Chapter 1

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Full moons, can be the best night or the worse night of a person life. It know people and animals are to act different around full moons, something to do with the earths surfaces. Which is where the word lunatic comes from.

But full moons for my kind are hard! Are senses heighten more then they normally are, vision get blurred with rage or any strong emotion. Let's just say full moons for us are hard as fuck!

I guess only plus about only being half werewolf, I don't have to deal with that fully. My witch side helps me control my turns. I can turn whenever and wherever I like.

So if I really want to I don't have to turn on full moons, but I do. It makes me feel closer to my wolf side, my mother going on about witch business all the time. Its hard, my stepdad tries to help but he not even a werewolf or a witch.

When I first found out about Ben being a vampire, I was scared shit. But after a while I realised that he was more scared of me. See one bite from a werewolf and he's a gonna. So most full moons he locked in mum and his room.

And with it coming up to the full moon I like to turn as many time as I can, I help calm me, help me clear my head.

So here I was, running through the woods. The woods was my safe place.

The smells of trees and flowers, the noises of birds and insects, trees for miles.

For over 6 years I've been the only wolf in beacon hills, if you don't count my godson Thomas, but he not a full wolf yet. There used to be 4 packs of wolves but shit happened. We don't talk about that!

I slow my pace, when I reach my bag of clothes. Changing from my Wolf form something only some werewolves can do. Another thing I can thank my witch side for.

As I'm changing, I caught a sent for a second but then like that it was gone.

"Ahh" I heard someone scream, probably 60 meters from me, (I don't know, I'm failing maths) I heard more and more screams. I couldn't just walk away, so I followed the screams.

Once I got to where I thought the screams where coming from, I could see a figure running towards the end of the wood.

I quickly follow them out to the road, I saw how they nearly got hit by a car, I saw how he lifted his jumper up to show a big ass bite mark.


That wasn't me! I had full control.

Which mean the sent I thought I smelt was right! There was another werewolf in the woods tonight. And not just any werewolf, an alpha.

As I stepped out of the woods the boy quickly looked around, and my heart dropped. Scott McCall. My mums work friend son, the boy I sit next to in English.

"Ace?" He asked.

"Uh, hey scotty!" I said awkwardly, he drop his jumper when he saw me look at it. He was watching me, confused. "My house is close to here, I heard someone scream! And found you" I quickly explained.

"Oh" was all he said.

"Come on Scott, you can stay at mine tonight, I'll help you clean it then I'll drop you at yours tomorrow before school." I told him, walking down the road.

I could tell he was following me, keeping his distance but watching my every move.

"I'm not gonna kill you mccall" I joked, he laughed. "My mum isn't home, just like yours. They have the same shift" I said.


" I'll see you around McCall!" I told him as he open the door to my car. " yeah!" He jumped out the car, "hey ace, thank you" he said before shutting the door and walking up to his front door.

I slowly reverse out of his drive way, watching his every move.

This is a shit show! He not showing any signs of rejecting the bite which mean now I have a new turn beta and a new alpha to deal with.

He will probably go and tell stiles all this, which mean I will probably get harassed at school now. Fuck my life.


Once at school I shoot my mum a message to tell her I'm at school, when I felt a tap on my left shoulder, I look round to not find any one, I frown.

"Boo" ivy pops up infront of me!

"Shit the bed!"I put a hand on my heart, "you scared the shit out of me, nearly gave me a heart attack" I smirk at her. She laughs. Throwing her arm round my shoulders.

"Want to tell me why you were dropping Scott of to his house this morning?" She asked, I looked shocked, how the hell? "How do you know that" I asked.

"Did you forget, I live opposite to him! I just find it rude you didn't pick me up, I had to ride my bike!" Oh thank god, I thought she was going to ask more questions about why I was dropping Scott of.

"My style is not equipped to ride a bike!" She finished. "Well maybe if you got your license" "hey you know I'm trying, not my fault I keep failing" she interruptes me, as we walk past Scott and stiles. I could feel them watch us as we walked into school.

"Why couldn't Imogen drop you?" I ask her, "she had to rush of early this morning, something about a body being found i don't know, I didn't listen" I laughed at her, waving and quick goodbye going our separate ways to class.

"But she did tell me to ask you if you could watch Tom some time this week, she knows I need to keep up with school and she needs to take a few more shift" Ivy explain, as we walk past Scott and stiles.

"Yeah of course, he can have a sleepover at mine if it easier. She doesn't have to worry about picking him up late on a school night. Just tell her to text me" I told her.

So while I head to English she heads to history. I take my seat, and pull my bag onto my lap.

Taking out my orange pill bottle, unscrewing the lid and putting two of the pills in my mouth, chugging down the rest of my water I had in my bottle. The pill's slide down the back of my throat, then there gone, to do whatever these pills are supposed to do.

I feel a pair of eyes on me, I turn to see a boy from the lacrosse team watching me. "You got a staring problem!" I snap at him. He quickly looks at the board, I smirk watching him panic.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night." This must be the Body Imogen was talking about, but A body in the woods! Jesus this is worse then I thought! I see Scott turn back to stiles and stiles smirking back at him. Ah so stiles was also out there. I wounded where he went!

"And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester." Everyone groans or sighs.

While Scott seems to be having a fit, I watch as he slowly clams down and looks out the window, a girl on the phone. Scott's head move's following the girl in to the building.

