Chapter 3

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Halloween came and I didn't want to trick or treat because I thought it was baby stuff but Joyce wanted to go and Jake got into the spirit of it.
"I don't have a costume," I said.
"Hey," Jake said. "I brought extra." He held up a Star Wars storm trooper mask.
"Wait. I thought that was your costume."
They were standing in their mom's house. My dad had been gone for about three months and Joyce had entreated for our mom to let him back but my mom didn't listen to her and shook her head no.
"You should go." My mom came out dressed in a bride of Frankenstein clothes. She even style her hair in the classic look standing up high like in the movie with a white stripe. I smelt hairspray.
She said, "I'm having a few people over. You don't want to stay for that."
I understood. I never liked my mom's friends. Ever since, she kicked out my dad. She had a lot of her students and teachers come to the house and they always stunk up the living room and backyard with their cigarettes and drinking.
Joyce said, "Come on, Hemingway. Let's go trick and treat. Jakes wants to go."
I got ready and wore a white t-shirt and jeans and the mask. They walked out toward the cold air. It was 6 o'clock and people and their kids were already walking down their block. A few kids dressed in costume rang thei door bell and I gave out a few candies. Joyce was dressed as a witch with a large black hat and dress.
They walked across the way to the Smith's home. The driveway was decorated all in lights and hanging lanterns and ghosts. I placed my mask on and we went to the front door.
"Your mask," Jake said.
"Oh yeah," I place it on my face.
The door opened and the smiling Mr. Smith greeting them.
"Trick or treat," we said.
Mr. Smith said, "Go ahead. Take your pick."
Mr. Smith held our a large orange bowl. We all grabbed one piece of candy.
"Go ahead and get more. We bought a lot."
We all said, "Thank you."
I followed Joyce out onto the street. It was dark, darker than I had seen before. Joyce felt it too and she looked around. I could tell.
"Come on. Let's go to the next house," Jake said.
I didn't move. Joyce shook her head. She wasn't as strong as I was in sensing ghosts and it seemed as if something was happening. I turned and saw her. It was the little girl I saw in the abandoned house. She was standing in the middle of the street and she was looking at me.
She was dressed in a white night gown and her bare feet touched the ground. She stared at me and pointed to the mansion.
"Hemingway! Hey we have been talking to you," Joyce said.
"Sorry. But I see her."
"The Dunne little girl."
They were all silent.
Jake said, "What do you want to do?"


We walked to the next house and got more candy. The ghost girl disappeared and I forgot I saw her. Tonight was my night for trick and treating. Looking back on this night, I was selfish.
Yet, as I walk with my sister and Jake, I thought about the impending explosion of my family. My mom had made it clear that she doesn't want my dad to ever come back. I even wonder if my mom was secretly dating somebody, maybe one of her so called "artsy" friends. I didn't want to think about that.
I held my plastic pumpkin in my right hand and I heard the slosh of the candy moving to and fro. I also noticed how Joyce was talking to Jake. Their shoulders almost touched as they walked and I wondered if my sister liked him. I told her about Jake's many conquests with women, but she was a big girl and could make her own decisions.
I felt like I was going through the emotions not caring if I could candy or not. A cold wind picked up and ruffle my hair. I took off the mask and peered ahead. I thought I heard my name in the wind but it was only the rustling of people walking by.
"Let's go home," I said.
"What?" Jake said. "Our pumpkins are not even full of candy."
Joyce looked at me.
"It's that ghost."
"No, I'm just not feeling good," I said trying to dispel the disquieting feeling that the ghost girl was standing next to me.
"Well, it's still early and mom's friend are still at the house. Stay with us for a while."
Jake said, "Hey, do you want to go to the Lookout Point?"
Nobody said anything for a while. Lookout point was a place behind a series of homes. It was a place attained by walking up a steep hill until they walked on a flat plateau. The place was also a hang out of delinquent kids who always had alcohol or drugs.
Joyce said, "Is it safe?"
"Nah, it's fine. I have been there many of times," Jake said looking at me for confirmation.
"What will we do there?" she said.
"Hang out. I think there's a party there or so I heard."
I said, "Who said that and why weren't we invited?"
I couldn't see Jake's face in the mask and he took it off and said, "Stacy in my history class and we've been invited. She told me."
"Stacy that rich girl who lives up in the hills."
Jake said, "Yes, she wants you to come. She likes you."
Staring at Jakes long face and his dark eyes, I wonder if he was joking.

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