chapter six

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Bella opens her locker the next day and lets out a sigh. She was surprised her brothers basically let her off with a warning. She jumped whenever she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and she looked over her shoulder to see Vivian.

" Hey!" Vivian says with a smile and moves to stand on Bella's right side.

" Why did you leave the party last night? You didn't even come back." she pouts as Bella gets the books she needed for her classes.

" Yeah, I'm sorry. I went to go look for Peter whenever he left and then...something came up. I was gonna come back but then I forgot. I'm sorry for leaving you." Bella apologizes and looks at Vivian, hoping that she would forgive her.

" Wait, were you and Peter...y'know." Vivian says and Bella's eyes widened, her face turning a bright shade of pink.

" What?! No! No, no we weren't." Bella tells her and looks at each side of the hallway to make sure no one was listening.

" Okay, I guess you can say we went on a mission." she shrugs her shoulders.

Vivian's eyes light up with excitement. " Really? That's so cool!"

Bella shrugs her shoulders. " I guess. These guys had like high tech weapons and were selling them. We tried stopping them, that didn't go as planned. And now I know that Peter doesn't feel the same way about me. A lot happened last night."

Vivian looks at her with confusion.
" Wait, hold the phone. How do you know that Peter doesn't like you?"

Bella sighs and looks at the brunette.
" Because we were talking last night and he said that I was just being a good friend for going after him and trying to stop him from doing something stupid."

Vivian's eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. " But that's true. You are a good friend for doing that. Not many people would. I don't see how you got that he doesn't like you romantically from that."

Bella runs a hand through her blonde hair as the two start walking down the hallway to class. " I know. I know. I just....I'm tired of just being seen as a friend in his eyes."

" Why don't you just tell him?" Vivian suggests and smiles gently. She then grabs onto Bella's arm excitedly.
" Ooh! Or maybe you can ask him out to Homecoming!"

Bella groans. " I forgot about Homecoming."

Vivian looks at her with wide eyes.
" You forgot about Homecoming? I can't believe you forgot."

" You know I don't really like dances or parties for that matter." Bella reminds her as they walk into the classroom and towards the back where they normally sat.

" Well, yes, that's true, but you should go to homecoming anyways. Maybe this will be the time you finally tell Peter you love him." Vivian says as the two girls sit in their desks that were placed next to each other.

Bella scoffs. " Yeah, right. In my dreams." she mumbles and sets her bag on the ground beside her.

" Peter will be there." Vivian smirks.

Blush forms on Bella's face as she says, " Shut up." while giving Vivian a light shove who just giggles in response.


Bella and Vivian walk out in the hallway only to run into Peter and Ned. " Hey, guys! What's -" Bella didn't even get to finish her sentence because Peter quickly ran over to the corner of the hallway to hide. " Peter, what the heck?"

Peter peaked out from behind the wall. " Get over here!"

Bella and Vivian shared a confused look but ran over to hide behind Peter as well, leaving Ned standing there looking both left and right before finally walking over here.

" What's going on? Why are we hiding like we're spies?" Vivian asked as the four of them looked out into the hallway to see two suspicious men walking down the hallway.

" Because one of those guys tried to kill me!" Peter told her. Bella peaked out from behind the wall to look at the two men realizing that he was correct.

" And me!" she added and Ned looked at her with confusion. " So that's where you went?!"

" In my defense, I was trying to stop Peter." Bella defended and Vivian rolled her eyes. " We know that didn't work out."

The two men go down another hallway and Peter starts to follow them. Ned reaches out to him. " Peter!" he whispers, but Peter shakes his head.

" Stay there," he looks at the girls. " All of you."

Peter looks around making sure no one was watching and goes out into the hallway.

Bella scoffs. " If he thinks I'm just gonna stay still, he's stupid." she walks out into the hallway after making sure no one was looking seeing Peter running towards the hallway the two men went and she follows him.

Ned and Vivian jump whenever they hear a tap on the window they were in front of. They both look overseeing a boy in the classroom that they realize was for the chess club and the boy was looking at them with confusion. " What are you doing?"

Ned and Vivian laugh nervously and try to act normal but it just looked like they were up to something suspicious.

" Nothing." Ned quickly said.

Vivian nods in agreement. " Yup, totally nothing." the boy looked like he didn't believe them.

" Yeah, you good?" Ned asked. Vivian had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes.

The boy gestured behind him.
" Chess."

Meanwhile, Peter is quietly making his way down the stairs while watching what the two guys were doing. " What are you doing?" he hears someone ask him and he jumps. He looks over his shoulder seeing Bella next to him.

