and be grabbed by the new ring hanging from my septum.

  He had pierced my ears a lot, given me snake bites, an eyebrow piercing, and dual belly button piercings. My whole body ached and stung, especially my back.

  I had just woken up from a nap and my back felt like it was on fire. Turns out, he had given me a huge tattoo that stretched down my whole back.

"Daddy! Stop!" I cried as he drug me out from under the table by my septum piercing.

"Then listen to me for once in your pointless life, Angelica!" He yelled, dragging me into my room and then locking the door behind me as he left me in my room. By myself.


  I slowly opened my underwear drawer in my dresser, digging to the bottom and finding a pile of metal pieces.

  I began sorting through them as I looked up at myself in the mirror, spotting the holes covering my face.

  I took the tiny metal ball off the end of the eyebrow ring as I slid it in my skin and closed it off. I messed with the piercing in my eyebrow for a bit before sighing and looking deeper in the pile.

  Chain, bar, studs, belly button rings, earrings, and the septum ring.

  I sighed as I messed with the last one in my hand. It felt so recent, but it was actually eleven years ago.

  I slowly brought my finger up and poked my septum, pain shooting throughout my veins as I immediately took my hand away.

"Shit..." I whispered, covering my nose.

"Angel! Dinner's ready!" Toast yelled as I pushed my bangs over my eyebrow, but left the ring in.

  I then began stomping down the steps, finding myself in the middle of some sort of deep conversation between Ghost and Toast. But as soon as they saw me they stopped.

  Suspicious much?

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