chapter four

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A/N guys, I've saw far from home sunday and I'm still not ok. it was amazing, but the post end credits blew my mind and just made me more angry at mysterio

Soon it was the next day and it was gym class time. Bella never really liked gym

She hates that she can't use her super speed while they run but that would be giving away her powers. Her and Vivian had already changed into gym clothes, which were a pair of customary yellow shorts, and blue shirts that had the schools logo on it.

Like what they usually did, the class that's made up of girls and boys, are sat on the bleachers in front of an old tv paused on Captain America. She wasn't there when Steve had to shoot these videos, but by the looks of it he didn't seem that happy doing it and honestly he had no choice.

Peter and Ned sat besides each other and Bella couldn't help but glance at Peter.

After seeing Peter almost naked, she couldn't seem to get that out of her mind and she didn't know what to do. Whenever she told Vivian she kept teasing her which didn't help her problem.

" Staring at Peter again, hm?" Vivian asked, a smirk on her lips as she looked at her best friend.

Bella felt the heat begin to creep up her neck as she looked back at Vivian. " What? No, I-I'm not."

Vivian rolled her eyes. " Your red face says otherwise. What exactly happened last night?" she asked her, wanting to know what made her best friend blush.

Bella leans over to her and whispers to her what happened last night and Vivian's eyes widened as she listened to her.

" Wait, so he was basically naked? Does he have abs?" she asked and Bella sent her a look.

Vivian shrugged. " What? I'm curious."

The lesson soon started and Coach Wilson started the video. Bella tried so hard to pay attention but with Peter sitting across from her, she couldn't help but pay more attention to him.

Why was she know just thinking of Peter this way? Maybe she always thought of Peter this way this just made her admit it to herself. She didn't want to think of Peter this way. They were best friends. Partners in crime. She can't think Peter is cute. That's just weird. Peter probably doesn't even like her that way.

Coach Wilson blew his whistle and class began.

Different kind of activities were set out for people to do but Bella and Vivian decided to pair up and work on the floor on one of the blue mats doing sit ups. Bella insisted going on first since she wanted to focus on something else that wasn't Peter. Vivian held her feet while she did the sit ups.

" So, what are you ever going to tell him your crush about him? You should tell him your feelings now and just get it over with." Vivian says to her and Bella stops in mid sit up. " Viv, I love you but, can we not talk about Peter please? He's the last thing I want on my mind."

Vivian nods. " Right, yeah of course."

Bella continues her sit ups, trying to get her mind to just focus on the sit ups, but somehow her mind always went to Peter. She wanted to shock herself for thinking of Peter like this. Michelle liked Peter for crying out loud. Bella couldn't do this to her. That would just be wrong. She felt guilty for even thinking this way of him.

" Are you ever going to tell Michelle that you like him?" Vivian suddenly asks.

Bella bites her lip nervously and shakes her head. " I don't think so. Even if I did, I don't know how I would tell her and what would happen. I don't want to ruin our friendship just because we like the same guy."

" Oh, it would be easy. Just say ' Hey Michelle, we both like the same guy let's go watch a movie.' " Vivian says.

Bella sighs. " It's not that easy."

" Just go talk to her. You're gonna regret it if you never tell her now." Vivian encouraged her and stops holding Bella's feet.

Bella sits up all the way and glances over at Michelle who was reading a book. " Okay, I can do this." Bella mumbled to herself as she stood up. Vivian smiled at her.

" Yes you can!" Vivian encouraged her, a bright smile on her face. " If you do this then maybe you can tell Peter you like him."

Bella glared at Vivian and the brunette got the hint.

" So, maybe not yet, but just go do this anyways." Vivian shooed Bella away.

" Hey, Michelle."

Michelle looks up from her book at Bella with a small smile. " Oh, hey Bella. What's up?" she puts a mark in her book as she closes it.