The door opens to with the vice principal and a girl walking in, " Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."

My face dropped, Did he just say argent! As in the hunters argent. Oh holy shit could this day get any worse.

She walks down my row and sit just behind Scott, he turn and gives her a pen. Oh come on Scott. Don't go for her!

Ah shit this won't end well!


After trying to convince Ivy to come watch lacrosse practice with me, whitch I failed to do so. Here I am walking up to the bleachers on my own. I look around the field trying to find Issac, I see him just walking on to the field. Give him a quick wave before he goes back to ignoring me.

Issac always been the type of friend that you don't need to spend everyday with to know they care. I know he struggles with his dad and the abuse. The many time he's turn up at my door with a balck eye in the middle of the night. My dad loves the kid. My mum never around when he pops in.

I sat and watched practice, listening into people conversations. Is it possible invading there privacy do I care nope!

"Who's that?" I picked up on Allison conversation with the she-devil herself.

"That's, ace she a bit of a loner, got really bad anger issues, and a load of other stuff wrong with her!" Lydia says like it no big deal.

I look at my feet, my hands in a fist, I need to leave before I do something. "Hey, I want to give you this" I look up to find Scott in front of me.

I looked at him confused, he handed me the old  hoodie of my stepdads I gave him, "thank for letting me borrow it" he smiled at me.

"No problem, glad your feeling better" I give him a slight smile.

He quickly runs of into goal, I watch as he takes a ball to the face! Ouch! But then he started to caught every ball, even the one jackson threw.


You know what i didn't think I would be doing the the evening of the first day back to school! Walking through the woods again secretly following Scott and stiles.

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this - It's a specific kind of infection." I heard stiles say, once I picked up on there voices. "Are you serious" scott asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called - lycanthropy." Stiles laughed, oh god, stiles shut up. The fact that is that is kinda ironic.

"What's that? Is that bad?" Scott panicked, does this kid not watch or read! I thought.

"Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month."stiles carried on messing with him. "Once a month?" Scott asked confused. "Mm - hmm. On the night of the full moon." He then goes on to howls, I have to hold my laugh. We do not sound like that!

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling." He told Scott! "Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me." Scott told Stiles "I know! You're a werewolf! Rrr! Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon." Stiles continue to joke.

They finally stop at the point scott thought he found the body and dropped his inhaler, which I will never need again, but he doesn't know that!

"No, I - I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler." He explained, "Maybe the killer moved the body." Stiles said, "If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks."

"Hey maybe ace found it?" My ears peeked up mor at the sound of my name, "you still have explained that whole thing to me yet" stiles asked, "she heard me scream, she lives around here and told me I could crash at hers, because someone left me" I rolled my eyes and the to bickering.

"Hey did you see her wave at Issac on the field?" Stiles randomly brought up, I frown his chemo signals smelt weird. "Yeah, their friends" Scott said confused.

"Friends? I didn't know that" Scott laughed at stiles words.

I moved from my spot to get a better look at what they were doing, when I caught a sent of another wolf, I look around to find a man in a black Leather jacket

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property." He snapped at them. "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." Stiles replied " Yeah, we were just looking for something, but - Uh, forget it." In an instant the man had thrown scott his inhaler. The man walked away.

I looked between the two boy and the man in the jacket, and chose to follow the older man! The boy should be fine for a while.

Keeping my distance, but if He is a werewolf he know I'd been there the hole time.

I notice we where coming up to a familiar house, a house I never come to, I never even come to this side of the woods cuz of this house.

And then it clicked.

Derek hale!

" I know your there" his voice cut through the silence. I walked out from my spot.

"When did you figure out it was me?" I asked, he turn to face me with a smile. " straight away! You have a type of smell" I scoff at his comment.

I walk up and hug him, he slowly wraps his arms around me and lift me up. I smile. I genuine smile.

"it good to see you little witch" he said, he put me down and step back. I finally got a good look at him. He looked tired. "Your not sleeping here are you?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer me!

"So how you been" I ask, "good, been in New York for a couple year now" I nodded "that cool I always love-"

He turn when I stop mid sentence, I was at the bottom of the front stairs. I looked down at my shoes, trying to convince myself it was just a house.

"Shit, ace! I didn't even think" he rushed to me. He lifted my head to look at him. "You haven't been back since have you" I shake my head.

" I'm sorry" I whisper. A tear falls from my eyes. God I'm being stupid. It just a house ace.

A house with so many happy memories, but so many sad memories with people aren't here anymore.

He pulls me into his chest, " I miss them all so much, Cora! Aunt T, even peter!" I cry into his chest, " I know, me to" he whispers into my ear.

"I miss him so much" my grip tightened on to his shirt, "yeah, I miss your brother too"

We sat on the step of The Hale house, until dark. Talking about memories and stories of the past. How my brother always want me to play lacrosse.

I tried to convince him to stay at mine, "you sure you don't want to? Mum would really like to see you" I asked,

"Maybe another day little witch" he said. He gave me a lift to my car, promising me he would keep in touch.

I watch as he drove away, with a feeling I'm my stomach I hadn't had for a while, peace maybe no it was like a part of me healed just speaking to the man who was like a brother to me!


And that the first chapter done!

I hope you enjoyed!!

Also ace and derek >>!

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