chapter thirteen

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" I'm sorry, Harley. I really am. But there's something important I gotta do." Bella leaned forward and placed a kiss on Harley's cheek before she took off out of the gym, glad that she wasn't wearing heels.

Bella super speeds to the tower since she knows her suit is kept there now. But she runs into one of the people she didn't want to run into at this moment.

" Bella?" Happy looks at her with confusion.

" What are you doing here? Don't you have like a dance or whatever to be at now?" he asked her.

Bella nods. " Yeah, well. You see... something important came up and I need my suit."

Happy stared at her for a moment before sighing and then said, " Hurry it up and I won't tell Tony."

Bella let out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding in and she gave Happy a quick hug before running to the room that her suit was kept in, leaving Happy dumfounded.

" Thank you, Happy! You're the best!"

Bella super speeds to the lab and changes into her suit. " Hey, Eve, contact Peter." she told her A.I., hoping that he would pick up.

" Sure thing, Bella." Eve said.

Eve contacted Peter, but he didn't pick up which made Bella worry more and so she had Eve contact Ned who thankfully picked up.

" Bella? Aren't you suppose to be at the dance?" Ned asked which made her confused.

" Aren't you suppose to be at the dance?" she repeated.

" I'm actually helping Peter out with the Vulture. I'm the guy in the chair." he excitedly said.

" Okay, Ned, tell me what happened."

Ned then told her how he basically saved Peter's life with his web shooter, about how Liz's dad was the Vulture, how Peter stole Flash's car and that he was driving Flash's car because he was going to stop Vulture from robbing the plane. Bella totally forgot that it was moving day.

" Ned, I'm at the tower now. I can stop him way before Peter even gets here. And wait, did you say that Peter was driving?" Bella asked with wide eyes.

Ned laughed. " Yeah. Crazy right?"

Bella nods. " Yeah, he is crazy. Listen, tell me where Peter is going and I'll be there."


Bella super speeds to the location that Ned told her Peter was at. She super speeds inside and realizes it must be Vulture's hideout since she noticed computers and Vultlure's mechanical wings.

She turned around and noticed a guy in a awful red and blue costume and she couldn't help the laugh that escaped her mouth.

Peter turned around quickly at hearing someone laugh, but he recognized that beautiful laugh anywhere. He let out a sigh of relief, glad that it was only Bella.

" That costume sucks." Bella chuckled and she was sure that Peter was rolling his eyes. " Yeah, yeah, whatever."

He tilts his head to the side in confusion. " I..uh, though you were at the dance with Harley."

Bella shrugged her shoulders. " I was."

" Oh." he mumbles.

" But I didn't see you show up and I got worried so I went to find you." Bella admitted.

" You were worried about me?" Peter asked and she knew he was probably smirking under his mask.

Bella rolled her eyes and walked past him to the railing and looked at the mechanical wings and then super speeds down to the floor while Peter swings down with his web.

Bella didn't start walking into the dark lit room, but Peter did and she noticed someone else was in there.

" Hey!" Peter yelled and got the person's attention because they looked over at him.

Bella walked forward a few ways, but kept her distance and realized the person was Adrian Toomes.

" Surprised?" Peter asked.

" Oh, hey, Pete." Adrian said calmly as he put something down on the table. Bella narrowed her eyes, not liking how this was going. Adrian looks behind Peter and then notices Bella.

He smirks. " Hi, Bella."

Her eyes grow wide and she slowly steps forward, now standing besides Peter and she stumbles over her words. " How...How did you know-"

" That you're Electra?" Adrian finished her question and she nodded. He chuckled. " It was quite obvious."

" It's over. We got you now." Peter told him as he kept walking forward.

" You know, I gotta tell you Pete. I really, really admire your grit. I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, 'Really?' But I get it now." Adrian said as he put on his jacket.

" I don't understand. Why would you want to do this? Don't you care about your own daughter?" Bella asked him.

Adrian nods. " Of course I care about her."

" Then why are you doing this to her?" Peter questioned and now he and Bella were standing a few feet away from Adrian.

" To her? I'm not doing anything to her, Pete. I'm doing this for her." Adrian told them.

Bella and Peter looked at each other.
" I'm not for sure if I believe that." Bella said and Peter nodded in agreement.

Peter then shoots his web and glues Vulture's left hand against the desk.

Adrian sighs. " You two are young. You don't understand how the world works."

" That might be true," Bella starts to say.

" but we understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong." Peter finished.