" Bella! I told you to stay there." he whispers. He tried to act mad at her but it was hard for him to act mad at her.

Bella rolled her eyes. " And I followed. You should've known I wouldn't let you do this alone."

Peter sighs, knowing there was nothing he could say to make her go back where she would be safe. " Okay, fine. Just, stay with me."

Bella nodded and the two continue to walk down the stairs. Bella watches Peter takes his backpack off as they stay bent down while they walk so they wouldn't be spotted.

" Pete, we need to hide." Bella whispered to him, seeing the tall guy with the weapon start looking in their direction.

Peter quickly got under one of the tables, using his powers to stick to the bottom of it while Bella uses her super-speed to run on the wall and somehow manages to stay on one of the shelves and made herself hidden.

The two guys start walking in the direction they heard the sound in and Bella notices the tall guy was holding a gun in his hand and she held her breath as the two walked by the table Peter was hiding at.

She let out the breath she was holding as they walked past the table and towards the steps and she squinted her eyes seeing Peter bring his arm out and aims a tracker spider at one of the guys.

Once the two guys were out of the room Peter got out from under the table and looked around for Bella.
" Okay, Bella, they're -" in the middle of his sentence Bella used her super speed to get back to Peter and as Peter turned to look next to him he saw Bella. " Gone." he finished his sentence.

She grinned. " Yeah, I know. Come on, let's go."


Bella was going to go over to Peter's so they could track where the two guys were going so they could stop them but she needed to prepare for the Academic Decathlon trip. She was currently in her room, sitting on her bed with books and papers spread out around her. Her blue colored suitcase was on the floor beside the bed but it was empty.

She was to busy studying to even hear her brother, Andrew, knock on her open door.

" Hey, sis," he looks at the books she's flipping through and looks at the Academic Decathlon poster on the wall and pieced everything together.
" You studying last minute for the D.C. trip?"

Bella nods, not even giving him a glance as she flips through a textbook. " Yup."

Andrew's gaze went to her empty suitcase. " Have you packed yet?"

Once again Bella didn't look up.
" Yup."

Andrew scoffed and walked over to her suitcase and picked it up. " I think you're gonna need something in this empty suitcase."

Bella threw one of the pillows that were near her into the suitcase and continued to study. " There. It's packed."

Andrew rolled his eyes and set the suitcase down, taking the pillow out and throwing it back on her bed. She moved out of the way since the pillow was gonna hit her if she didn't move.
" Pack. You need a break from studying anyways. You've been studying non-stop since you've come home from school."

Bella looked up at him and let out a heavy sigh. " Andy, you don't get it. I need to study if I wanna do good tomorrow."

Andrew smiled at her. " You will do great. I know you will. You're ready for this."

Bella sighed and ran a hand through her blonde colored hair. She glanced over at her empty suitcase. " Fine, I'll pack." she got up from her bed and went over to her closet. Her phone started ringing but it was back on her bed where Andrew was closer to.

" Can you get that?" she asked him as she laid some of her clothes in a pile for the trip.

Andrew walked over to the bed and picked up her phone seeing that it was a call from Peter. He picked it up and answered the call. " Belle! We found out where they are!"

Andrew's eyes narrowed as he looked over at Bella who was putting her clothes in her suitcase, wondering what Peter meant. " Peter, what are you talking about?" he asked and it was silent on the other line for a few moments.

" Andrew! Oh, uh. Nothing, n-nothing at all. Is Bella with you?" Peter quickly said and Andrew sighed and walked over to Bella, handing her phone to her.

Bella took the phone from him. " Yes, what is it?"

" I'm going to my room if you need me." Andrew called over his shoulder as he walked out of her room.

" Bella, me and Ned found out where those guys are. They've been moving to places all night and they have finally stopped." Peter explained and her eyes widened.

" Where did they stop?"

" Maryland." Peter answered her.

Bella raised her eyebrow as she stood up from sitting on the ground and walked over to her bed.

" Maryland? What's in Maryland?" she asked Peter.

" A lair probably. I don't know. But we're gonna find out." Peter said as Bella got onto her bed, sitting in the same place she has been sitting since she got home after school.

" How are we gonna do that, Parker?" she asked. " I'm going to see if I can get back on the team." Peter told her.

Bella chuckled. " Good luck with that."

" What are you talking about? They'll let me back, right?" Peter asked and it sounded like he was more nervous about it now.

Bella shrugged her shoulders, not knowing why since Peter couldn't see her. " I don't know, Pete. We will find out tomorrow."

A/N sorry about not updating this book lately! I hope you guys like this & please go check out some of my other books!

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