Chapter 3

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Walking onto the field, ace looked around to find the man she was looking for. Found him shouting at some kid pretty sure it was Greenberg.

"Hey coach?" The older man turn towards the auburn haired girl, "what's up kid?" He always like ace, he liked her brother one of his best players before he died. "I know try outs were a couple days ago but I was wondering if I could tr-"

"No girls on the team" Jackson came out of know where, the girl sighed already pissed of with the boy. "Actually that why it took me till now to ask, I was reading the rule of the school sports section" she lied to both men. Only one who knew that was Scott, who was stood next to stiles smirking.

"Jackson, shut up" coach snapped, "you make a goal past our best defence and goalie your on the team got it?" Coach off the red head. She smiled, a real smile.

"Thanks coach!"

Coach knew the girl was good, she would come and watch every game of her brothers and he would teach her everything he knew.

Get the spare gear on, she quickly grab a stick and went to the front line, pausing as she smelt a familiar smell, locking eyes with derek who gave her a small smile and nod telling her she got this.

She took of running, dodging all the players,

"Holy shit"

"Did you know she could play?" Scott asked stiles, stiles shook his head.

"Yess ace!" Her ears picked up on Issac voice.

Just as Jackson went to tackle her down she jumped up over him throwing the ball into the net!

The stans that had a few people watching from cheered, along with Scott, stiles and Danny.

"That's my girl" coach shouted! "Little red!" Ace looked toward coach "your on the team!" She smiled.

Running over tackling her with a hug, she stood their shocked, when the two boys let go she realised it was Scott and stiles. "Wow ace that was fucking awesome" Scott told her.

"Thanks scotty, Hope didn't steal your thunder" she winked at him. Scott was then called over to coach leave stiles and ace on their own.

"You did really good rory" her face fell at his last word, "you okay?" He asked seeing her face. "Uhh yeah, just I haven't been called rory in a long time" she hoped he would work it out and she wouldn't have to explain it.

Which he did, he nodded "sorry I won't do it again" he awkwardly rubbed his neck, "no your good stiles, it was nice, shocking but nice" she smiled at him.

Issac walked up to the duo. "Nice job piece" he said messing up her hair, she hit him in his ribs with her elbow "thanks Lahey" she smiled at him, in the corner of her eye she could she stiles frowning looking between the two.

"McCall's gonna go again!" Coach shouted!

Jackson got back to his position in mid-field as Scott returns to the front of the line-up for one-on-ones; ace frowned, she could smell anger and hatred, it was coming from Scott. "This is not going to end well" she muttered.

After a moment, Coach blows his whistle to have them start "Let's go!" He yelled, Scott ran full-speed at Jackson, gripping his lacrosse stick hard as he collides with Jackson, his right shoulder hitting Jackson right in the collarbone on the same side. Jackson fell backwards, landing flat on his back in the grass just as Scott had just gone earlier, and clutches his right shoulder in pain

"Oh that got hurt" she said, stiles nodding in agreement, "stiles, he's not in control" she quickly noticed Scott frantic behaviour. "See ya later lahey" she patted Issac on the back and ran off with stiles towards Scott.

Scott's fangs were come out, and his eyes are glowing bright gold again as he desperately tries to keep himself from fully turning, "ah shit right now scotty" ace complained.

"Scott? Scott, you okay?" Stiles asked worried about his best friend, Stiles throws his right arm around Scott's shoulders and uses his left hand to clutch Scott's left arm. Meanwhile, the rest of the players have rushed to check on Jackson.

Off to the side, Scott, panting heavily, whisper to Stiles and ace in a panicked tone of voice "I can't control it, guys! It's happening!"

Stiles eyes widen in alarm when he realizes that Scott's in the middle of a transformation into his Werewolf form and yelps quietly, ace rolled her eyes at his dramatic self,

"What? Right here? Now?" Stiles panicked, "No Tomorrow afternoon, yes right now stiles look at him" ace snapped at the boy,

Ace quickly grabbed the new werewolf and pulled him with her towards the locker room, "stiles lets go.. now" she tells him.

As the three pass the bleachers, Scott and stiles are too preoccupied with Scott's current dilemma to notice that Derek is standing behind the stands and off to the side, watching them with a focused expression, ace gives derek a waning look that tell him 'leave it to me'

"Stiles take him to the locker room, i have something in my bag that will help, I'll be there in a second" she told him, before running off.

Running into the girl locker room, she grabs her water bottle and pepper spray.

