chapter eight

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Bella and Peter get off of the roof and as Peter swings onto a truck that was moving near by the hotel she super speeds down the side of it and over to the road. She follows Peter over to the other side of the road where he bended down besides a sign that was near by a gas station.

She bended down next to him and asked, " Why are we stopping here?"

" Those might be the guys we're looking for. If this is their lair, it's so lame." he commented and Bella rolled her eyes. " I'm pretty sure it's not their lair, Pete."

She watched as Peter shot a web forward and jumped on top of the sign, now sitting on it. " Hey, suit lady, what are they doing?" Peter asked his A.I.

" I can hear what they're saying? Uh, yeah." Peter then said and Bella looked over at him. " What are they saying?"

" Would you like to listen in, Ms. Ridley?" she heard a female voice in her suit and she almost forgot about her own A.I.

She smiled. " Sure, Eve."

Her A.I. is named Eve after her mom. She was very close with her mom and whenever she died Bella was devastated. She thought naming her A.I. after her would almost be like she was always with her.

Peter looked over at the van. " They're in the middle of a heist," he looks back at Bella and she could tell by the excitement in his voice that he was grinning. " We could catch them red handed. This is awesome."

" Okay, I'm gonna get a little closer so I can see what's happening." Peter said and Bella nods. " Okay, just, be careful."

" Uh, Enhanced Combat Mode? Yeah." Peter said and Bella raised a eyebrow. That couldn't mean any good. Her eyes widened as the eyes of Peter's suit turn into evil-looking tiny red dots. " Uh, Peter?"

" No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want to kill anybody!" Peter quickly said.

" Peter, what just happened?" Bella asked him wanting to know why all of a sudden it looked like Peter was going to kill her.

Peter looked over at her. " I may or may not have activated instant kill."

Bella eyes widened and she scolded him," Peter!"

" I'm sorry! I didn't know my suit could do that!" Peter told her. She watched as he aimed his right hand forward and shot a web at the parking place for gas. But as he pulled forward, he fell right on his face. She couldn't help but laugh.

She super speed over to him and put her hands on her hips. " Oh yeah, Peter. You are so ready to be an Avenger." she sarcastically said.

 Peter looked over at her. " That wasn't supposed to happen!" his voice cracked at the end and she giggled.
" Okay, whatever you say."

Bella watches as he aims at the sign above the gas station with his webs. A few of them shoot out but not that many.

As he tried again, none of the webs shot out. She furrowed her eyebrows together. " Are you out of webs?" she asked and he shook his head. " I don't know!"

She watches as Peter backs up and shoots a electrified web at a neon sign making it blink on and off.

Bella tilts her head to the side as he continues to struggle. He keeps shooting and the neon sign keeps flashing. She glances back at the van and she wonders if the men inside were watching this because Peter was not being very good at being quiet and sneaky.

" Peter! We need to hide!" Bella whispered-yelled.

Peter nodded and let go of the web, running towards the side of the gas station and leaps onto some trucks to get to the roof. Bella super speeds up the wall and onto the roof and bends down next to Peter as they look at the van.

Bella looks at the sky and notices something flying down. As it gets closer she realizes it's the guy that took Peter. She elbows Peter in the side to get his attention. " Peter, it's him." she points up and Peter looks up at the sky.

He nods. " Yeah, that's him." Peter looks over at Bella. " Let's over to the van that he went in." she nodded and as Peter swung over there she super speeds over to the van.

She super speeds to on top of the van and bends down, noticing some purple glowing stuff and it looked like that was how the Vulture guy got into the van. She heard a thump next to her and looked over seeing Peter.

" You have any idea what this is?" she asked him, pointing to the purple glowing stuff. 

Peter nods. " Yeah, it's like some kind of matter phase shifter."

Bella eyes widened as she looks back down in the van. " Peter, we need to back up. Vulture is getting out." the two of them back up, making sure that the Vulture wouldn't see them as he flies upwards and lands on top of the van.

Bella elbows Peter and points to the Vulture's bag. Peter nods, understanding what she was trying to say and shoots a web at the bag making sure that Vulture didn't see him grab it.

" Hey, Big Bird! This doesn't belong to you!" Peter yells and the Vulture guy stands up to face the two of them and in Bella's opinion he looked angry.

Bella eyes widened as the Vulture guy jumps up and attaches himself to the wings that were attached to the top of the van. She watches as the Vulture flies towards them. " Jump!" she yells and the two of them jump over Vulture just in time.

Peter shoots a web at the Vulture whenever they land but the web misses. " Suit Lady, what was that?!"

Bella rolls her eyes and raises her hand up to Vulture as pure electrical power flows through her hand and sends a ray of electricity towards Vulture. One that should have knocked Vulture down but he flew to the side quickly before it could hit him and Bella groaned in annoyance.