Bella fidgeted with her hands and bit her lower lip nervously. " So um, there is something I need to tell you and I don't want it to ruin our friendship."

Michelle raises an eyebrow at her.
" You like Peter don't you?" 

Bella eyes widened. " W-what? No!" her voice is a lot louder than it probably should be and she feels like everyone in the room is staring at her even though only Michelle was.

Michelle sent her a knowing look and Bella cleared her throat.

" Okay, yes I like him. I have for awhile to be honest and I figured I needed to tell you this now since I know you like him too. I just don't want this to ruin our friendship." the  short girl explained.

The brunette haired female shook her head, a small smile on her face.
" Some boy won't ruin our friendship. I don't think anything can." she reassured Bella.

Bella smiled, happy to know that their friendship meant that much to her.

" And besides, you've liked him a lot longer than I have. If you don't forget about me if you get with him, that's all I'm asking." Michelle added.

" I don't think I could ever. And besides, he likes Liz. Like every boy does in this stupid school does." Bella said, rolling her eyes.

Michelle chuckled. " I don't think he does. From what I see, he seems to like you a lot, but believe what you want."

Bella tilts her head to the side. " What do you mean?"

Michelle just shook her head. " Nope, I'm not getting into this. You're gonna have to figure this out for yourself."

Bella smiled at Michelle to which she nodded and went back to reading her book. Bella then walked back over to where Vivian was sitting on one of the blue mats.

" So, how did it go? Does she hate you now? Are you two enemies? Oh! Are we gonna get to see a girl fight? I totally bet on Michelle winning by the way, no offense of course." Vivian rambles and Bella sent her a look.

" It went fine, we're still good friends, no she doesn't hate me. We aren't enemies, no there isn't gonna be any fight and besides I could totally beat her in a fight with or without my powers." Bella told her, whispering the last part about her powers.

Hearing Liz and her group of friends talking, Bella noticed that they were talking about the Avengers which got her interested.

" Now, see, for me it would be F thor, marry iron man and kill hulk." she heard one of the girls say.

Bella groaned in disgust. Did they not have anything else better to do in gym class? Like maybe work out, which is what they were all suppose to be doing.

" Well, what about Spider-Man?" Liz asked. Bella raised an eyebrow. Does Liz like Spider-Man?

Vivan looked over at Bella. " Are you hearing them talking about this too? Or am I just hearing things?" Vivan asked.

Bella nods and grimaced. " Yeah, I'm hearing this. It's disgusting." she glanced back over at Liz and her friends.

" It's just Spider-Man." One of the girls said to Liz.

" Did you see the bank security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys." Liz said, clearly impressed.

"Your crushing on Spider-Man." her friend teased her.

" Kind of." Liz admitted.

" Ew gross. He's probably like 30. He wasn't alone, he had Electra with him. Who knows, maybe they are together." another one of her friend said with a shrug of her shoulders.

" What if he is like seriously burned?" another friend asked Liz.

" I wouldn't care. I'd love him for the person he is inside." Liz replied. " And if Electra and Spider-Man happen to be together, then I wish them the best. She is one lucky girl if they are together."

Bella couldn't help the blush that formed on her cheeks after she heard this. She couldn't believe that people actually thought that she, well, Electra was dating Spider-Man. She wondered what Peter was hearing anything that Liz and her friends were talking about.

" Peter knows Spider-Man!" Ned suddenly shouted which caused the whole gym to grow quiet and turn heads there direction. 

" No. I don't. No, I-I mean-" Peter began to stutter out a response as Ned continued to shout. " They're friends!"

Bella looks over at Peter and Ned, locking eyes with Ned she glares at him. He knows better than to say this in front of their whole class.

Flash then walked up and said sarcastically, " Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends."

Peter then stands up, facing Liz and her friends as he crosses his arms.

" I've met him a few times, yeah. A couple of times. But it's... through the Stark Internship." Peter finally said and then glared at Ned. " And I'm not really suppose to talk about it." he scolded his friend. 