Adrian looked over at the both of them. " Bella, how do you think your uncle paid for that tower? Or any of his little toys?" Bella stares at him with wide eyes, wondering how he knew that Tony was her uncle.

Adrian looked at Peter. " Those people, Pete, those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want. Guys like us, like you and me, they don't care about us."

Bella and Peter are both quiet as Adrian continues to speak. " We build their roads and we fight all their wars and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after 'em. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about, Peter."

Peter shakes his head. " Why are you telling me this?"

Adrian points at him. " Because I want you to understand....and...I needed a little time to get her airborne."

Bella stares at him with confusion at what he meant by airborne, but she got her answer when Adrian picks up a folding knife just as his wing suit flies out from behind Bella and Peter. The two of them do a blackflip over the wing suit just before they get hit and in that time Adrian cuts his hand free from the web.

Peter continues to swing over it and Bella super speeds out of the way as the wing suit keeps flying around them, cutting through some of the cement pillars that were holding up the building

" I'm sorry, Peter and Bella." Adrian tells them.

The wing suit then flies to Bella and she super speeds out of the way just in time as it flies over to Peter who flips out of the way, landing on his feet.

" What are you talking about? That hasn't even touched us yet." Peter said as Bella looked around, her eyes widening as she realized that they weren't the target. The building was and it looked like it was about to fall down any minute.

" Uh, Peter." Bella said frantically, trying to get his attention.

" True." Adrian nods and then shrugs his shoulders. " Then again, wasn't really trying to."

Bella and Peter look over as the wing suit crashes into all of the cement pillars that were barely left standing. Before Bella could grab Peter and super speed them out, the building then collapses, its wreckage raining down on the two of them and burying them.

Bella let out a shaky breath as she opened her eyes. She lifted her head up and felt pain all throughout her body which made her realize she was under the debris of the building. She started to panic more when she didn't see Peter.

" Peter!" she cried out, trying her best to look around since it was difficult in the position she was in.

" Bella!" she heard him yell and she looked forward and saw that Peter was under debris only few feet away, but it looked like he was so far away.

" I'm okay, but I'm stuck." Bella puts her hands in front of her and tries to pushes herself up with the debris on top of her.

" Yeah, yeah, me too." Peter breathed out as he struggles to get out.

" Come on, this shouldn't be hard to do." she mumbled to herself, frustrated that this was so hard for her to get out of. " I have freaking super strength for crying out loud."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she tries to push herself up. She feels the debris on top of her start to move and pushes harder, using her super strength and manages to get the debris off of her so she could stand up. She rested her hands on her knees while she breathed heavily.

" Bella, you did it!" she stood up and looked over just as someone hugged her. She noticed the blue and red and realized it was Peter. " Peter." she sighed and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him back tightly.

" I like you Bella. I really really like you." Peter whispered to her and her eyes grew wide.

Her heart beat was beating rapidly, she felt butterflies in her stomach and she knew that she was blushing. She felt so happy to know he felt the same way about her, but she was a bit confused.

" Why would you like a broken girl like me?" she whispered as they stared at each other.

They pulled apart from the hug, but they still had their arms around each other and as she looked at him she saw that his mask was off.

" To me, you're perfect. I love everything about you."

He smiled at her and she was shocked at what happened next. Her eyes grew wide as she suddenly felt a pair of lips on hers. She didn't take too long to respond to the kiss, moving her arms to wrap them around his neck as he pulled her closer.

She never thought that she would be kissing her best friend, but now that she was it was amazing. It was as if they were pouring out all of their feelings into that one kiss and she didn't want it to end, but she sadly needed to breath.

They pulled away from the kiss breathlessly and leaned their foreheads against each others.

" Wow." Peter breathed.

Bella chuckled. " Yeah. Wow."

Their moment was ruined when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye and she looked over, seeing the Vulture on the side of the building.

" Peter." she told him and then pointed at the Vulture as he looks over.

" We have to stop him." Peter looked back over at her as they stepped back from each other.

" How are we going to do that?" Bella asked him, nervously biting her lower lip.

Peter offered his hand out to her. " Do you trust me?"

Bella looked at him and tilts her head to the side in confusion. " What?"

" Do you trust me?" he repeated.

Bella locks eyes with him, those chocolate brown eyes she loved and put her gloved hand into his own gloved hand.

Without hesitation she said, " Yes."

A/N i'm loving this chapter so much tbh. I wanna get this book done so I can start writing the second one. I hope you enjoyed this chapter & hopefully y'all got the disney movie reference at the end!

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