The Vulture flies over to Peter and knocks him to the side of top of the van. Bella eyes widened as it looked like Peter was about to fall off of the side and she quickly zoomed over to him, grabbing the backpack he had on his back, pulling him backwards so he wouldn't fall over. 

" Thanks." he told her and she nods.

" Let's try not falling off of a van." Bella eyes widened as the Vulture grabs the end of the bag with his feet but Peter tightens his grip on the other end of the bag.

" Pe-Spidey!" she mentally scolded herself for almost saying Peter's name as she watched with wide eyes while the Vulture suddenly flies upwards and the force of the impact made Peter fall back into the van and luckily the bag was still with him.

Her eyes widened as the purple glowing stuff disappears and she realized that Peter was now trapped inside of the van. " Oh, no!"

" Peter?" she asked through the communicators of her suit that made her able to talk with Peter and anyone else on the team that had the communicators in their suit.

She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion when Peter didn't respond back. She was starting to grow worried. " Peter?!" she asked louder but she still didn't a response.

She stood up and created a sphere of electricity that was the size of a basketball and throws it to the roof of the van.

The spot where she aimed the sphere of electricity then designagrated. She jumped down inside of the van to see Peter was knocked out on the floor which confused her. " Eve, what happened to Peter?"

" Peter has a mild concussion. He went to jump out of the van but his escape route disappeared." Eve answered her and Bella sighed while putting her hands on her hips as she looked at Peter. " That doesn't surprise me."

Minutes later Peter wakes up and holds his head in pain. " Ugh, my head." Bella, who was leaning against one of the shelves with her arms crossed, chuckles. " That was happens when you jump up and hit your head on the roof of a van."

Bella walks over to him and reaches a hand down to help him up. He takes her hand and stands up. " Where are we?" he asks and she shrugs her shoulders. " I honestly don't know. Eve can't tell me where we are because the container walls are hindering Eve's senses and probably your A.I. senses as well."

Peter looks down at their hands, realizing they were still holding on to each other and he quickly pulls his hand away as he steps away from her. He looks around the place, the white eyes of his suit narrowing.

" Wait a minute." Peter turns around in a circle before looking back at Bella who was looking at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

" They must have hijacked the truck and taken us to their evil lair!" Peter theorized and Bella couldn't help but chuckle. " I don't think that's what happened, Pete."

 Peter ignores her and looks at the door. " Okay, so maybe we're gonna have to fight our way out of this."

Bella tilts her head to the side, wondering what he was going to do.

" Peter?" she asks and watches as Peter gets into a running stance.
" One, two, three." just as he says three he runs towards the door and Bella lets out a surprised gasp as Peter breaks the doors apart.

Peter looks back at Bella seeing the surprised and shocked look on her face. " What's that look for? Are there villains behind me?" he turned around in a circle again in a fighting stance this time, ready to shoot some webs at villains until he heard Bella laughing and he turned back around to face Bella seeing that she was now outside of some type of box they were in.

" I think we're the only ones in here." Bella told him while looking around the place.

" Eve, what is this place?" Bella asks her A.I. the same time as Peter asks his. " You're in the most secured facility on the eastern seaboard. The damage control deep storage vault." Eve told her and she watches as Peter puts his hands on his head in disbelief. " Seriously?!"

Bella sits on the floor against one of the boxes with both of her legs laid out in front of her and her head rested back on the box, a board expression was on her face as she watched Peter trying to open the vault they were in. " Peter, no matter how hard you try, you're not gonna get it open."

Peter jumps down and kicks the door in annoyance.  " Your negativity isn't needed."

Peter then made two hammocks out of his webs. He was laying in the one closest to the edge of the boxes while Bella was laying in the one on his right side. She had her arms hooked underneath her head as a makeshift pillow while Peter had his hands on his stomach with one leg up. 

" Have you named your A.I. yet?" Bella asked as she glanced over at Peter. 

He shakes his head. " No, not yet. What should I name her? Liz?" he asks and her heart aches that Liz was the first name he thought of. Peter shakes his head. " No. No. That's...that's weird."

" What about Karen?" Peter asks.

Bella raises a eyebrow. " Where did that name come from?"

He shrugs his shoulders in response.
" Dunno. But that's gonna be my A.I.'s name now because why not."

A few minutes later Peter was swinging upside down from a web that he shot at the ceiling and he was reading one of the books he had in his backpack.

Bella was laying on her back with her legs resting against the box besides where Peter was hanging around.

" How long do you think we will be in here?" she asks as she looks up him.

" I dunno. Hey Karen, anything else cool happen with my suit?" Peter asks and he lets out a surprise gasp when web like wings appear on each side of his arms. " Woah, cool!"

Bella crosses her arms and whines.
" That's not fair. Your suit is so much cooler than mine."

Minutes continue to pass and it felt like it has been hours since the two have been in the vault.

