《5》Sudden Teamwork《5》

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what's this?
Author-chan finally updating this book?

Excuse me for the late asf update
I did this at 3 am be fucking grateful-
*last update was in November 2018 woops-*
Lmao let us continue

You said in a monotone and angry whisper.

"Eep! Y-yes (Y/n)?"
He squeaked while turning to you.

"Out of all the places in this room, you just had to pick a seat..."

"Next to this guy?"
You asked with your right eye twitching.

"I can fucking hear you!"
Bakugou yelled at you as if you were far away, loudly.

"Good! Then your hearing isn't as bad as your attitude and memory!"
You scoffed out while crossing your arms and turned to the other direction.

"Quirkless bitch! You want to go!?"

"Pfft! Is that the only insult you can think of you fire hazzard!?"

"(Y/n)! K-kacchan! P-please settle down!"
Deku squeaked out, literally sinking into his seat due to the both of you quarelling.

Both you and Bakugou started to have a stare off for a moment. His sharp, red eyes, burning with anger staring intensely into your (sharp/round/ah whatever fucking shape is your eyes-) (E/c) eyes that were also burning with anger.

The reason why you were angry with him was pretty petty if you think about it.
But hey,
He was just an asshole.

You both turned away from each other with a "Tch" and sat back into your respective seats.

"(Y-y/n)... you're not acting like yourself lately..."
Midoriya said while you siply looked away.

"Lack of sleep"
You simply replied while reverting your attention to an absolutely loud Present Mic.

---Time skip---

Right now, You were wearing your favourite coloured hoodie with black tights on.

How unfortunate of you to end up in the same battle area with Bakugou.
How can someone quirkless get into U.A was the question he asks everytime.

But you can prove to him.
That just because you are quirkless it doesn't mean you're useless.
Infact, you will prove it.

You slid on the gloves your mother and Hatsume made and put on your boots which were also made by them.

These 'Babies' don't really do much but absorb the kinetic energy whenever you punch something.
The buttons visible on them helps to release that energy as a pulse explosion.

Just press the button and 3 seconds later,

And then he stood in front of you. Katsuki Bakugou.
The asshole who threw your friendship away like it was nothing.

You gritted your teeth at the sight of him then shook this feeling off.
You didn't entirely hated him, no.
You just... wished he'd put his pride away and just apologise.

But no.
That'll never happen.

"Fucking Extras, Don't get in my way"
He scoffed, loud enough for you to hear loud and clear.

"YOU shouldn't get in MY way"
You thought while clenching you fists.

But instead of actually telling him that, you muttered out something like an insult?

Present Mic said which had everyone confused.

Well, except for two.
Both you and Bakugou straight away flew into the area in search for points.

Instantly, you both got surrounded by some 1 pointers with a few 2 pointers.
You dodged the attacks of the robots swiftly then punch one right in the wires and ripped it all out.

Bakugou however, instantly blew the head of the robot away while cackling.

"Guess he's enjoying this."

You rolled your eyes while dodging a robot arm that swung towards you. You grabbed the arm, tangled your foot into the wires then pulled it back out, ripping the wires out while you're at it.

"Papa said go for the weakpoints, show everyone that every single thing has their weak spots"
You thought while panting after destroying another robot.

Bakugou was busy killing robots until he didn't realise one ready to attack him from behind.

"Bakugou look out!"
You yelled while kicking the robot right in it's face.

You landed onto the ground then pressed the button on your boot. You then quickly ran towards the robot you kicked and swung another kick at it.




The kick landed right in one of it's joints. Then the robot started to vibrate and fall apart with it's parts slowly flying along the pulse explosion.

"You fucking extra! I had it covered!"

"I wasn't saving you! I was just pushing you away from my target!"
You retorted while dodging robot attacks.

"What the fuck was that!? When did you get a quirk!?"
He asked while exploding the robots infront of him.

"It's not a quirk! It's my mom's tech!"
You yelled back at him while ripping out more wires.

"Why do you even care about that!?-"

Then the ground shook, interrupting your argument, which also caused you to trip over onto your butt.

You silently cursed while rubbing your head.
Then you looked up with eye's widening and pupils shrinking.
It was a zero pointer...

A huge ass
Zero pointer.

Bakugou yelled while shoving you to the side.

You were about to retort but a huge robot foot came in between.
Was he...
Saving you?

Don't get your hopes up.
Maybe he just doesn't want to be the one who cleans up your dead body.

He yelled which made you shake your head.

"Shut up, I'm trying to think"
You said while getting up.

"Where's my fucking thank y-"
He yelled but then got interrupted by the huge robot's destruction.

"This robot.. is huge-"

"Are your gloves at max?"
Bakugou asked in a rather calmed matter.

You replied while getting into stance.

"I'll throw you up there"
He said while grabbing onto your hips.


He yelled while throwing you with his explosions which surprisingly only stung a bit.

Wait a second
How are you so calm?-

The jerk just fucking yeeted you to the robot to maybe kill you!

You wanted to yell out in horor but nothing came out of your mouth.
You were terrified because of how high you've been thrown but then your face turned straight as your eyes scanned the robot, finding a place to land.

There was a rather average opening near the robot's neck. Which means you can crawl into the robot through that opening and mess around with it's circuits.

"Better not mess this up-"
You said while landing onto the robot's shoulder, barely falling over and held on for dear life.

You pulled yourself up and then went to the small opening you saw earlier.
Squeezing yourself in desperately.

You then pressed the buttons on your gloves and boots, making sure that you've positioned yourself properly.




You yelled out as blue aura exploded from all of your equipment.

Bakugou however was watching anxiously. Wondering if you made it or did you miss your landing and might have-

Wait. The robot's trembling!
And now falling apart...

With you in it-


~~~End Of Chapter 5~~~

Don't kill me-

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