Running into the locker room, she finds Scott about to kill stiles, "hey puppy! Pick on someone your own size" she flashes her orange eye at him, making Scott growl. Before he got close enough to her she chucked the water for her bottle all over him, and sprayed him in the eyes.

"Ahh" he screamed, Scott slowly calmed down and turned towards ace helping stiles of the floor. "That the second time I've saved your ass from him" she smriked at the buzz cut boy.

"What happened? Why am I wet?" Scott asked, "you tried to kill stiles, the water was me! The water is cold and can confuse new beta when their still learning and the pepper spray was for pain, pain makes you human" ace told Scott.

"It's like I told you before-- it's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger." Stiles then said, Scott huffs , a exhausted laugh came from the re head girl

"But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you hadn't noticed..." Scott was interrupted by Stiles' voice is firm "Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field."

Scott sighed "but ace doesn't freak out and kill people? She did it just fine" the girl turn to scott and laughed.

"Scotty, I've lived with this my whole life and only in the past couple years have I managed to get a whole of my turn and half of that because of stupid pills I take" both boys frown at her words.

"My mums a witch, magic pills for my werewolf temper and shit, anyway my brother taught me how to control my shift on the filed" she looked at her hands when speaking about her brother.

Stiles sighs deeply and looks Scott in the eyes

"You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game." Scott immediately tries to protest against this, but Stiles cuts him off

" I'm first line--"

"Not anymore."

"Sorry scotty" ace got up and walked off before they could talk to her more.


Ace learnt against a tree in Scott's backyard waiting for the older man who had picked her up telling her they need to talk but first he need to speak to Scott.

When she heard shouting she huffed before climbing up to his window "derek get of the poor kid" she snapped at the older man.

"Ace?" Scott said confused but before he said anything else derek was gone and so was ace.

"What the fuck" he whispered to himself.

Now walking through the woods towards aces house, derek was walking a little behind ace "so do you like traumatising teenage boys? Or is it just my classmates" she joked,

"Shut up ace!" He pushed her jokingly forward,

"No you shut up" she turn and punch him, she smirked.

" I could take you" he told her, she laughed "I would like to see you try" the two werewolf's messed with each other all the way to ace house. "Okay enough" derek tap ace arm, as she had him in a head lock!

"Headlock are illegal asshole" derek huffed, ace laughed "take it up with my lawyer" she smriked.

"Ace. He would be proud" derek then said, she stopped walking and turn to him "I really hope he is"

The front door of her house opened before she could even get up the first step, "ace? I thought you were up- derek?" The brown haired man spoke

"Hey dad!"

"Hey Ben"

The two werewolves spoke, ben raised his eyebrows at the two. "I don't want to know! Neither of you are hurt so I don't want to know" he said shaking his head walking back into the house.

Derek went to leave, "derek hale you walk away and I will kick your ass. Get in here" derek sighed walking up the stairs like a 5 year who just got his toy taken off him. "Your in trouble" ace smriked.

"So are you aurora!" Ben yelled from inside, "ah shit, look what you've done. Got me in trouble to asshole" she shoved derek as she passed him on the stairs who now had a smrik on his face.

"Both of you stop acting 5 and get in the house"

"Yes Ben"
"Sorry dad"

Ben laughed at the two, as he watched from the kitchen when the two entered the house. "So derek when did you get back?" Ben asked, raising his eyebrows telling the boy not to lie.

"About a 4 days ago" ben nodded, "and ace when did you know he was back?" Ace awkwardly rubbed her neck "about a 3 days ago" ben just hummed as the response.

"Did you know ace try out for lacrosse?" Derek blurted out, hating the way the vampires was watching him. Ace head snapped towards derek "you little shit" she whacked him round the head.

"Is this true ace?" Ben asked. "Umm maybe" she looked down at her hands.

"Ace?" He asked again, "fine! Yes it's true" she huffed. Ben smiled "that great honey" she frowned "wait your not mad?" She asked.

"No of course not, bit annoyed i had to find out through derek" Ben told the girl, "yeah well my plan was not to tell you in general" she shrugged. Ben sighed. "I won't tell your mother" her eyes light up. While Derek looked confused.

"Really?" She asked Ben, he nodded. "Now Bed, you have school tomorrow" ace just growled.

"Oi no werewolf shit around me, you know the rules" ben snapped, "sorry dad, night derek"

"Night blaze" he gave her a small smile, she smiled back at her old nickname.


Okay this is a filler chapter! And a way for me to introduce you to ace's step dad who she calls dad!

Also ace is so different around derek and Ben it's so cute! She just feels safe with them!

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