Peter was now wearing his Academic Decathalon jacket with his hood on. He was playing around with what kind of webs he had. " Rickashay webs." he shoots a rickashay web at the door and it bounces off of the door.

Bella eyes widened seeing the web flying towards her and she zooms over to stand next to Peter before it could hit her. " Hey! Watch where you're aiming those!"

Peter chuckled nervously. " Sorry."

He then continued to try out the different types of webs his suit had to offer. " Web grenade!" he said excitedly throwing one at the wall and just as it hit the wall it opened like a net and Bella had to zoom over to the side so she wouldn't get caught in it.

She glares at Peter. " Are you trying to capture me?!"

Time continues to pass and now they're laying on top of a box. " Are you as board as I am right now?" Bella asked while staring up at the ceiling.

Peter nods in agreement. " I never been this board in my life."

A comfortable silence falls between them and he glanced over at her seeing she had closed her eyes. She looked so peaceful like that. He took this time to notice her features. He liked how perfect the light hit her made it looked like her skin sparkled.

" Why are you looking at me, Parker?" she suddenly asked which confused him since she still had her eyes closed. " Um, I...I'm not. I'm not looking at you. I'm looking near you." Peter quickly said and he scolded himself for saying a dumb thing like that.

He looks back over at her seeing that Bella had her eyes opened now. She turned to lay on her right side to face him, resting her head on her arm.
" Why were you looking at me?"

Peter shakes his head, glad that he had his mask on so she couldn't see how much blush was on his face now. " I-I told you. I wasn't looking at you -"

Bella scoffed. " Yeah, you were Pete. Just tell me." her gaze softened as the two of them locked eyes. " You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Peter visibly relaxed although he was freaking out inside. " Yeah, yeah, I know." he sighs and lays his head back on the box. He groans in annoyance. " I should just tell you this now before I regret never saying it." he mumbled to himself.

Bella raised a eyebrow, wanting to know what he meant.  " Pete?" she asked as he looked over at her.

Peter shakes his head. " No, no. I can't...I," he swallowed nervously, trying to think of an excuse to not say it right now even though right now would probably be a perfect time to tell her.

Bella frowns as he asks his A.I,
" Karen, how long have we been in here?"

She really wanted to know what he was going to tell her. Now he may never tell her.

Peter suddenly sat up. " What!? 37 minutes!?"

Bella eyes widened while he sat up as well. " Seriously?! It felt like it has been hours!"

Peter groaned and stood up. " We gotta find a way out of here." he said and did a flip off of the box.

" I totally agree with you." Bella says while standing up and jumping off the box, landing on her feet next to Peter.

The two go back over to the box that still had the bag the Vulture was trying to get earlier. They kneel on the ground next to the bag and Bella watches, biting her lower lip nervously, hoping that there was something that could get them out of the vault.

" Nope. No." Peter says as he takes things out of the bag that wouldn't be of use to them at the moment. The next thing he takes out of the bag looked like some type mask and Bella looked at it in awe.

" So cool." she said just as Peter said,
" That's awesome."

Bella leans over Peter's shoulder as he lifts up a purple glowing round orb like thing. " Hey, it's like the glowy thing."

" Eve, what's the glowy thing?" Bella asks her A.I. and stands up as Peter does as well. " The glowy thing is a explosive Chitauri energy core."

Bella eyes widened and backs up away from Peter as he yells, " Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! We've been carrying around a bomb!"

Bella slaps Peter on the shoulder.
" Put it back!" she says and Peter quickly puts the Chitauri energy core back into the bag.

He then picks up his phone and tries calling Ned but gets no reception. He groans and runs out of the box to stand in front of the doors. Bella was already out there by the time he ran out there. " Pete? What are you doing?"

Peter ignores her and shoots two webs at the wall, pulling forward and jumps up the door, using his suit to stick to the door. He hits his fist against the door.

" Hey! Please! Please, somebody, let us out! Hey!" he finally gives up on trying to yell for help and notices a time lock. " Karen, you gotta help me override that time lock."

Bella watches with her hands on her hips Peter was now hanging upside down. She noticed he got the panel open and was now pressing in numbers. Squinting her eyes she also noticed that he had a note pad and a pen.

She sighs. " Pete, why do you have a note pad and pen?"

" To write down the numbers that might be the passcode that will let us out! Now, shush." Peter told her and continued pressing the numbers. 
" Okay, Karen. Lower the voltage and run it."

When Peter groaned Bella figured that it didn't work. Peter sighs and crosses out some numbers on his note pad. " Okay, we're just gonna have to try every sequence."

Bella groaned and laid on the ground, using Peter's grey jacket that was in his backpack as a pillow. " This is gonna take awhile. Wake me up when you get us out."

A/N  so sorry about the wait of this chapter! I hope you guys like it! I had fun writing it! hopefully I'll complete this book soon so I can start writing on a far from home fic :) that should be up sometime soon during christmas break so keep a look out for that! 

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