" Well, that's awesome." Liz says.

" Hey, you know what? You should invite him to Liz's party. Right?" Flash said.

Liz nods and says, " Yeah, I'm having a couple of people over. You're more than welcome to come."

" You're having a party?" Peter asked.

" Yeah, it's gonna be dope." Liz replied and Bella cringed at how that sentence sounded. Out of all things Liz could've said to describe a party she had to say dope.

" You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man." Flash said, sarcastically. It took all of Bella's will power not to electrocute Flash right now.

" It's okay. I know Peter is way to busy for parties anyways, so.." Liz voiced trailed off.

" He'll be there. Right, Peter?" Ned asked, looking over at Peter as he stands up. Peter nods quickly and Liz smiles.

Bella and Vivian walk over to where Peter and Ned were standing." What are you doing?" he asks Ned.  

" Helping you out. Did you not hear Liz? Liz has a crush on you. Dude, you're an Avenger. If any one of us has a chance with a senior girl, it's you." Ned said and Peter starts to think it over.

" So, Spider-Man is going to show up at Liz's party huh? How's that gonna work out?" Bella asked and crossed her arm over her chest as she looked over at Peter for a explanation.

" I don't exactly know yet." Peter admits shyly.

" Oh, and technically Liz doesn't have a crush on Peter, she has a crush on Spider-Man." Vivian corrected.

Later that night, Bella and Vivian were standing in front of Liz's house, waiting for the boys to get there.

Bella was wearing a red dress that went to her knees with a belt around the waist, her blonde haired was pulled up in a pony tail and she was wearing black boots for shoes.

Vivian went more formal than what Bella was wearing since she is normally the one that always freaks out on what to wear to parties. She was wearing a marron floral long sleeve dress that went to her knees, she also had a belt around her waist and wore brown colored boots with her brunette hair curled.

" Are you sure the boys are ever going to get here? What if they don't make it? What if they blew off the party?" Vivian asked.

Bella rolled her eyes and puts a hand on the brunette's shoulder. " You worry to much Viv. Don't worry, the boys will get here in time. They should be here in any minute." she reassured Vivian.

A familiar car pulled up in front of Liz's house and Bella smiled. " See? Look, that's May's car. You don't have to worry anymore." Bella said, pointing over to the car.

Vivian sighed in relief. " Thank goodness, I was starting to worry we would have to stall for them. You know I'm not a good staller, I ramble a lot." she said, looking back over at Bella who nods. 

" Oh believe me, I know."

Inside of the vehicle Bella could tell that Peter seemed nervous as he talked to May.

Bella waved at him once he looked over and he smiled at her which formed butterflies in her stomach. She smiled back at him until she felt a elbow being jabbed into her side. She looked over at Vivian seeing that she was grinning.

" What?" Bella asked.

" You're blushing." Vivian stated. 

" No I'm not, it's cold out here." Bella quickly said.

Vivian rolled her eyes. Sure it was cold outside, but Vivian could always tell when Bella was blushing.

[  Peter's POV ]

" This is a mistake. Hey, let's just go home." I said, nervously looking over at May.

May looks at me with concern. " Oh, Peter, I know. I know it's really hard...trying to fit in with all the changes happening with your body's going through. It's flowering now."

" He's so stressed out lately. What helps with stress is a party." Ned spoke up.

I just roll my eyes and glance out the window seeing that Bella and Vivian were standing outside of Liz's house.

Me and Bella locked eyes and once she waved at me with that smile that made my heart beat ten times faster, I couldn't help but smile and wave back at her.

May leans over to see who I was waving at. " Oh, is that Bella? Hi, Bella!" May said as if Bella could hear her and waves at Bella.

" May, she can't hear you." I say, clearly embarrassed of my aunt and I try to shrink down in my seat as if that would hide me away from everything.

Bella smiles and waves back at May before she continues talking with Vivian.

