A Fourth of July Wish (Part 15)

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"Where are we going?" Minho asked, not letting his eyes move from Alice's car, who was in front of us.

"There's a huge lake near the place where Melody's siblings go to summer camp. They're having fireworks there tonight." Max told us.

"How far away is it?" Minho asked Max.

"About twenty minutes." Max replied. The thought didn't settle Minho well. "Minho they'll be ok." Max told him.

"Yeah but-"

"I know it's different, especially since it's the first day, but Alice already loves you guys as much as she loves Kyle." Max told him. "I'm not telling you that you shouldn't watch out for your siblings, I'm just telling you that they're with someone you can trust."

"It's, it's just hard." Minho admitted.

"I know how you feel." Max told him. "My cousins used to live in Michigan, north Michigan. Things aren't always the best for them there, they had money problems, they never had enough food for five kids. Their parents didn't know what to do anymore. Then my parents had to go some where, and our aunt and uncle insisted I stay with them. Feeding six kids for two weeks wasn't easy. I helped out were ever I could, from working in the fields to babysitting." Max said. "My point is, life is going to want to ruin you sometimes, but then you find out who your real friends are and you stick with them. Kyle and Thomas are pretty good friends if you ask me, and I don't think Melody would be such a bad friend ether."

"I did get pretty lucky." Minho said, and for the first time that day, he actually smiled for real.

It took us about twenty five minutes to get there, though Minho didn't seem as tensed as before, so I considered it a good side that he was trusting us a little more. We each hoped out of the car, with the cold air hitting our faces. I grabbed Melody's jean jacket that she had left behind. Minho hurried over to his siblings, and Melody waved to her parents who were coming over. Alice and Max were taking out blankets to lay down on the soft green grass. I walked over to Melody. I saw that she already had goosebumps on her skin.

"You cold?" I asked her.

"Not really." She said, I knew that her teeth would start chattering any moment now.

"Melody Elizabeth Reed you have to learn to lie better." I told her as I handed her jacket to her. Melody smiled and she put her jacket on.

"Kyle James Forest, you aren't such a good lier ether." She told me.

"Or maybe we just know each other that well." I told her.

"I like that response better." Melody said. "Come on, the fire works are going to start soon." She told me. We walked over to were millions of blankets were set up.

Zach was talking to Minho, Mina and Kelley were talking to each other, Albert and Rose were rolling around the grass, near the water's edge, Jack, Jack, Jazzy, Michael, and Mike were playing with each other too. Macy and Lilac were playing with each other, Lilac seemed to have grown a lot since I last saw her. She's two now, I reminded myself, Macy's age.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Melody asked me, her face filled with worry.

"Nothing," I replied smiling. "It's just funny how much things can change in less than a year." With that colorful lights started filling up the sky. Colors of red and blue, white in there too. Colors of the rainbow in all different shapes and styles.

"This is when you make a wish." Melody told me.

"What kind of wish?" I asked her, taking my eyes away from the fireworks.

"You make a wish that you hope will happen this year, and when Fourth of July rolls around again, your wish should have come true." Melody told me.

"What if it doesn't?" I asked, already having a wish forming in my mind. Melody smiled at me, and looked at the fireworks in the dark sky and took a few seconds before she replied.

"Then you make your Fourth of July Wish come true." She said.


Author's Note!

Fourth of July is done!!!!!!!! What do you like Kyle wished for???????? Comment below, I would love to know.

Word Count: 731

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