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I was hyped. A prophecy? The Ender Watchers are involved? What did it mean? All I wanted were answers. Was the overworld really going to be saved by the 'chosen ones'?

Look, all I wanted were answers.

Long story short, Azura and I were going to tell Patrick about this. Even though I didn't like him too much, a friend of Azura was a friend of mine. We opened the door to his study to see Rain and Daryll argueing about something with the general in the small room.

Well, not many people knew, but I had claustrophobia. There was a reasonal explanation for that but I would rather keep that to myself. Luckily the study had windows so it felt more open.

We casually walked in to try to find out what was happening,"Pat we need supplies! It will take 2 days to travel to the Farlands and back! Please!" Daryll pleaded. Supplies? "No. I won't let you! I can't afford to lose anymore men."

"Well it could be for the best, help us get a better position in the war." I piped up

Everyone turned to look at me which made me feel very uncomfortable. But I stood by my opinion," With enough supplies, we could make better weapons, better battle strategies and give us more to work with."

"*sigh* Why do you always try to convince me?" Patrick grumbled.

"Because it's for the better?" I really didn't know at this point.

"Fine. Go, you need to get ready."

Yay problem solved! So Rain and Daryll left the room and we could finally tell Patrick about what we found,

" We found this Pat." Azura started and slid the piece of paper over to him," We think the End Dancer might know what it means."

The Grandmaster carefully read the piece of paper,"And what do you want to do about it?"

"Well I was thinking, now that we have made an alliance with the End, we could find out what this means and put an end to the war." I said.

"Well, sounds good. I will tell Daryll to take his bandits instead and Rain to go to the End. You are dismissed but Azura, you stay here."

That was wierd but I shrugged it off and left the study, feeling good. Two days til' my tryout!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *checks time* 12 45 am... nice. How do I not feel sleepy?

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