" You and her have been getting pretty close lately huh? You should ask her out! You guys would be really cute." May tells me and my face heats up.

" May!" I said.

" We should go to the party." Ned said and I mentally thank him for changing the subject.

I nod. " Yeah, let's go. I'm gonna go." I open the door and get out of the car as Ned gets out of the car after me.

" Peter, have fun okay? And think about what I told you!" May called out.

I just nod, wanting her to leave as soon as possible so she doesn't embarrass me anymore. " Okay. Bye May." I said and watched as she drove off.

" Dude, you have the suit?" Ned asked me and I pull down my shirt a little to reveal that I'm wearing it underneath.

" Yeah." I said and he grinned. " This is gonna change our lives." Ned said, excitedly as we walk over to where Bella and Vivian were waiting for us.

[ Third person POV ]

" It's about time you boys showed up, Bella was getting worried you weren't coming." Vivian said.

Bella sent her a look, knowing that was a lie and corrected her with saying, " I was not worried, you were the one that was rambling."

" I think I believe Bella more. You do ramble a lot Vivi." Ned said and Vivian tilts her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows together noticing that Ned was wearing a fedora.

" Okay, yeah I ramble a lot." Vivian admits. " Um, why are you wearing a fedora Ned?" she questioned.

" Oh, it gives him confidence." Peter answers for him and Ned nods in agreement, finding himself not being able to form words at the moment as he stared at Vivian.

Vivian looked over at Ned and smiled. " Well it should, it looks great." she complimented and Ned smiled. " Oh um, thanks." he said.

Peter and Bella share a look as they notice there best friends staring at each other. " We should probably head into the party." Vivian suddenly said breaking up the awkward silence and Ned nods

" Yeah, yeah, of course. Um, after you." Ned said, gesturing for Vivian to go in front of him. She smiles at him and walks inside of the house with Ned following her.

Peter and Bella share a laugh. " They so like each other."

Peter nods. " Totally. Um, you look really beautiful by the way." he says nervously as he locks eyes with her.

" Oh uh, thank you." she said as she tucks a loose hair behind her ear and looks him over. 

" You don't look to bad yourself." Bella told him. Peter blushes and nervously puts his hands in his pockets. " Oh well, thanks. I didn't really know what to wear, never been to a party." he admits and looks down shyly.

" Yeah, me neither. " Bella said, glancing over at Liz's large house that was in front of them. " We should probably head in there." she finally speaks.

Peter nods. " Yeah, um let's go." he lets her walk in first then follows her inside.

Once they walk into the house, they noticed it was full of there classmates dancing around and talking as they ate and drank.

Bella cringed hearing the noise that was coming from DJ's Flash's station that was. She looked around the house, taking in her surroundings. To the left was the dance floor with the DJ station, and to the right was where the kitchen was where people were helping themselves to some food.

Ned turned to face Peter. " Okay. We're gonna have Spider-Man swing in...say you guys are tight, and I get a fist bump or one of those half bro hugs.

Bella looks at Peter." You're actually doing this?" she asked in disbelief.

Peter nods. " Yeah, I'm prepared."

Vivian glanced at Bella. " I see this going terribly wrong." she said.

Ned frowns. " At least have some positivity in us."

" Sup losers." Michelle greeted them as she walked over to them. " Not you two, you two are cool."

Vivian smiles. " Awe, thanks MJ."

" Can't believe you guys are at this lame party." Michelle said.

Ned furrowed his eyebrows. " But your here too."

Michelle tils her head to the side, her eyebrows raise as she looks at them.

" Am I?" she questioned then walks off not giving them time to answer it.

" Oh my gosh, hey guys!" Bella looked over hearing the voice of Liz's over the blasting music seeing her making her way over to them.

Bella couldn't help the pang of jealousy that hit her chest when Peter seemed to be locked on Liz as she walked over to them. She knows she shouldn't feel this way, but she can't help it. The more she keeps her feelings hidden, the more they grow. Which was weird.

" Cool hat, Ned." Liz said, pointing at his hat

" Hi Liz." he says whereas Peter kept staring at Liz with this dazed look and smiled at her. " I'm so happy you guys came. There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself."

Suddenly there was a sound of something breaking and Liz gasped.
" Oh, I-my parents would kill me if anything's is broken. I gotta-" she said, pointing towards the direction of where the sound came from.

" Yeah." Peter said.

" Have fun." Liz says before walking away.

" Dude, what are you doing? She's here. Spider it up." Ned encouraged Peter.

" No, no, no. I can't-I cannot do this. Spider-Man is not a party trick. Look, I'm just gonna be myself." Peter told him.

" Peter no one wants that. " Ned bluntly said.

Bella goes to open her mouth to protest, but Vivian interrupts her.

" If you boys will excuse us for a moment, will be right back. Gonna have a girl talk." Vivian said to them, grabbing onto Bella's arm and pulled her away from the boys and once they were out of sight from them Vivian turned to face Bella with a grin.

" You so like Peter, it's obvious! Just tell him already its physically hurting me how long your waiting to tell him." Vivian complained to her.

Bella blushed, glancing francticlly over to the boys hoping they weren't hearing this conversation. " I can't tell him now Viv. Besides, you've seen how he is around Liz. Liz is all he thinks about."

" And this is the same thing with you and Ned. I can tell you like him." she quickly adds, changing the topic.

Vivian's face lights up with a light shade of blush and she glares at her best friend. " Don't change the topic! We're talking about you here."

Bella could hear Flash's annoying voice over the loud music and chooses to ignore it but she looked over when he started taunting Peter and Ned.

" Flash is so annoying." Vivian mumbles.

Bella looks over at her with a surprised look. Vivian looks back at her, tilting her head to the side as well.

" What?" the brunette asked Bella who shrugged.

" Never heard you say anything like that about someone. In public for that matter. You're always happy and try to stay positive." she said.

Vivian shrugs. " That's true. But seriously, Flash is so annoying I can hardly keep standing here without wanting to punch him."

Bella chuckles. " You and me both, Vivi." she looks over to where Peter and Ned were standing only to see that Peter wasn't there. Her face scrunches up in confusion.

" I'm going to go check on Ned. I'll be right back." she tells Vivian.

" Alright, I'm gonna go hang out with MJ." Vivian then went to the kitchen where they last saw MJ go.

Bella walked over to Ned. " Hey Ned, where's Peter?" she asked worriedly.

" He just left, I think he just wanted to get away from Flash." Ned said but it sounded like he was hiding something.

Bella narrows her eyes at him.
" Really, where is he? Please don't tell me he's going to come here as Spider-Man." she puts her hands on her hips.

" Okay, I won't tell you he's coming here as Spider-Man." Ned said.

She groans in annoyance. " Ned."

Bella takes her phone out and calls him but he doesn't answer. She looks at Ned. " Try calling him on your phone. He didn't answer." Bella said and Ned takes his phone out and calls Peter.

" No answer." he says after a moment of silence.

" This is bad Ned. Peter always answers or at least replies with a text message." Bella mumbles, her heart beat quickening and her worry for Peter grows.

After taking a quick glance around the room to make sure she didn't accidentally not see him in the crowd she then looks at Ned.

" I'm gonna go find him." Bella declares and Ned's eyes widened.

" That could be dangerous." Ned told her.

Bella stared at him. " Danger is my middle name."

Ned raises an eyebrow. " Really?"

She rolls her eyes. " No, dork. Tell Vivian where I went and make up an excuse if anyone else asks where I went."

After she said that she started walking towards the front door and once she escaped the house full of teenagers she began her search for Peter.

A/N happy I got this chapter up finally! I hope you guys enjoyed it & don't forget to check out some of my other books!

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